
当前位置:首页 > 教材 > 高中通用 > 新课标高中英语完形填空1000题

作者:徐新 编




第一部分 完形填空1000题
 Passage 1
 Passage 2
 Passage 3
 Passage 4
 Passage 5
 Passage 6
 Passage 7
 Passage 8
 Passage 9
 Passage 10
 Passage 11
 Passage 12
 Passage 13
 Passage 14
 Passage 15
 Passage 16
 Passage 17
 Passage 18
 Passage 19
 Passage 20
 Passage 21
 Passage 22
 Passage 23
 Passage 24
 Passage 25
 Passage 26
 Passage 27
 Passage 28
 Passage 29
 Passage 30
 Passage 31
 Passage 32
 Passage 33
 Passage 34
 Passage 35
 Passage 36
 Passage 37
 Passage 38
 Passage 39
 Passage 40
 Passage 41
 Passage 42
 Passage 43
 Passage 44
 Passage 45
 Passage 46
 Passage 47
 Passage 48
 Passage 49
 Passage 50
第二部分 答案及答案详解


  You may think that you are an average student——average grades,the fact is that you don’t study very hard or you don’t study at a11.You probably ——you will never get good grades or be a top student.But this is not necessarily SO,as anyone can become a better student if she/he——to.It is true that you may not be enthusiastic about everything you study,but by using your time properly and a couple of my proven techniques you may——your grades without additional work.  Plan your time carefully.After making the list of things that you have to do,you should make a——of your time.First fill in committed time for eating,sleeping,dressing,meetings with your friends etc.Be sure to—— enough time to complete the work that you are normally assigned each week——by yourself or by your teacher.Of course studying shouldn’t——all of your free time.Don’t forget to set aside enough time for entertainment—— English corner,hobbies and maybe just relaxation.  Find a good place to study.Keep this —— ,which may be a desk or simply a corner of your room,free of everything —— study materials.No games,radios,television,cell phones or pagers!When you sit down to work, ——on the subject!Dont go to the place you have chosen —— you are ready to study.  Scan before you read.This——looking a passage over quickly but thoroughly before you begin to read it more carefully.Scanning a passage lets you ——the material and get a general idea of the content,and will help you ——your reading speed and improve your comprehension.





精彩短评 (总计15条)

  •     后面有详解 对答案很方便
  •     刚到货,送货还行,质量跟书店买的差不多。内容很喜欢,没买错
  •     学校在叫定语从句,我就做这部分,效果不错。
  •     还没开始写,不知道如何,不过看解释倒还蛮详细的
  •     嗯 词汇量很大 提高阅读能力 刚做了两篇学习到不少
  •     被1000题这个书名吸引的,没想到竟然是完形填空20题+20题这样累积的1000题,总共才50篇材料
  •     难度不小
  •     自己不太清楚,不过看起来还不错,帮同学买的
  •     不错 书是正版的!
  •     题目不错,对孩子有帮助。
  •     挺有难度的。。。看得我想死。。
  •     书还不错,留着慢慢看
  •     跟初中版一样好 偏难
  •     给妹妹买的,大致看了一眼,感觉还不错,希望对学习英语有很大帮助!
  •     正版很赞 包装不错 印刷很正 内容不错 性价比很

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