
当前位置:首页 > 社会科学 > 语言文字 > 语言变化与生态环境

作者:周庆生 编


《语言变化与生态环境:英文》内容简介:作为组织者的16 IUAES世界大会,中国工会的人类学、民族学(CUAES)决定编辑和发布“人类学、民族学今天系列”--本文收集一系列上面的分支或研究领域,例如,体质人类学、分子人类学、迁移人类学,博物馆和文化遗产、游牧民族研究、语言人类学、医学人类学和民族文化的研究。


1. Language Change and the Economic and Social Transition: the Case of the Jings in China2. Variants of Mongolian Advertisements and Environmental Change: Cases of China and Mongolia3. Looking at Language Change through the Endangerment of Kangjia Language4. Chinese on the Move: an Ethnographic Study of Language Change and Migration5. A Corpus-based Analysis of Changzhouhua-Mandarine Code-switching6. Bilingual Education and Social Harmony in Altay Area7. Time Dimensions of the Contact of Chinese Urban Dialects8. Different Perspectives on Multilingualism in Suriname9. Class in Class: Ideological Processes of Class in Desegregated Classrooms in South Africa


  For adults above 21 years of age, interturn CS mainly serves the purpose of effective communication to adapt to the linguistic ability or habit ofthe addressee or by-stander(s), and also of themselves. For students below 20, intertum CS is not only an effective means of communication, but also a tool to show off, telling their addressee that they, as students in this new era, have received different school education from their parents or from the other adults around them, and that they are very proficient in Mandarine; besides, speaking Mandarine conforms to the regulations of school teachers and the promotion ofthe government.  The statistical analysis of turn maintenance after interturn CS shows that Changzhou natives have acquired a good mastery of both Changzhouhua and Mandarine, and that in most cases they accommodated to the change of codes. In terms of the frequency of turn maintenance, the fact that Changzhouhua turns are significantly more frequent than Mandarine turns suggests that Changzhouhua remains the first code choice in the daily conversations of Changzhou citizens. In terms of the direction, at the levels ofintertum and intersentential CS, the students group switched more frequently to Mandarine and the adults group, more frequently to Changzhouhua. The discrepancy between the two groups refiects the speakers' psychology of identification with the reference group outside of the interaction, as proposed by the "intergroup distinctiveness theory" (Tajfel, 1974). When they communicated with ingroup members, similar social positions, identities and educational backgrounds inspired them to identify with their interlocutors and accommodate to their language habits, hence the relatively fewer CS's and similar frequency percentages of CS in the two directions. When they communicated with outgroup members (members ofthe other group), the adults above 21 years of age did not yield much change because they took on the communicative patterns prototypical of the adults group whose unmarked code choice for daily communication is Changzhouhua. But things were different with the students under 20. Since they tended to rely heavily on Mandarine in their ingroup encounters and since speaking Mandarine was, in their eyes, a positively valued distinctiveness from the adults group, they chose to enhance their positive images through CS to distinguish themselves from the outgroup represented by the adults over 21 years of age.  ……






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