驾驶席 布罗迪小姐






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精彩书评 (总计4条)

  •     "The complexity of these two characters, especially Jean Brodie, mirrors the complexity of human life. Jean Brodie is genuinely intent on opening up her girls' lives, on heightening their awareness of themselves and their world, and on breaking free of restrictive, conventional ways of thinking, feeling, and being".-----Hal Hager"Over time, Sandy's interest in the man wanes while her interest in the mind that loves Jean Brodie grows."---"it's only possible to betray where loyalty is due".-----opps! "And Sandy thought,too, the woman is an unconscious Lesbian"----------who is lesbian actually?!?!? that confuse me right now...."She seeks to influence her clique of students to do her bidding and this leads to her ultimate undoing."------whhhh"When Sandy reaches maturity, she finds she must distance herself from the mentor she too closely resembles. And yet, the more Sandy imagines she has rejected Miss Brodie, the more Sandy's life parallels Miss Brodie's life. "-----good point"Philosophically, the book is a meditation on predestination. Spark mentions, almost in passing, the Calvinistic view that how you live your life has no bearing on the eternal future God chooses for you. She regularly interrupts the narrative with a glimpse of the future of one of the characters. Often there seems to be no connection between the little girls we are getting to know and the adult women they become. This in itself is a parody of the randomness of the theory of predestination. But the real irony of the theory is played out in Sandy's life. On the one hand, Sandy's dreamy, self-absorbed personality seems a carbon copy of Miss Brodie's. On the other hand, Sandy finds Miss Brodie ridiculous. Sandy tries hard to make choices that reject Miss Brodie's influence. But they all backfire, and the themes that drive Sandy's life - vicarious love and confused renunciation - parallel Miss Brodie's anyway." ------Precisely!"This is a dark, dark novel, deceptively wrapped in the cheerful packaging of birthday and Christmas gift paper. As the story unfolded I found that Miss Brodie was not the harmless beatnik before her time which I was lead to imagine she was. She is also not a classic anti-heroine. Sandy is even darker. She is more Brodie than Brodie; unhampered in her choices by considerations of conscience or sentimentality. "---------YepOk that's all sofar中文版的还没看,先看了英文版的,发一遍~~~~
  •     如果不是下周上课要讨论到,可能就会错过 The Driver's Seat了。短小精悍、结局遂在意料之中,还是分外精彩。特别喜欢书中这段:She traverses the side of the building and turns round to the back where five large dust-bins stand waiting for tomorrow's garbage-men, who will also find Lise, not far off, stabbed to death. At this moment, a disturbed cat leaves off its foraging at one of the half-closed dust-bins and flows into an adjacent blackness. 夜晚走在爱丁堡的街头,看到昏黄的路灯、漆黑的垃圾桶和窜出的黑猫都觉得像走在镜头里,充满了各种故事的可能性。
  •     缪丽尔·斯帕克的书给人以意外。在这两篇小说里,她无不是把结局早早地告诉了我们,却仍然有办法让我们继续往下读。不是文字的质感,不是悬念,而是怪诞的故事,新奇的结构。假如说新时代的文学写作更趋自由,更趋个性,那么这将是个扬长避短的时代。所谓的特出是表现在唯独作者能使用,而且在成为整个创作的生存立意的基础上的。于是创作自己的小说也就成了踏出新路,开辟新途了。在《驾驶席》中反复讲着她的死,从各种目击者的角度,仿佛这是一个案件,然而女主角的行为一直坚定,也一直怪异。我们是在从她一步步接近死亡中体味着她的活着。纵使这样,我们依然陷入荒谬。《布罗迪小姐》则一开始就说明布罗迪小姐会被出卖,整件事情你会找不到正义,也没有可依赖的东西,你完全要自己去想。这些事如此的真,又如此的不可理解。在这本书里,你应当放弃平平白白地“解决”一本书,你必须思考。好像你确实知道这个世界,然而仔细探究起来,便觉得没那么简单。想来在旧书摊淘到这本书,全新,仅要三元,所费少而愉悦多,大大地填饱了我的两个夜晚,确乎近三年来一大乐事。

精彩短评 (总计8条)

  •     补记
  •     翻译不错。神经病聚集,尤其是Miss Brodie,Sandy最后终于像个人了。这书是批判法西斯主义?
  •     似乎看多了都一样,伶牙俐齿地描写
  •     自杀?他杀?~~~诡异的人物,奇特的情节,即使在开头已知道了结局,却还是急切地读了下去~~~
  •     现在译的话恐怕会有人译成"布罗迪小姐的黄金时代"。
  •     Muriel SPARK
  •     《布罗迪小姐》,另有改编电影The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie 春风不化雨,
  •     反叛的人物,亲爱的布罗迪小姐。

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