
作者:(德) 史悌芬·海姆
页数:2册 (1029页)页




Early life
Helmut Flieg, born to a Jewish merchant family in Chemnitz, was an antifascist from an early age. In 1931 he was, at the instigation of local Nazis, expelled from the Gymnasium in his home town because of an anti-military poem. He completed school in Berlin, and began a degree in media studies there. After the 1933 Reichstag fire he fled to Czechoslovakia, where he took the name Stefan Heym. In Czechoslovakia, the only remaining democracy in Central Europe at that time, he worked for German newspapers published in Prague such as Prager Tagblatt and Deutsche Zeitung Bohemia and also managed to have some of his articles published in translation by Czech newspapers. During this time he signed his articles under several pseudonyms, Melchior Douglas, Gregor Holm and Stefan Heym.[1]
[edit] United States
In 1935 he received a grant from a Jewish student association, and went to the United States to continue his degree at the University of Chicago, which he completed in 1936 with a dissertation on Heinrich Heine. Between 1937 and 1939 he was based in New York as Editor-in-Chief of the German-language weekly Deutsches Volksecho, which was close to the Communist Party of the USA. After the newspaper ceased publication in November 1939, Heym worked as a freelance author in English, and achieved a bestseller with his first novel, Hostages (1942).
From 1943 Heym, now an American citizen, contributed to the World War II war effort. As member of the Ritchie Boys, a unit for psychological warfare under the command of émigré Hans Habe, he experienced the 1944 Normandy landings. His work consisted of composing texts designed to influence Wehrmacht soldiers, to be disseminated by leaflet, radio and loudspeaker. These experiences formed the background for a later novel, The Crusaders, and were the basis for Reden an den Feind (Speeches to the Enemy), a collection of those texts. After the war Heym led the Ruhrzeitung in Essen, and then became editor in Munich of the Neue Zeitung, one of the most important newspapers of the American occupying forces. Because of his pro-Soviet inclinations Heym was transferred back to the US towards the end of 1945 and was discharged because of "procommunistic" mindset.
In the following years he worked as a freelance author once again. In 1952 he gave all his American military commendations back in protest of the Korean War and moving first to Prague, and in the following year to the German Democratic Republic (GDR, "East Germany").
[edit] GDR
In the GDR Heym initially received privileged treatment as a returning antifascist emigre. He lived with his wife in a state-provided villa in Berlin-Grünau. Between 1953 and 1956 he worked at the Berliner Zeitung, thereafter primarily as a freelance author. In the early years of his life in the GDR Heym supported the regime with socialist novels and other works. Heym's works, which he continued to write in English, were published by a publishing house founded for him, named Seven Seas Publishers, and in German translation were printed in large numbers.
Conflicts with the GDR authorities became apparent from 1956 on, as despite the destalinisation of the leadership the publication of Heym's book on the 17 June 1953 uprising, Five Days in June, was rejected. Tensions increased after 1965, when Erich Honecker attacked Heym during an SED party conference. In 1969 Heym was convicted of breaching the exchange control regulations after publishing his novel Lassalle in West Germany. He was nonetheless able to leave the GDR on foreign trips, such his two-month visit to the US in 1978, and his books continued to appear, albeit in lower print runs, in the GDR.
In 1976 Heym was among those GDR authors who signed the petition protesting the exile of Wolf Biermann. From this point on Heym could only publish his works in the West, and he began composing works in German. In 1979 he was again convicted of breaching exchange controls and excluded from the GDR Authors Association. Heym expressed support for German reunification as early as 1982, and during the 1980s supported the civil rights movement in the GDR, contributing a number of speeches to the East Berlin demonstrations in autumn 1989.
Stefan Heym's grave
[edit] After reunification
In the years after reunification Heym was critical of what he saw as the discrimination against East Germans in their integration into the Federal Republic, and argued for a socialist alternative to the capitalism of the reunited Germany. At the federal elections in 1994 Heym stood as an independent on the Open List of the then Party of Democratic Socialism, and won direct election to the Bundestag from the seat of Berlin-Mitte/Prenzlauer-Berg. As chairman by seniority he held the opening speech of the new Parliament in November 1994, but resigned in October 1995 in protest against a planned constitutional amendment raising MPs' expense allowances. In 1997 he was among the signers of the "Erfurt Declaration", demanding a red-green alliance (between SPD and Greens) to form a minority government supported by the PDS after the 1998 federal elections. He died suddenly of heart failure in Ein Bokek in Israel whilst attending a Heinrich Heine Conference.
Heym was honoured with honorary doctorates from the University of Bern (1990) and University of Cambridge (1991), and honorary citizenship of Chemnitz, his birthplace (2001). He was also awarded the Jerusalem Prize (1993) for literature 'for the freedom of the individual in society', and the peace medal of the IPPNW. Previously he had won the Heinrich-Mann-Prize (1953), and the National Prize of the GDR, 2nd class (1959).
He was buried in the Weißensee Cemetery.

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精彩书评 (总计1条)

  •       作品以十字军为标题,显然影射着些什么?事实上在历史上十字军也只是在少数心目中有正面形象,绝大多数人会认为十字军只是打着宗教旗号的利欲熏心者,为了名为了钱为了利而去光明正大的屠杀。作者是不是暗示着二战时的美军也有着这样的想法和理念呢!  看到法利虚将军和韦洛拜等人的样子我觉得就是,法利虚将军显然有着巴顿将军的影子,这不是电影《巴顿将军》,法利虚将军是个勇士,但他的勇敢是建立上不惜牺牲普通士兵生命之上的,而且这种牺牲的目的与其说是想战胜法西斯,到不如说为了自己的飞黄腾达。而韦洛拜则有着美国大资本的本质,为了在战后控制欧洲的财富,他们不惜与敌人勾引,也是资本无国界,利润也是无国界的。  当然美军中也有着相当多的勇敢正面的人,正如同书中表现德军阿登大反攻之时所写,他们出于不同的目的来到战场,他们抱怨连连,可是他们面对德军的进攻时,不惜一切抵抗的就是他们。只是这种人是永远无法步步高升,只能默默无闻甚至死去,这就是十字军,二战时的十字军。

精彩短评 (总计4条)

  •     上学时读过的印象深刻的一套书
  •     大学时图书馆有这本书,因为看起来是繁体字而没有借。现在孔夫子上买到了。果然是好书,什么时候能重版呢。
  •     还不错。
  •     我手上这套是上海译文出版社版的。

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