自在作自己Approval Addiction

作者:Joyce Meyer



Bestselling author Joyce Meyer confronts the need for approval that is so evident in today's world. So many people these days have an unhealthy need for constant affirmation and are unable to feel good about themselves without it. Thiscan lead to major problems in relationships and may even turn into an addiction. In her latest book, Joyce Meyer provides a release from the need for acceptance from the outside world-an acceptance that is unfulfilling and leads only to disappointment. She provides a supportive voice that understands the effect of insecurity in one's life. Her abiding message is that God provides all the security one needs, and through Him one can attain freedom from the approval addiction.


Introduction:Understanding Approual AddictionPAPT Ⅰ  ACCEPTNG WHO WE ARE  1.Facing Fear and Finding Freedom  2.Knowing Who You Are  3.Conforming to Righteousness  4.Changing Your Self-Image  5.Loving YourselfPAPRT Ⅱ  ADDRESSING OUR ADDICTIONS  6.Overcoming Approval Addiction  7.Pressing Past the Pain of Feelings  8.Pressing Past Guilt and Shame  9.Pressing Past Anger and Unforgiveness  10.Pressing Past a"People-Pleaser"Attitude  11.Pressing Past RejectionPAPT Ⅲ  BREAKING THE PATTERN FOR THE FUTURE  12.Breaking Controling Powers  13.Using Your PainConclusion:Living Complete in ChristNotesAbout the Author

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  •     Approval Addiction自在作自己,字面意思是讓我們更好的了解我自己。書中提到:阻礙我們認清自己的往往是那些潛意識的「認同上癮」。這個說法看似模糊卻也不乏道理,回顧自己的生活,有多少做法是在渴求別人的認同,對自己成績的認同,對自己選擇的認同,甚至于對自己價值觀的認同。而這種做法的結果只會讓我們深陷其中,忘記本我,越來越不快樂。自在的作自己,不要追求那些所謂的認同感和滿足感,要保持一種「初離心」,對於自己所獲的成就有一種隨時能放下的勇氣,要勇於回歸最初的狀態。對那些虛無縹緲的東西一笑而過才能保持初心,在社交網絡上曬照片,往往是希望別人對你生活方式的認同,在網絡上po日誌,也是期待別人對你思維方式的認同。而這是正需要我們克服的。如何克服「認同上癮」?也許我們可以投身于聖經,用神的話來找尋方向,我們不必刻意做一些事情去尋求別人的認同,我們只要做好我們自己,就會得到神的認同,而這種認同是無條件不設限的,帶給我們的不是負擔而是幸福感。

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