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作者:徐群力 编




Section One SportsPassage 1Passage 2Passage 3Passage 4Passage 5Section Two HealthPassage 1Passage 2Passage 3Passage 4Passage 5Section Three HolidaysPassage 1Passage 2Passage 3Passage 4Passage 5Section Four TransportationPassage 1Passage 2Passage 3Passage 4Passage 5Section Five FriendshipPassage 1Passage 2Passage 3Passage 4Passage 5Section Six Cooking and FoodPassage 1Passage 2Passage 3Passage 4Passage 5Section Seven People We AdmirePassage 1Passage 2Passage 3Passage 4Passage 5Section Eight Future LifePassage 1Passage 2Passage 3Passage 4Passage 5Section Nine Interesting EventsPassage 1Passage 2Passage 3Passage 4Passage 5Section Ten HobbiesPassage 1Passage 2Passage 3Passage 4Passage 5Section Eleven JobsPassage 1Passage 2Passage 3Passage 4Passage 5Section Twelve Fun PlacesPassage 1Passage 2Passage 3Passage 4Passage 5




  古人云:“熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟。”古人又云:“读书破万卷,下笔如有神。”英伦名仕nancisco Bacon爵士亦云:“Readingmaketh a fuu man.”(读书使人完美。)英语中更有格言,日:“Readingis to the mind whal,exercise is to the body.”(阅读之于心灵,犹如运动之于身体。)  学习一门语言,阅读和背诵是两件很重要的事情。  阅读可以使人明理,使人睿智。在阅读的过程中,我们感知语言的美,感悟语境的美。通过阅读,我们培养语感,积累素材。通过阅读,我们体验文化,训练思维。  背诵可以使人博古通今,使人雄辩。在背诵的过程中,我们体验英语的用词习惯,我们感受英语的行文习惯。通过背诵,我们巩固词汇,强化写作。通过背诵,我们提升思维,拓展自我。  为了给初中学生的英语学习提供朗读和背诵的材料,我们经过一年多的筹备,组织来自于浙江省的优秀的中学教师,编写了《英语经典美文诵读》。  本书选材时充分考虑了《英语课程标准》的要求和现行初中英语教材的语法、话题及词汇,具有题材新颖、体裁广泛、循序渐进、难易适当、语言优美、朗朗上口等特点。每篇文章中的生词均有注释(英汉双语解释),对重点句型和优美句子均进行了强调,以供学生参考,学生在阅读之后还能记录学习到的新词和新句型。  书中如有不当之处,敬请批评指正。


  One day, Dickie decided to buy a watch for his wife. Unfortunately, it began to rain on his way to the shop. Dickie was caught in a heavy  rain. He was wet and looked like a tramp. Therefore the shop assistant refused him to the shop. So Dickie left the shop, without saying anything. A short time later, Dickie went back into the shop with a large heavy paper bag. The shop assistant was unwilling to serve him again. Dickie got so angry that he shouted at the assistant. When the manager found the man was Dickie, the richest man in town, he blamed the assistant for treating the customer so rudely. After the shop assistant counted 3,000 coins, which were 300 pounds in total in the large paper bag for the watch, Dickie left theshop happily, with his nice present for his wife.  New Words and Expressions  unfortunately: unluckily 不幸福的  tramp : one who travels aimlessly about on foot, begging for a living 流浪汉  unwilling: done, given, or said reluctantly 不情愿的  blame: say or think that sb or sth is responsible for sth bad责备  count : calculate the total number of things or people in a groupcoin:a piece of metal, usually flat and round, that is used as money 硬币





精彩短评 (总计13条)

  •     里面每篇文章都配有中文翻译,还有新单词,短语,读书笔记等。内容很齐全,是以本不错的书,建议各位去买买看
  •     买来送给我的科代表们,挺适合初二的学生,可以让她们扩大阅读量
  •     应该不错,配合教材,给孩子增加点知识面
  •     英语初级 还是蛮好懂的 文章也很美
  •     东西很好 孩子很爱看
  •     内容还可以,是比较好的阅读材料
  •     内容还可以更优美些!右边把译文直接刊出,其实并不好,不利于检查孩子学习程度。
  •     阅读让孩子融入到语言环境中去感受语言的魅力。
  •     美文诵读 以为是很好的文章
  •     书不错,可以丰富孩子的英语阅读内容,简短好记也不会因过长产生厌烦情绪。如果能配套标准朗诵的MP3或者其他有声资料一起那会更好。
  •     书的内容分多个主题 便于用作拓展各方面阅读的素材
  •     短而精,里面有标出好词好句,有译文,适合初中生
  •     话题挺全,内容也比较贴近初三所学,但生词较多,有一些篇目用于背诵不太合适

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