Freedom! (平装)

出版社:Baen (2006年7月1日)
作者:Martin Harry Greenberg


Liberty is a recurring theme in science fiction. Here's a volume of explorations of this theme, combining landmark stories from science fiction's golden age with new stories by some of today's top writers, including Hugo winner and Grand Master Jack Williamson; Michael Resnick, winner of four Hugos and a Nebula, and author of the international bestseller, Santiago; Michael A. Stackpole, author of eight New York Times best sellers; best-selling novelist Jane Lindskold, New York Times best-selling author James P. Hogan, Robert J. Sawyer, winner of the Nebula Award for best novel of the year; and more. This stellar crew considers how a government-free society could operate, how a low-tech society might throw off the influence of more "advanced" intruders, how the right to own weapons is fundamental to freedom, and much more. In the future, liberty may be even more threatened than in our present-and this volume suggests very unusual ways of defending and advancing it. . . .


Part Ⅰ:GIVE ME LIBERTY! Introduction, Mark Tier Monument, Lloyd Biggle, Jr Gadget vs. Trend, Christopher Anvil The Ungoverned, Vernor Vinge Historical Note, Murray Leinster The Weapon Shop, A.E. van Vogt Second Game, Kathleen MacLean & Charles V. de Vet Committee of the Whole, Frank Herbert And Then There Were None, Eric Frank RussellPart Ⅱ: VISIONS OF LIBERTY Introduction, Mark Tier The Unnullified World, Lloyd Biggle Jr The Right's Tough, Robert J. Sawyer The Shackles of Freedom, Mike Resnick & Tobias S. Buckell . A Reception at the Anarchist Embassy, Brad Linaweaver According to Their Need, Michael A. Stackpole Pakeha, Jane Lindskold Devil's Star, Jack Williamson Renegade, Mark Tier The Colonizing of Tharle, James P. HoganAbout the Authors

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精彩书评 (总计1条)

  •     RT。小说又是来自选集达人M.H.Greenberg的手笔。讲述关于“自由”的选题。1.《Monument》 by Lloyd Biggle,JrLangri星土著人反抗星级强拆队的故事。Langri星是颗很漂亮的星球,被一个开发商看上了,而这种强拆也好、霸占也好、侵吞私地的行为也好,反正大家都懂,无论开发商从地痞流氓层面还是Law的层面是铁定了吃Langri这颗星球,你是不是很佩服科幻小说家的前瞻性和预料性。幸好的是Langri的祖先是一个相当神奇的人,和开发商是一个地方的,但是他很多很多很多年前就预料到了Langri的后代们肯定会他的母星的人相遇,于是他给他的后代们留下了一个抗敌的致命武器。TAX。税收。Langri星的人们试图通过民 主和法 律的方式来和开发商打交道,最后发现还是Tax牛逼啊。故事相当的有点勒古恩.厄休拉的味道。文章发表于1961年,那时候就已经出现了反抗强拆的科幻小说。太神奇了。2.《Gaget vs. Trend》 by Christopher Anvil讲一种新材料,老NB了,刀枪不入的,而这种NB材料成为了美国当地农民反抗强拆的最佳武器。这本书是2006年编的,但是文章1962年发表的。美国人你是有多阴谋论啊。这篇文章无疑又可以成为一篇讲述关于反抗强拆的科幻小说。“人类社会的发展历史就是一部反抗强拆的历史。”这句话不知道是谁说的,准确的出处已经忘记了,但是现在想来,觉得这句话还是有那么点道理的。(未完待续...)

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