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Theme: Addiction
Assignment: Autobiographical or Biographical Essay
Prewriting: Freewriting
Organizing: Creating a Narrative
Revising: Describing Character
Using Past Unreal Conditionals
Editing: Choosing Word Forms
Theme: Aging
Assignment: Opinion Essay
Prewriting: Critical Listing
Organizing: Reviewing the Basic Features of an Essay
Revising: Analyzing Introductions and Thesis Sentences
Using Noun Clauses
Editing: Correcting Run-on Sentences
Theme: Personality
Assignment: Descriptive Essay
Prewriting: Making aFlowchart
Organizing: Supporting Main Ideas
Revising: Cohesion Between Paragraphs
Using Identifying and Nonidentifying Adjective Clauses
Editing: Subject-Verb Agreement
Theme: Our Environment——Water
Assiment: Cause-and-Effect Essay
Prewriting: Making a Flowchart
Organizing: Focusing on Cause or Effect
Revising: Writing Unified Essays
Using Discourse Connectors to Express Cause and Effect
Editing: Identifying Sentence Structure
Theme: Cross-cultural Insights
Assignment: Comparison and Contrast Essay
Prewriting: Creating a Venn Diagram
Organizing: Analyzing Methods of Organization
Revising: Writing Thesis Statements
Comparing and Contrasting Ideas with Adverb Clauses
Editing: Varying Sentence Types
Theme: Business
Assignment: Descriptive Essay
Prewriting: Clustering
Organizing: Sequencing Main Ideas
Revising: Writing Effective Conclusions
Using Infinitives and Gerunds
Editing: Using Transition Words
Theme: The Military
Assignment: Persuasive Essay
Prewriting: Focused Freewriting
Organizing: Using Persuasive Reasons to Support Your Point of
Revising: Supporting Your Reasons with Examples
Incorporating Direct and Indirect Speech
Editing: Punctuating Direct Quotes
Theme: The Arts
Assignment: Narrative Essay
Prewriting: Questioning Yourself
Organizing: Starting Narratives
Revising: Using Descriptive Language
Using the Passive Voice
Editing: Using Parallel Structure
Theme: First Amendment Issues
Assignment: Argumentative Essay
Prewriting: Choosing a Technique
Organizing: Including Counterarguments and Refutations
Revising: Writing Persuasive Introductions
Using Tenses Correctly
Editing: Proofreading
Answer Key


  《北极星英语系列教程:读写(高级)写作练习册》分为:“听说”和“读写”两大系列(各5级)。两大系列从不同角度讨论同一主题。激发学生的想像力。倡导学生批判性思考。两大系列既可分开使用,也可同步采用。  特点:  两大系列主题相关,便于巩固语法、词汇,话题广泛、趣味性强,各项技能综合训练,练习活动极具针对性和趣味性.


  清华大学出版社引进2003年版培生教育集团面向非英语国家精心打造的2l世纪最新英语教材——《北极星英语系列教程》(NorthStar)。引进出版NorthStar除了因为其知识内容极其丰富、内涵颇深又极具亲和力等特点以外,更重要的是我们发现她非常符合教育部正在启动的新一轮《大学英语教学课程标准》的思路与精神。我们认为无论从教材的形式还是内容上,该系列教材更能适应新世纪英语学习者需要。其特色如下:  听说与读写并重  该系列丛书分《听说》(Focus on Listening and Speaking)和《读写》(Focus 0n Reading and Writing)两大系列。其中《听说》的每个单元设置七大版块。大量操练听说,将听力理解能力与表达能力完美结合。教学模式更体现交互式、个性化、自主性  课本、光盘、网络互为补充,强调互动式学习。注重把教师与学生之间、学生与学生之间的反馈通过练习轻松、自然地反映出来,既有利于提高教学质量、活跃课堂气氛、评估学生学习效果,又激发学生的学习兴趣、提倡自主学习、促进学习效率。配套学习网站免费提供网上资源库、教师指导、网上阅读、写作、听说练习等。  注重培养应用能力,非应试教育  着重生活工作中需要的技能,如:演讲、场景对话、走出教室实战练习、信件、总结、学术小论文等。  编写思路明确,编写人员水平出众  遵循外国人学习英语的普遍规律,由著名美国教育专家Frances Boyd和Carol Numrich主持、召集英美30多位常年从事对外英语教学的专家和教师编写。  语言真实地道,文化信息量大;主题相关,便于巩固  注重把语言技能的训练与知识文化有机结合起来,使学生在英语学习过程中除了学到语言的形式以外,还学习其文化内容。书中主题丰富多样、贴近生活、时代感强,灵活实用。如:年轻企业家的成功,食物对心情的影响,语言与性别的关系,情商与智商,等等。


  Use the feedback you received from the peer review, your own notes, and commentsfrom your teacher to help you revise your first draft. As you are writing, ask yourselfthese questions:Does the introduction effectively engage the reader, explain the issue, and state yourposition?Do all the paragraphs directly support your position with facts and examples?Are the most common counterarguments taken into account, and are they refutedwell?Have any concessions to valid counterarguments been made and shown not toweaken your position?Does the conclusion follow logically from the arguments? Does it offer anysuggestions for the future, if relevant?Is the essay edited for correct use and form of all verb tenses?





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  •     书不错。推荐

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