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这是一本故事集,“野性的呼唤”占了全书的主要篇幅。 巴克为苏格兰牧羊犬和圣伯纳犬杂交所生,具有前者的智慧和后者的体格。它被买主从加州运到西雅图,下火车时它试图挣脱兽笼,一个穿红衣的人用木棍把它打晕了过去。狗永远赢不了一根木棍:这是巴克学的第一课。稍后它被卖到阿拉斯加拉雪橇。在拉雪橇的狗群中它很快就脱颖而出,成为首领,并以其严明的纪律使该雪橇的工作效率屡破纪录。巴克成了远近闻名的领头狗。 然而夜晚躺


Note on the Text
Select Bibliography
A Chronology of Jack London
Map of the Klondike
The Call of the Wild
White Fang
Brown Wolf
That Spot
To Build a Fire

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精彩书评 (总计3条)

  •      这是一个讲述狗如何重拾野性回归山野的故事.杰克伦敦还写了篇小说叫<<雪狼>>,讲述一只狼如何被驯服成为"狗".我想变来变去掌控者还是人,如果没有人对动物的折腾,哪会有这样不象话的事.   是宠物也好.家畜也好.野兽也好,都应该有各自的尊严.对宠物不应该被随意取乐抛弃,对家畜不应该过分使唤,对野兽更要理解其本性而不随意破坏自然法则~~~  
  •     Jack London was a world famous writer; he was born in a average family in America. When he was young, his family was to poor to support him to go to school. Because of the poverty, he worked on the force work form very young. He had ever been deliver, sailor and so on. Then he traveled around the America as a hobo. He gained much money, and once entered university of the California. In 1897, he joined in the “golden rush”. He went to the Alaska for his dream. The suffering experiences of his earlier years made him acquaints with the low rank of the society. There was fully filled with the conflicts. There was the resource of his writing. Jack London wrote 19 long novels and 150 short novels. Such as the son of the wolf and the call of the wild were the famous ones. The other famous persons influenced Jack London’s writing. Such as Marks. As a realistic writer, his view was shown in his works. His works praised the love for life and the struggle against the nature. It also shown the philosophy of the “the weaker should be eliminated.” The call of the wild was a story about a dog; its name was Buck, a bid dog. He used to live in the south. But in the 1890s, the golden rush broke out by the finding of the gold in the northwest Canada. Many people rush there to pursue the dream. Buck was stolen and taken to there. There was a new place to him. He became close to the nature. The dangers wake the wildness of Buck. Buck lived in the sunny Santa Clara valley. There was a beautiful place. The master, Mr. Miller taken good cares of him. But this situation didn’t last so long time. Mr. Miller’s gardener cheated him and sold him to a strange man. From then on, his frustrated life began. He hated the new master, he jumped at the man, and barking. But the man beat him down to the ground. Finally he submitted to the man. Then he realized that he can be beaten but not be broken. He had known the man with the club was stringer than him. So the obedience was the best choice although they didn’t have to be friend. After a long train road and another trade, Buck came to the north. He met his opponent.Been the north, Buck had known the furious fights between the dogs, and the death. Buck first realized the importance of the sharp teeth in the competition. There was a strong dog: his name was Spilz. He often bullied the weaker, even Buck. He often ate the other’s food; let them hunger. He often slept the other’s comfortable hole, lat the other slept in the windy and snowy winter night. So Buck decided to have a fight with the Spilz. Live or death, happy or suffering. In fighting with Spliz. Although he was strong, he was serious damaged. But he did not give up. He knew that once a dog was down on the ground, he was dead, a loser. The laughing of the Spilz enraged him. Finally, he killed Spilz. He became the king of the dogs. he still lived in the sad life.Just like that “sleeping in the comfortable hole but have the bad dreams” Buck was not a complete wild dog. He also had the kindness and the royalty. He had ever jumped in the river to save his master. After all, Buck’s ancestor was the wolf. After his master dead, he went to the forest to close to the nature. If you were Buck, would you have the strong fortitude? If you were Buck, would you have the power to life?That’s the life. No one’s life was smooth road. Human society was like the dog’s society.Weaker always is the loser in competition.To be Buck, to be strong.
  •     第一次看这本书,具体不知道什么时候,或许是小学刚毕业,记得是刚吃过晚饭,夕阳染红了大半边天空,透过已经泛白的土窗,洒落一屋的斑驳,每次遇到这种情况,都会在家里乱七八糟的抓上一只虫子,然后,找出早已准备好的放大镜—玻璃瓶底,借着有些“神秘”的光束,便能兴致勃勃的玩上老半晚,当然了,令人最兴奋事莫过于在家中突然听到同伴的吆喝声,如此,其它事情便是在重要也会抛诸脑后,甚至有好几次,饭都来不及吃,胡乱的弄上一碗饭,抬着碗一阵风的跑了,一般情况下,每次这时,基本上都会把碗弄丢,所以,直到很晚,家了人都睡了,才敢冒冒失失的的回到家,然后,偷偷摸摸的爬到床上-----晚饭后,本来没指望伙伴了,都已开始准本抓只虫子“下手了”,不料,秧鸡子直接杀到我家里,神神秘秘的说:“哈哈,你猜猜,我拿来什么好东西,家伙一边说,一边使劲的用手在胸前捂了捂,“这家伙是不是欠揍,敢直接来我家” 平常里,老妈严禁同伴来家找我,美其名曰,小孩子要勤奋,洗碗喂猪割草等等,否则,定有大扫帚,火钳子伺候, 实在是不敢看这家伙再嚣张了,唉,怕体罚,但-------“我说你家伙,有什么,快快交上”平时一向怕我的秧鸡子,今日倒是反常了,竟一个劲的在那炫耀,却不肯透露,我越想越憋气,于是,冲了上去,两个人便厮打起来,谁的功夫高,谁就老大,最后,终于被我抢了过来,看着手中快要面目全非旧的不能再旧破书,简直把我气的半死,真想再K 他一顿-----后来,老妈凶神恶煞回来了,秧鸡子走了,书被我乱扔在凳子上,然后,规规矩矩洗碗喂猪。想起这本书时,已经是几天后的事了,家里人还在地里干活,同样是傍晚,夕阳,坐在门槛上,我一口气把它(野性的呼唤)给读完了。----------------------------------------------------时间过的真快,童年走了,少年没了,转眼间已是成年的我,至今任然怀念着那本破旧的书,那扇泛白的土窗,那道刻满岁月的门槛,如今,大学也即将毕业,尽管很忙,再次看它时,虽然夕阳不在,昨日的一切早已物是人非, 紧紧握在手中,却任然能感受到它的余温—童年。

精彩短评 (总计21条)

  •     书名很吸引我,但内容没多少惊喜的地方。大概下回该看双语版里英文的部分,或者个翻译版本。因所爱的人死从而彻底走向野性的结局早在它爱桑顿的时候就猜到了。爱让人喜悦又害怕
  •     My favorate
  •     更喜欢他的马丁·伊登
  •     最早是我的老师推荐的这本书,他说杰克伦敦的硬汉风格是每个男生都应该读一下的。那种把自己逼到绝境,虽然流着血却还要微笑的风度。个人认为和海明威的风格接近,喜欢硬汉角色的朋友值得一读。
  •     自然比现代人想象的丰富的多
  •     看了很多很多遍也不会腻,算是变成狗这个物种的脑残粉开端,找不到以前看的那本内蒙古出版社和白牙的合集很可惜。
  •     相当精彩的拟人~狗世界的纷争,而人的社会何其不是优胜劣汰如此残酷而现实
  •     是男人就应该像巴克那样活着。
  •     第一本从头到尾啃完的英文书.
  •     正看英文版的
  •     超级喜欢
  •     the 1st english novel, taught me of the elegance of English
  •     向往自由的灵魂
  •     我们终归哪里来哪里去,遵循心中野性的呼唤。(看的是英文版,怎么说,觉得可能反而看得不太深入)
  •     这是我喜欢的第一部小说。
  •     我喜欢的动物
  •     第二次看,之前,大概读初一还是初二吧,看了个简版的,挺好看的,几乎是一口气,在车站等车时看完的,想起了福克纳的熊。
  •     泉州 杰克外文书店
  •     哇
  •     英美文学上影印的应该就是这个版本的,英文的,杰克伦敦是冒险家+硬汉
  •     Animal humanized...

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