
出版社:Farrar, Straus and Giroux (BYR)
作者:Nancy Garden


Liza never knew that falling in love could be so wonderful . . . and so confusing.

"'Liza,' Mom said, looking into my eyes, 'I want you to tell me the truth, not because I want to pry, but because I have to know. This could get very unpleasant . . . Now--have you and Annie--done any more than the usual experimenting . . . '

'No, Mom,' I said, trying to look back at her calmly. I'm not proud of it, I make no excuses--I lied to her."

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精彩书评 (总计1条)

  •     At first I thought this Nancy Garden is(yeah, she is alive.That's why it's so hard to find a free copy of Annie on My Mind on the net) a gay writer. Her name is Nancy, so I associate it with Nancy Drew and "Nancy boy"( Or at least her parents hoped she were gay). No, she is just a teenage-literature writer(anyway secretly I think she just still can't face herself or come out, she might be gay) who wrote another book told a story about two little sisters fighting a burglar stuff, something helps you doze off if you are not underage. This book-Annie on My Mind has undergone a ban when it first came out in 1992 when some educational officials thought it was porn(while D.H.Laurence literature was not then?) whereas the gay theme was the real cause. Amid the reading, I always had a strong feeling-"Nancy Garden is not gay? My arse!",for only those who had empirical experience avail themselves of depicting a lesbian relationship so vividly. At least 6 years from my first-love days, my heart unfailingly jumped at Annie's implicit and tender flirts, which emerged so frequently that hardly gave me a respite. Because I literally considered Nancy was talking about me and felt as if I were completely dismantled in front of her,being vulnerable and susceptible to a mind-reader. Even the buying-the-same-kind-of-ring-in-Christmas scene had actually happened to me(some may think it boarders on an impossible crap,however,it might not be a coincidence for two people know each other badly and have the same sex.), hence I believe that all the other dykes must have the same kinds of feelings as I do.The storyline seems like a frayed cliche nowadays since it was told repeatedly and more lively by many lesbian-themed motion-picture such as Fucking Amal, Sonja, But, I'm cheerleader , all of which pivot on a I-can't-believe-that-I-am-a-dyke-but-super-happy-with-it-now theme(save Sonja). However, everyone has a distinctive angle and their own narrative way of telling coming out stories, which dissect the iterated theme into several dimensions. In Nancy's arrangement, we saw five major dimensions: Lisa's family, Lisa's school,Lisa's neighbours, Lisa and Annie themselves, and the author speaks aside as a third person, all of which could be dwelled upon by deeper and more detailed sorting, while in Sonja we saw one of them, and in But, I'm a cheerleader two. In Fucking Amal, nearly every facet serves to self-denial is involved: Agnes and Elin's family, Agnes and Elin's schoolmates, even a strange driver witnessed their making out that represents the general societal view on this issue. Nonetheless, in a movie, even if you push the slow-motion button and watch the player's action one by one, it's still difficult to see through the superficial picture into the personas' minds, which could be achieved by reading between the lines in pages.From the gratuitous attachment to a girl she incidentally met for the first time,to the suspect of her own sexuality, to the exploratory acceptation of her own predisposition though with guilty,to the passionate and the lingering yearning to be close to Annie,to the frustrated scene of getting caught in bed,to the resolved thought to herself that " Lisa, you are gay!", Miss Winthrop slowly exposited her coming out process in front of the readers, which all in all expressed a notion of "queer as folk". The way that two girls fell in love depicted in the book, when it comes to heterosexual couples,is equally adaptable except for the resistance and hardship Lisa and Annie encountered, which pointed out the illuminating value of this book-to help anti-gay people(they probably set the book on fire before reading it though) review this "evil,abnormal and unnatural attraction". As a matter of fact, I don't think that Nancy must be gay after reading the book. I took it for granted that I knew the delicate feelings and empathy delineated in the book better than most readers because I experienced it myself or to simplify it-because I'm gay, notwithstanding,it behooves everyone who had ever fallen in love to understand Lisa and Annie's love romance that is simple,pure and empyrean irrespective of what the hell the others approach to it. Compared to the inflicted heroines almost got riddled with holes , another heterosexual couple in the story received bolster and blessing from nearly everyone. I guess from the observation of Nancy, the differential treatments to these two kinds of couples in her life inspired her to stand up for the unfortunate few, especially young lesbians, whose love stories had been overshadowed by stereotyped fairy tales all these years though deserve to surface. Speaking of which, it reminded me of those scenes where Lisa was a knight and Annie was her mistress, which screams "Queer" and is fraught with sexual connotation, at the same time, pure and ingenuous as the taste of first love. Ellen DeGeneres once had said that" We are all the same.We really are.", which could be labeled as the subtitle of this story in my view.Know the truth, and truth will make you free.补记: 初识的Annie和Liza扮王后和骑士的场景真是浪漫得我头重脚轻...而之后的学校私会、家中小聚、码头真相浮现,相互致歉,确立关系,害羞的太极式恋爱还有在同志老师院落中畅想未来缅因州生活的情节...顺理成章地令人信服,因为这些跟我——我们——所经历的很多太相仿。但结尾,电波中互诉衷肠之后,Annie和Liza未必能修成正果——按照梦想,在缅因州成家立业,生下2.43个孩子,养一堆猫,拥有一个麻省建筑系科班的Liza亲自设计的家庭舞台,让Annie带着孩子们站在上面合唱,招来街坊四邻的钦羡...她们还有很多考验,除去之前所遭遇的同辈的不解、父母的愕然、学校校委会的所谓“受辱”,她们还要应对长期分居异地的窘境。2011年,两位主人公都已三十五六,是否在18年内克服了种种困难,挣脱世俗枷锁,达成了青葱岁月时两人曾在她人院落中遥想的幸福?这个问题,Nancy Garden也回答不了,只有我们自己能够求证:用许多梦想和拼搏去堆砌一个完满的结局,还是在现实的桎梏中慨叹和绝望?在每位读者的续写中,Liza和Annie的前途茫茫,是需要自己用一字一句去慢慢凊散的。

精彩短评 (总计21条)

  •      - 27.05.16
  •     很干净的小说
  •     花了大约一周的时间看完,现在最有印象就是最后Ms. Stevenson和Mr. Widmer跟她们两个说的那段话,Don't punish yourselves for people's ignorant reactions to what we all are. Don't let ignorance win, let love...
  •     I read it in africa,i like it because it's very simple the languge,but the emotion doesn't change.And i think that's a amazing experience of youth.
  •     欣赏liza 和 Annie,这是我见到这类小说里最健全的人了,我好感动!健全的作为人,连直人都少有做得到!
  •     回忆 我可以凝视着封皮 长久的 安静的 温柔的 那不是对谁 只是对那段时光而已
  •     其实没看多少,不就是小清新言情么,没劲
  •     开头略狗血但很快渐入佳境以至于看的过程中不断感叹天了噜天了噜天了噜!好想回到大学时代!继续纯洁的校园恋情!终于看英文也能泪目我的英文是不是有进步惹(
  •     开篇第一句好吸引人,看了6章之后最终还是放弃了。感觉如同论坛上的文章,情节设定也颇为老套,各种脱离感
  •     没看完1/4就弃了,我真的很讨厌“遇到奇特孤单的古典小美女”的情节,对,人人都喜欢传奇,国人尤其喜欢,但是,不是人人都是freak, 也不是每个freak都最自己是个freak那么沾沾自喜
  •     非常清新魅力的小说。最喜欢开头:Its raining,annie……然后是对宿命一般的相逢的回忆,Lisa沿着歌声寻找,那个人一回眸间,故事已经注定。
  •     在“审判”上妈给我做了头发,让我穿上了连衣裙。结果我们都穿着连衣裙,好像在试图证明——看,我们是女的,我们穿裙子呢。
  •     The beginning isn't quite good, but the development is truly fascinating, and real. Words from the ignorant teacher and student made me sick and indignant, but I'm so glad to see a happy ending. "Don't let ignorance win, let love."
  •     一般。青春小插曲,美剧既视感。
  •     看别人纠结什么的最爽了!自己也被虐得爽爽的!不过17岁少女们好爱演啊莎士比亚什么的……
  •     How soft and yet strong the love is. I wish I could go back to tell younger me that everything would be okay
  •     在撸姬文的路上越走越远了...一段好纯洁的校园恋情,两个女高中生从不知觉地爱上彼此到慢慢接受作为同性恋的身份。情节挺老套的,但是依然很甜啊而且好团圆的结尾XD 书中有两个女老师是一对儿,好喜欢这个设定呀真是的///
  •     校园啦青春啦...完全不适合老阿姨!
  •     读完的第一本英文小说,有些purple.纯洁,心暖。
  •     呵 现在感觉BG要好看多了-_-|||
  •      'Lisa and Annie's love romance that is simple,pure and empyrean irrespective of what the hell the others approach to it' quote from katja

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