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第1篇  导论和衡量问题  第1章  导论  第2章  衡量  第3章  经济周期的衡量第2篇  宏观经济的一时期模型  第4章  消费者和企业行为:工作一闲暇决策和利润最大化  第5章  封闭经济下的一时期宏观经济模型第3篇  储蓄、投资和政府赤字  第6章  两时期模型:消费一储蓄决策与信贷市场  第7章  包含投资的实际跨期模型第4篇  货币和经济周期  第8章  货币跨期模型:货币、价格及货币政策  第9章  市场出清的经济周期模型  第10章  凯恩斯经济周期理论:黏性工资和价格第5篇  国际宏观经济学  第11章  商品和资产的国际贸易  第12章  开放经济中的货币


  THIS BOOK FOLLOWS A MODERN APPROACH TO MACROECONOMICS BY BUILDING MACROECONOMIC models from microeconomic principles. As such, it is consistent with the way that macroeconomic research is conducted today.  This approach has three advantages. First, it allows deeper insights into economic growth processes and business cycles, the key topics in macroeconomics. Second, an emphasis on microeconomic foundations better integrates the study of macroeco- nomics with approaches that students learn in courses in microeconomics and in field courses in economics. Learning in macroeconomics and microeconomics thus becomes mutually reinforcing, and students learn more. Third, in following an approach to macroeconomics that is consistent with current macroeconomic research, students will be better prepared for advanced study in economics.  Structure  The text begins in Part I with an introduction and study of measurement issues. Chapter 1 describes the approach taken in the book and the key ideas that students should take away. It previews the important issues that will be addressed throughout the book, along with some recent issues in macroeconomics, and the highlights of how these will be studied. Measurement is discussed in Chapters 2 and 3, first with regard to gross domestic product, prices, savings, and wealth, and then with regard to business cycles. In Chapter 3, we develop a set of key business cycle facts that will be used throughout the book, particularly in Chapters 9 and 10 where we investigate how alternative business cycle theories fit the facts.  Our study of macroeconomic theory begins in Part II. In Chapter 4, we study the behavior of consumers and firms in detail. In the one-period model developed in Chapter 5, we use the approach of capturing the behavior of all consumers and all firms in the economy with a single representative consumer and a single representative firm. The one-period model is used to show how changes in government spending and total factor productivity affect aggregate output, employment, consumption, and the real wage, and we analyze how proportional income taxation matters for aggregate activity and government tax revenue.


斯蒂芬·D·威廉森,是艾奥瓦大学(University of Iowa)蒂皮商学院(Tippie College of Business)经济学系金融经济学教授,获“切斯特·A·菲利普斯教授”(Chester A.Phillips)荣誉称号,是里士满联邦储备银行(Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond)的客座研究员。他


  To begin our study of macroeconomic phenomena, we must first understand what facts we are trying to explain. The most basic set of facts in macroeconomics has to do with the behavior of aggregate economic activity over time. One measure of aggregate economic activity is gross domestic product (GDP), which is the quantity of goods and services produced within a countrys borders during some specified period of time. GDP also represents the quantity of income earned by those contributing to domestic output. In Figure 1.1 we show real GDP per capita for the United States for the period 1900-2005. This is a measure of aggregate output that adjusts for inflation and population growth, and the unit of measure is thousands of 2000 dollars per person.  The first observation we can make concerning Figure 1.1 is that there has been sustained growth in per capita GDP during the period 1900-2005. In 1900, the average income for an American was $4,232 (2000 dollars), and this grew to $37,773 (2000 dollars) in 2005. Thus, the average American became about nine times richer in real terms over the course of 105 years, which is quite remarkable! The second important observation from Figure 1.1 is that, while growth in per capita real GDP was sustained over long periods of time in the United States during the period 1900-2005, this growth was certainly not steady. Growth was higher at some times than at others, and there were periods over which per capita real GDP declined. These fluctuations in economic growth are business cycles.





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