
作者:吴长镛 编




Unit 1Part A TextText A Public RelationsText B Disney Expands Its Product MixPart B Fast ReadingUnit 2Part A TextText A Reflex BuyingText B Her ChoicePart B Fast ReadingUnit 3Part A TextText A Marketing WizardText B Marge, a Top-notch SalespersonPart B Fast ReadingUnit 4Part A TextText A Eight Steps to Success in NegotiatingText B Funds Find a Mutual Admiration SocietyPart B Fast ReadingUnit 5Part A TextText A Going DownmarketText B Getting a Grip on the MarketPart B Fast ReadingTest 1Unit 6Part A TextText A A Dragon Raises Its HeadText B A Critical Eye on ShanghaiPart B Fast ReadingUnit 7Part A TextText A H-Share FeverText B When It Pays to List at HomePart B Fast ReadingUnit 8Part A TextText A Window of OpportunityText B Mrs, Wang Gets a Taste for CreditPart B Fast ReadingUnit 9Part A TextText A Chinas Hi-tech LureText B Small, Supple and SuccessfulPart B Fast ReadingUnit 10Part A TextText A Currency QuestionsText B A Brave New World?Part B Fast ReadingTest 2vocabularykey


  《新编商务英语泛读》是商务英语系列教材之一。教材中的语言材料均选自当代英美报刊杂志以及某些商务专著,其内容新颖、涉及面广。本教材旨在通过较大量的阅读,使学生巩固已学的基本词汇和语法知识,扩大词汇量,加强语感,提高英语阅读能力。若配合本系列教材的其他分册使用,则更能系统地掌握商务英语的基本词汇及其表达方式,全面地获得有关商务的基本知识。  考虑到商务英语初学者的英语语言基础尚不扎实,以前又很少接触商务材料,我们对教材中涉及商务知识的阅读材料作了精心设计:随着学生在其他专业课中商务知识的逐步增加,本教材中商务材料所占的比例逐渐增大。在第l、2册中商务材料约占60%,以上,在第3、4册中占80%.以上,第5、6册课文均为商务材料。  本教材共计6册,每册10个单元。每单元分2个部分。第l部分由课文(Text)及相应的练习组成,其中Text A可作为主课文使用,Text B可作HomeReading使用,教师亦可根据需要作适当调整;第2部分为快速阅读(FastReading),每单元都配有2篇短文及相应的练习,其目的是培养学生在有限时间内快速准确地获取主要信息的能力,此部分可在课堂规定的时间内完成。本教材每册各配有期中与期末2套自测题,用以检查已学过的词汇、语言知识、商务知识及阅读理解能力。每册书后附有该册生词总表及练习答案,供教师和学生参考。  本教材可供普通高等学校、高等职业学校、高等专科学校以及成人高等学校商务英语专业的学生使用,亦可用作爱好英语的非商务英语专业学生的自学课本。各学校在使用本教材时可根据学生英语及商务知识的基础灵活掌握。英语基础好的学生可以直接用第2册作起点,也可有选择地使用课本中的商务材料。  由于时间仓促,水平有限,疏漏和错误之处在所难免,欢迎批评指正。


  In recent years, many amateurs have been buying relatively light-weight andinexpensive video cameras to capture family events and " memories"Frequently, the buyer is a first-time father who wants to record the birth andearly development of his new baby. CA has not offered the low-priced qualitymodels such buyers commonly want. But Rich Monash knew that lots of suchvideo cameras are bought and felt that there ought to be a good opportunity toexpand sales during the coming Christmas gift-giving season. Therefore, heplanned a special pre-Christmas sale of two of the most popular brands of videocameras and discounted the prices to competitive discount store levels —— about$500 for one and $800 for the other. To promote the sale, he posted largesigns in the store windows and ran ads in a Christmas gift-suggestion edition ofthe local newspaper. This edition appeared each Wednesday during the fourweeks before Christmas. At these prices and with this promotion, Rich hopedto sell at least 100 cameras. However, when the Christmas returns were in,total sales were five cameras. Rich was extremely disappointed with theseresults —— especially because trade experts suggested that sales of video camerasin these price and quality ranges were up 200 percent over last year —— duringthe Christmas selling season.





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