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Lesson 1  Inquiring Informati on 询问Lesson 2  Making A Reservation 预订Lesson 3  Reception 接待Lesson 4 Handling Guests’Complaints 处理投诉Lesson 5 The Cashier 收银员Lesson 6 Telephone Calls 电话Lesson 7 The Housekeeping 客房Lesson 8  Wake—up Call Service 唤醒服务Lesson 9  Maintenance 维修Lesson 10 Laundry Service 洗衣服务Lesson 11  Food And Beverage 餐饮Lesson 12 Bar Service 酒吧服务Lesson 13  Security Service 保安服务Lesson 14 Health And Recreation 康乐Lesson 15  Beauty And Hair—dressing 美容与美发Lesson 16  Secretarial Staff 秘书人员Lesson 17  Shopping 购物Appendix 1  Everyday Vocabulary 附录1  酒店英语常用词汇Appendix 2 Name Of Hotel's Departments 附录2  酒店部门名称Appendix 3  Occupation And Position 附录3  职位Appendix 4 Di shware 附录4  餐具Appendix 5  Menu 附录5  菜肴Appendix 6 Nameplate and Public Notice in Hotels 附录6  酒店标示牌及告示常用语Appendix 7 Commonly Used Expressions in Beauty Parlors 附录7  美容中心常用词汇References  参考资料


  《酒店英语900句》为新博亚酒店丛书之一。本套丛书由酒店培训业、酒店教育业专家,酒店培训师,资深从业人员编写,传授现代酒店管理理念和管理技15,提高从业人员工作素质、工作效率、敬业精神、职业道德水准和持续学习能力,帮助酒店实现以人为本的整体优化目标,在行业竞争中立于不败之地。  关于新博亚酒店培训  新博亚酒店培训,由姜玲女士创办。是中国酒店业最具影响力的国际酒店专业培训公司。属下有美国加州、北京、南京、海南、上海新博亚。新博亚培训拥有国际一流培训图书资源。国际注册酒店培训师队伍,以及国际标准酒店培训课程。新博亚酒店培训是中国饭店协会、重庆市旅游局饭店协会、海南旅游协会饭店分会、西安职业经理人考试中心、新加坡君华酒店集团、海航酒店集团、广东广晟酒店集团、浙江开元国际酒店集团,如家快捷连锁等协会与集团的内部培训供应商。由姜玲女士主编的《新博亚酒店丛书》被中国饭店业经理人委员会选作“中国饭店业职业经理人执业资格认定考试指定用书”。《墨级服务人员资格认定指导教程》成为“中国饭店业墨级服务人员资格认定指定教材”。


  B: Good evening, sir. Welcome to our "Happy Hour"  G: "Happy Hour" ? What is that?  B: Our drinks are at half price from 5:00 p. m. to 8:00 p.m.  G: Great. Give me a double whisky and soda.  B: Straight up, sir?  G: Yes, please.  B: Here is your drink, and youre welcome to come in for a night-cup later, well have some music then.  G: Thank you, I will, but the drinks will be at the regular price again by then, right ?  B: Im afraid so, but youll have all the good entertainment to enjoy.  G: I will think about it, thanks.  G: Is this the the bar?  B: Yes, come in, please.  G: What kind of wine do you offer?  B: Here is the wine list.  G: Thanks.  B: What would you like?  G: Id like to try something typically Chinese today.  B: Would you like something like Mao-tai ?  G: Is there anything else besides Mao-tai?  B: Yes,we have eight famous liqueurs. I suggest you try a cup of Fen Wine from Shanxi.  G: Fen Wine from Shanxi?  B: Right.  G: Let me try it.  B: Here it is, sir.  G: Oh,its excellent.





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