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作者:姚春鹏 译注





我生在我 自事其心

遥想古人生活在没有声光化电尚未物化世俗化的世界里,大概会有很多闲暇时间去反省自身思考自然吧 - communion with Nature 。“天道自然,人道自己”, 远离匆忙逼仄的人世观,和喧嚣琐碎的世界, 也许更能彻底安静下来,认识和体味“道的亲近”和“智的直觉”。虽然中医的纯朴系统理论现今无法完全用科学的方法验证和解释 - 科学本身就是立足于局部界定和研究的Reductionism. - 但中医的实效还是几千年来显见的,其根植于“生活医学”的approach, 也更能符合天地人三合的理想追求而带来个人化的愉悦启发。 《黄帝内经》,虽然没仔细看,想必是最早和最好的中医著作吧。今天看到一篇Huffington Post里的专栏,讲西方人热衷的Fitness, 列举的几条也无非常识的看法 - “知易行难”, 还是择要摘录如下:Pay Attention to Eating Healthy: This probably comes as a no brainer, but it really can't be emphasized enough – how well you eat every day carries great weight on how long and happy you live. Think more fresh green vegetables, lots of water, a wide range of different legumes, seeds, nuts and fruits. As for animal proteins, if you must, fish and white lean meats are a much better alternative to fatty red meats. Go easy on sugar, caffeine and other health busters. As for portion sizes – the smaller the better! Studies have shown reducing daily calorie intake in animal by 25% has extended their lives by an equal amount of time. Eye opening isn't it?Always Stay Active: This is daily activity like walking, light exercise and yard work more so than intense gym routines or fitness fads. If you love the gym certainly go, but make sure you stay active in other possibly more important ways too. Not only will you be healthier, likely live longer, but studies all agree you will feel much better about yourself and be much happier too. Stay active and your body will thank you!Manage Stress Efficiently: If there's anything that's a silent killer it is certainly stress. Life stresses can sometimes be unavoidable no matter how hard we try. What we can do is learn methods and techniques which can help us manage and handle our stress efficiently and effectively. Find one (or a few) which resonate with you most and fall back on them for stress relief.Stay Social: There's no doubt those of us who make a point of taking the time to be more social with friends and family live longer and happier lives. Beyond the obvious of being more social with those already in our lives, don't forget to reach out in other new areas too. Isolation leads to depression which for sure is something we all need to avoid. Get out there and socialize!Embrace Belief:Pull yourself away from the television and other mind killers, and take that time to tend to your own spiritual development or that of those close to you. This positive energy will help supercharge your spirit and carry over into all areas of your long and happy life.Get High Quality Sleep"If there's one area that's neglected the most by people trying to be more healthy and happy it has to be there lack of focus on getting in quality sleep. In this high demand, always on the go society it's easy to forget how important it is to recharge our brains and bodies with a good night's rest. The bare minimum of sleep you should be getting a night is eight hours of solid shut eye. Less than that and your body is definitely suffering for it. Simple changes like keeping your bedroom cool and dark and turning off the television when it's time to call it a night may be enough to deliver the perfect night of sweet dreams. Try it and see how much better you feelAvoid the Worst Vices:There's a few things we should absolutely avoid if we are going to live our lives to the fullest. Topping the list are the real killers: smoking and drinking alcohol to excess. Don't hesitate to get help quitting if you need it – it can literally be a matter of life and death!其实也都是些简单易行的道理:饮食,运动,起居,情志。关键是能培养起和坚持良好的生活习惯,有意识的去关注调整和改进自己的生活状态吧 (无论如何)。“养心者无害而已,养气者在有帅”。心智清明,行动灵敏,才能体现出一个人的精气神来。Aging 是一个自然的过程,“气力渐衰损,转觉日不如”,能做到“不违自然”最好;至少是不能失掉生活的意志和情趣,“值欢无复娱,每每多忧虑”,在忙碌或忧愁间度过大好的时光,那就是彻底的失败。。。从现在起,就要多加注意了,“三省吾身”,“谨养而勿劳”,切记切记。"So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit." - Matthew 7.17





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