The Cold Moon(冷月)

出版社:Hodder And Stoughton Ltd.
作者:Jeffery Deaver
页数:544 页页


A stunning new Lincoln Rhyme thriller takes Lincoln and Amelia on a journey of unbearable suspense, by the number one bestselling author.  
It's the night of the full Cold Moon – the month of December according to the lunar calendar. A young man is found dead in lower Manhattan, the first in a series of victims of a man calling himself the Watchmaker. This killer's obsession with time drives him to plan the murders with the precision of fine timepieces, and the victims die prolonged deaths while an eerie clock ticks away their last minutes on earth.
Lincoln Rhyme, Amelia Sachs and the rest of the crew are tapped to handle the case and stop the Watchmaker and his partner, Vincent Reynolds, a repulsive character with a special interest in the female victims of the killer.
Amelia is not only Lincoln's eyes and ears at crime scenes on the Watchmaker case, but she's now running her own homicide investigation–her first case as lead detective. The policewoman's unwavering efforts in pursuing the killers of a businessman, who left behind a wife and son, sets into motion clockwork gears of its own, with consequences reaching to people and events that will endanger not only many lives but Lincoln's and Amelia's future together. --This text refers to the Audio CD edition.

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精彩书评 (总计1条)

  •     因为在内地很少有J.deaver作品的出版,只能在稀有书网站上订购香港或台湾的复印装订版本,所以在我每次忍住口水看librarything或bookwiki上别人的discriptions和conversations的时候,我实在巨分感谢《译林》上登载的the cold moon.让我再复述情节实在是很困难,因为J的HIGH IQ使得这会很艰难。一个职业杀手、一个商人、一个高级犯罪分子,是一个人,化名为钟表匠,是一个将犯罪现场证据的数量降到最低的瘦高男人,将一个貌似连环杀人的事件和一个恐怖组织的国际密谋行动恰如其分地联结,利用的正是纽约警察界的腐败至极的泯灭良知,并还找了一个暴食者兼性变态者的胖子当垫底。侦探莱姆及艾丽西亚的感情线路的展开和艾丽西亚对于自己家庭历史的探询和了解,还有审判女专家(名字我忘了,她还是我最崇拜的!)的帮助,何其精彩!一定要看,请大家支持永远带给我们刺激、紧张、遗憾、狂喜、惊叹和五体投地的崇拜的Jeffery Wilds Deaver!

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