
当前位置:首页 > 外语学习 > 职业/行业英语 > 商务英语函电习题集

作者:闫兴伯 编


《商务英语函电习题集(国际商务专业)》是国家规划教材《商务英语函电》(第二版)(ISBN 7-04-0P9765-0) 的配套教学用书。 《商务英语函电习题集(国际商务专业)》按照教材编排顺序编写,包括每课附加练习、课文译文和补充注释、练习题答案以及综合模拟试题等,并附有国际贸易常用术语。 本习题集可作为中等职业学校、五年制高职国际商务专业教学辅助用书。


第一部分 练习第一单元 商务书信第二单元 建立发展贸易关系第三单元 询盘与报盘第四单元 还盘第五单元 贸易合同与订单第六单元 支付第七单元 装运第八单元 保险第九单元 开证与改证第十单元 索赔与理赔第十一单元 磋商交易第十二单元 代理第二部分 课文译文及补充注释第一单元 商务书信第二单元 建立发展贸易关系第三单元 询盘与报盘第四单元 还盘第五单元 贸易合同与订单第六单元 支付第七单元 装运第八单元 保险第九单元 开证与改证第十单元 索赔与理赔第十一单元 磋商交易第十二单元 代理第三部分 练习参考答案第一单元 商务书信第二单元 建立发展贸易关系第三单元 询盘与报盘第四单元 还盘第五单元 贸易合同与订单第六单元 支付第七单元 装运第八单元 保险第九单元 开证与改证第十单元 索赔与理赔第十一单元 磋商交易第十二单元 代理商务英语函电综合模拟试题及答案附录 国际贸易常用术语




  本习题集是高等教育出版社出版的中等职业教育国家规划教材《商务英语函电》(第二版)的配套教学用书,与教材内容结合紧密,供学生在课上或课余使用,有利于学生进一步巩固已学的知识,扩大知识面。  本习题集包括每课附加练习、单元练习、教材课文译文、补充注释、附加练习答案及单元练习答案、综合模拟试题和国际贸易常用术语。  在附加练习中,侧重专业术语和常用短语和句式、语法知识、中英互译。  单元练习供阅读和英译汉用,其中有些知识超出课本知识范围,但也是函电中常谈及的内容,可选择使用。  课文译文和练习答案仅供参考。  本习题集力求方便教师教学,方便学生自学,从而使学生更好地掌握本专业知识。本习题集编写分工如下:第二、三、四、五单元练习及答案由曲晓中编写,第六、七、八、九单元练习及答案由韩英编写,第十、十一、十二单元练习及答案由方义龙编写,课文译文及补充注释由闰兴伯编写,全书由闰兴伯统稿。参加本习题集编写的还有王慧、杜松、孟文韬、赵丽娟。  需要说明的是,在实际工作中使用的商务函电,尤其在互联网时代,私人沟通频繁,更趋口语化,而教学中的函电,多数属于典范的语言,显得过于正统和呆板。  由于编者水平有限,时间仓促,差错之处在所难免,恳请指正。


  12 The goods must be in all aspects fully equal to our samples and inferior goods will be rejec-ted.  13 While thanking you for your offer of yesterday, we regret being unable to accept it as the time of delivery is too distant.  14 Though the quality of your products is slightly better than theirs, the price-gap should not be so great.  15 As business has been done extensively in your market at this price,we regret that we can not accept your counter-offer. It is our hope that you would reconsider the matter and let us know by return.  16 For good order's sake, the sellers send the Sales Confirmation or Sales Contract to the buyers, giving full particulars of goods sold, terms of payment, etc.  17 We hereby confirm having sold to you the following goods on terms and conditions as speci-fied below :  18 We are pleased to have transacted this first business with your corporation and look forward to the further expansion of trade to our mutual benefit.  19 The gloves are to be packed in dozen or in single pairs,preferably the latter.  20 In reply, we would like to inform you that the supply of this commodity in our market has so far been monopolized by a Japanese make.  21 It was a very unpleasant surprise to learn that the terms and conditions we finally agreed upon had been turned down by your company.  22 As this is a trial order, we trust you will attend to it with special care.  23 We thank you for your giving us a trial and promise that your orders will be dealt with promptly and carefully.  24 We used to purchase this article from other sources but we now prefer to buy from your cor-poration because we are given to understand you are able to supply large quantities at more attractive prices.  25 The highest discount we can allow on this article is 10%.  26 The market situation is entirely in our favor.  27 Desirous as we are to expand our business with you, we feel very regretful that we can not accept your counteroffer or even meet you half way.  28 To step up the trade we are prepared to lower our prices by 5%.  ……






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