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Unit 1 Spontaneous Human Combustion人体自燃现象PassageQuestionsConversationUnit 2 Strange Rain怪雨PassageQuestionsConversationUnit 3 Crop Circles麦田圈PassageQuestionsConversationUnit 4 Animal Mutilations动物肢解PassageQuestionsConversationUnit 5 The Moving Coffins of Barbados巴巴多斯棺材大挪移PassageQuestionsConversationUnit 6 Human Batteries and Magnets电人与磁人PassageQuestionsConversationUnit 7 The Tunguska Incident通古斯加事件PassageQuestionsConversationUnit 8 Curses and Bad Luck诅咒与厄运PassageQuestionsConversationUnit 9 Spring-Heeled Jack弹簧腿杰克PassageQuestionsConversationUnit 10 BaIl Lightning球状闪电PassageQuestionsConversationUnit 11 The Aliens Are Coming—or Are They?外星人来了!是吗?PassageQuestionsConversationUnit 12 The Loch Ness Monster尼斯湖水怪PassageQuestionsConversation附录 文章译文与解答


  《读超自然现象学英语》每篇学习以数篇短文阅读开始,详细介绍世界各地的奇闻异事。有效学习知识。  针对短文阅读与会话模拟,提供重要单词的双语注释,附有音标,加强词汇学习。  随题附有解题的提示要点。精心设计的问题讨论。让读者深入思考问题的核心重点,帮助您复习、活用及延伸学习。  两到三人的对话模拟。生动有趣的内容,帮助您轻松用英语说超自然现象。  专业美语老师发音,让您学习最纯正的美语发音!  生动活泼的语音语调,让学习迅速又自在!  完全不受时间限制,想听就听!


  这个神秘的世界  我从小就对各种奇怪神秘的现象很有兴趣。我那时候读了很多这方面的书,也看了一些这方面的纪录片。不过我跟很多人一样,都觉得除非是自己亲身遇到,否则这些怪事都只是传闻,不算真的。  我自己是在1985年碰到了这样的事,当时我在西班牙马德里教英文。有一天,我跟三个朋友去郊外的树林里散步。那地方很有意思,是个有历史的地方,留有很多1936到1939年西班牙内战期间建造的军事坑道。我们看了几个坑道后,往回走准备去吃午餐。就在这个时候,奇怪的事情发生了。  我当时走在一个朋友旁边,另外两个朋友走在我们前面。我们走在树林里,附近没有房屋,也没有任何其他的建筑物。突然间,我听到一个声音,就像是老房子破旧的门吱吱嘎嘎被慢慢推开的声音。当时树林里有风,我第一个念头是那是风声造成的特殊效果。不过走在我们前面的两个朋友马上就回过头来,问我们是不是也听到刚刚那个声音。我跟他们说,我觉得那是风声,但是他们说,不对,原因不是风。他们接着告诉我,传说那片树林里常有成群的巫婆(巫术这类神秘的东西在当时非常流行)聚在一起进行各种古怪的仪式。而且其他走过那片树林的人,也有过很奇特的经历。后来我再也没去过这片树林,因为几个月后我就离开西班牙了,但是这段经历我一直没忘。  这些年来我听到也读到不少各式各样的奇闻异事:幽浮、鬼魂、奇特的动物、球状闪电(现在已经被许多科学家承认)、电人、蹈火等等。现在我把其中一些收录在本书里,算是为读者提供一些娱乐和知识。  不过,把一堆故事收录在一本书里,然后藉此惊吓震撼读者,却不刺激读者去思考,实在太容易了。我在这里尝试以更中立的方式呈现这些在英语世界流传已久的故事。我不希望读者全盘接受,想也不想就相信这些故事。现代人尤其应该在读了什么或听了什么之后先思考一番。广告、政客、宗教领袖等诸如此类的人,都希望我们不假思索就相信他们说的话。我们许多人也只想为复杂的问题找到一个简单的答案,所以我们很容易听到什么就相信什么。


  Unit1 Spontaneous Human Combustion  Passage 1  On December 5, 1966 a man named Don Gosnell went down into the basement of an apartment building to read a gas meter1. While he was there, he smelt a strange odor and noticed some blue smoke hanging in the air. He thought he should go to find Dr Bentley, a retired doctor who lived in one of the apartments.  In the bedroom Gosnell found more blue smoke and then, when he glanced into the bathroom he saw a horrific2 sight. There, beside a metal walking frame, was a hole in the floor of the bathroom. It looked as if there had been a fire that had burned through the floor. But the horrible thing was that there was a part of a burnt human leg beside the hole!  Throughout the last 400 years or so, in many parts of the world, people have reported finding the remains of people whose bodies have been almost completely burned up. How it is possible to do this without using a large amount of fuel —— such as in a cremation- is difficult to explain.  But there are other even stranger parts of the mystery. Usually, there is very little damage to anything beyond a few feet from the remains of the victim. Yet surely to burn a body requires high temperatures which should burn the entire building down.  Sometimes, as in the case of the retired physician mentioned above, it has been suggested that the victim was a careless smoker. At other times, it has been argued that the person was a drinker who got drunk, fell asleep by the fire and then the clothes caught alight7.






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