
作者:Jan-Erik Lane




第一部分  導論
第一章 憲法的兩種意涵
第二部分 起源
第二章 憲政主義的歷史
第三章 憲政的觀點
第四章 憲政發展的兩大路徑
第三部分 結構
第五章 國家:制度的要素
第六章 世界上最短和最長的憲法
第七章 憲法與法律秩序
第四部份 理由
第八章 為何要有憲法?
第九章 憲法重要嗎?
第五部分 正義與民主
第十章 是否有「最好的」憲法?
第十一章 民主與憲政主義


Jan-Erik Lane (born 1946 in Göteborg) is a Swedish political scientist. He has taught politics and economics at many universities around the world. He is member of many editorial boards of political science journals. He has published some 300 books and articles. In 1996 (and 2009) he received the Humboldt Award by the Humboldt Stiftung. He has been full professor at the Umea university in Sweden and Oslo university in Norway. At the University of Geneva (1996-2008), he taught and examined alone around 800 students a year at all levels, from 1st year to PhD. He has been visiting professor at several universities in the US, Africa and Asia, receiving a Lady Davis professorship at the Hebrew University in 2006, as well as honorary medal from Kairo Universoty and the University of Qatar. After teaching regionalism and development at the University of the South Pacific in Fiji, Lane was Mercator visiting professor at the University of Heidelberg in Germany and teaches now at the Unıversity of Freiburg in Breisgau as visiting professor. He is a permanent resident in the Republic of Geneva.




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