
作者:[英] 艾伦·贝内特











《非普通读者》的笔记-第29页 - 29




《非普通读者》的笔记-第46页 - 书之书。为什么读书。

阅读让女王对人类情感的了解更深,能进行换位思考。这就是情商的改变 为什么我们年轻的时候不喜欢看经典的图书,很多早就知道的书。甚至无数次的经过我们的手,都没有翻开,甚至没有读进去。因为我们缺乏对文学的理解。不了解人性书给我们带来对生活的理解,而丰富的生活经历加深,延展出更多我们对书中故事的理解。 见了面反而没有兴趣再读他们的书。我也有这样的感觉。促使我去读很多时间淘沙后历史上的经典。翻开每一本书。都有期待和兴奋。会对其他的事情失去兴趣。沉入书中的世界。外面的环境都不再重要


you don't put your life into your books. You find it there.


The appeal of reading,she thought,lay in its indifference:there was something lofty about literature.Books did not care who was reading them or whether one read them or not. All readers were equal,herself included.Literature, she thought, is a commonwealth; letters a republic. Actually she had heard this phrase, the republic of letters, used before, at graduation ceremonies, honorary degrees and the like, though without knowing quite what it meant. At that time talk of a republic of any sort she had thought mildly insulting and in her actual presence tactless to say the least. It was only now she understood what it meant. Books did not defer. All readers were equal, and this took her back to the beginning of her life. As a girl, one of her greatest thrills had been on VE night, when she and her sister had slipped out of the gates and mingled unrecognized the crowds. There was something of that, she felt, to reading. It was anonymous; it was shared; it was common. And she who had led a life apart now found that she craved it. Here in these pages and between these covers she could go unrecognized.
The doubts and self-questionings, though, were just the beginning. Once she got into her stride it ceased to seem strange to her that she wanted to read, and books, to which she had taken so cautiously, gradually came to be her element.

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