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《马克·吐温自传》内容简介:In this Autobiography I shall keep in mind the fact that I am speakingfrom the grave. I am literally speaking from the grave, because Ishall be dead when the book issues from the press.




In this Autobiography I shall keep in mind the fact that I am speakingfrom the grave. I am literally speaking from the grave, because Ishall be dead when the book issues from the press.I speak from the grave rather than with my living tongue for a goodreason: I can speak thence freely. When a man is writing a book dealingwith the privacies of his life——a book which is to be read while he is stillalive——he shrinks from speaking his whole frank mind; all his attemptsto do it fail; he recognizes that he is trying to do a thing which is whollyimpossible to a human being. The frankest and freest and privatest productof the human mind and heart is a love letter; the writer gets his limitlessfreedom of statement and expression from his sense that no stranger isgoing to see what he is writing. Sometimes there is a breach-of-promiseease by and by; and when he sees his letter in print it makes him cruellyuncomfortable and he perceives that he never would have unbosomedhimself to that large and honest degree if he had known that he was writingfor the public. He cannot find anything in the letter that was not true,honest and respectworthy; but no matter, he would have been very muchmore reserved if he had known he was writing for print.It has seemed to me that I could be as frank and free and unembarrassedas a love letter if I knew that what I was writing could be exposed to no eyeuntil I was dead, and unaware and indifferent.




I have not come across a better man than he was. I washis guest for two or three months every year, from the fourth year after weremoved to Hannibal till I was eleven or twelve years old. I have neverconsciously used him or his wife in a book but his farm has come veryhandy to me in literature once or twice. In Huck Finn and in Tom Sawyer,Detective I moved it down to Arkansas. It was all of six hundred milesbut it was no trouble; it was not a Very large farm——five hundred acres,perhaps——but I could have done it if it had been twice as large. And asfor the morality of it, I cared nothing for that; I would move a state if theexigencies of literature required it.It was a heavenly place for a boy, that farm of my uncle John's. Thehouse was a double log one, with a spacious floor (roofed in) connectingit with the kitchen. In the summer the table was set in the middle of thatshady and breezy floor, and the sumptuous meals——well, it makes me cryto think of them. Fried chicken, roast pig; wild and tame turkeys, ducksand geese; venison just killed; squirrels, rabbits, pheasants, partridges,prairie-chickens; biscuits, hot batter cakes, hot buckwheat cakes, hot"wheat bread," hot rolls, hot corn pone; fresh corn boiled on the ear,succotash, butter-beans, string-beans, tomatoes, peas, Irish potatoes, sweetpotatoes; buttermilk, sweet milk, "clabber"; watermelons, muskmelons,cantaloupes——all fresh from the garden; apple pie, peach pie, pumpkin pie,apple dumplings, peach cobbler——I can't remember the rest. The way thatthe things were cooked was perhaps the main splendor——particularly acertain few of the dishes. For instance.……





精彩短评 (总计11条)

  •     有才!有笑有泪。
  •     喀喀湖鱼丸多哈电视卡了解到手机
  •     买的时候没有注意,这是英文版的。结果只好很费力的看了。
  •     发货速度还是一如既往的快。比起亲自去图书批发市场省事多了,而且价格也实惠。
  •     主要信息不完全
  •     一切都很棒,可惜选的是纯英文版读起来费劲。
  •     一直很喜欢马克·吐温,觉得他是个有大智慧的人。
  •     书上的灰尘都还没清干净,别的一般般
  •     这个是名家的作品
  •     此书很好, 只是字体太小
  •     英文不会,而且书到的时候就比较旧,看起来不太新。

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