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第一出 标目
第二出 言怀
第三出 训女
第四出 腐叹
第五出 延师
第一出 怅眺
第二出 闺塾
第三出 肃苑
第四出 惊梦
第一出 慈戒
第二出 寻梦
第三出 诀谒
第四出 写真
第一出 诘病
第二出 诊祟
第三出 闹殇
第四出 冥判
第一出 拾画
第二出 玩真
第三出 魂游
第四出 幽媾
第五出 欢挠


 许译中国经典诗文集-牡丹亭下载 更多精彩书评



精彩书评 (总计1条)

  •         1、白日消磨断肠句,世间只有情难诉。   Writing hearts——breaking verse by day,   what of love can a lover say!      2、梦长梦短俱是梦,年来年去是何年   Dreams long or short are only dreams;   Years in or out pass like her gleams.      3、人之患在好为人师   Trouble begins when each has much to teach.      4、你道翠生生出语的裙衫儿茜,艳晶晶花簪八宝填,可知我常一生儿爱好是天然,恰三春好处无人见。不堤防沉鱼落雁鸟惊喧,则怕的羞花闭月花愁颤   You see my skirt emerald green and ruby red, my hairpin sparking with jewels on my head?  The love of beauty is inborn with me, why is beautiful inborn for no man to see?   On seeing me,fish would feel shy, and wild geese come down from the sky, the moon would close her eye, flower with me can't vie.      5、原来姹紫嫣红开遍,似这般都付与断井颓垣。良辰美景奈何天,赏心乐事谁家院   A riot of deep purple and bright red,what pity on the ruins they overspread!   Why does heaven give us brilliant day and dazzling sight?   Whose house could boast of a sweet delight?      6、昨日胜今日,今年老去年   Not so good as yesterday today may appear,   But we grow older this year than last year      7、几曲屏山展,残眉黛深浅。为甚衾儿里不住的柔肠转?这憔悴,非关爱月眠迟倦,可为惜花朝起庭院。   I knit my eyebrows green, like the mountain on the screen.   Why should my quilt restrain my tender heart?   My languor comes not from the part of main sorrow.   To see me in bed till the tomorrow.   Do I regret the fallen flower, so early I went out of my yard?      8、這般花花草草由人戀,生生死死隨人願,便酸酸楚楚無人怨   I happened to pour out my heart by the mume tree;   I would like to linger there its flowers to see, to enjoy life till death without restrain, or shed tear without complain      9、蛟龙失水砚池枯,狡兔腾天笔势孤。百事不成真画虎, 一枝难稳又惊乌   A thirsty dragon cannot fly, nor can a wingless rabbit climb the sky   I can draw tiger at my best,where can a cow find a branch to rest      10、三分春色描来易,一段伤心画出难   It would be easier to paint a vernal scene   Than to reveal the love sickness so lean      11、少不得情栽了窍髓针难入,病躲在烟花你药怎知?   I know that love sickness can't be cured by needles of gold,   nor is there remedy against arnorous cold      12、世间何物似情浓?整一片断魂心痛   What as painful as love sickness appears?   Only a broken heart's sad tears.

精彩短评 (总计1条)

  •     你道翠生生出落的裙衫儿茜,艳晶晶花簪八宝填,可知我常一生儿爱好是天然。恰三春好处无人见。不堤防沉鱼落雁鸟惊喧,则怕的羞花闭月花愁颤。 这段话着实寂寞得很了,心难自欺

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