
作者:[美] 欧•亨利 著




The Gift of the Magi
A Service of Love
The Cop and the Anthem
The Last Leaf
A Cosmopolite in a Café
Mammon and the Archer
After Twenty Years
The Furnished Room
Hearts and Hands
The Princess and the Puma
Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen
Witches’ Loaves
Springtime à la Carte
Roads of Destiny
The Green Door
Memoirs of a Yellow Dog
An Unfinished Story
An Adjustment of Nature
The Whirligig of Life
The Pendulum
The Making of a New Yorker
A Midsummer Knight’S Dream
The Count and the Wedding Guest
The Marry Month of May
The Trimmed Lamp
A Technical Error
The Lotus and the Bottle
The Passing of Black Eagle
One Thousand Dollars


欧亨利(O. Henry,1862 – 1910),原名威廉•西德尼•波特(William Sydney Porter),美国著名小说家,是世界三大短篇小说巨匠之一。他笔下的故事充满浓浓的人情味,又带着点心酸,被人称作“含泪的微笑”。

 欧·亨利短篇小说选(英文)下载 更多精彩书评



精彩书评 (总计2条)

  •     或许是现代生活碎片化的时间太多,最近感觉在地铁上或者等待的短暂时间内看看短篇小说比较惬意,故事性强,篇幅短,往往还有意想不到的结局,正好适合这些细小的时间块。正在看的一本是欧亨利短篇小说精选集,初识欧亨利还是从中学时期的《麦琪的礼物》、《最后的常春藤叶》开始,感人的故事,逆转的结局,给当时的我留下了深刻的印象。现在重读才发现作者用诙谐的语言描写了很多美国底层人民的温暖故事。他描写的往往都是生活在最底层的小人物,居无定所,命运多舛,但是不管生活多么艰难,这些人都怀有一颗善良的心,互相关怀。无论是准备礼物的年轻夫妻,还是伟大的老画家,都在这冷酷的社会中彼此传递着温暖。欧亨利擅长用幽默的语言来讥讽社会的现实,比如《警察与赞美诗》这篇,为了抵御寒冬,流浪汉苏比想出了去监狱过冬的想法,作者把监狱比喻成“冬季寓所”,让人在哈哈一笑时不禁为苏比感到心酸。欧亨利式的故事结局也发人深思,苏比几次努力犯事儿力求去“冬季寓所”过冬,都没能如愿,相反当苏比听到教堂里传来的赞歌,正准备积极奋斗时,却被警察给关进了监狱,可笑的故事,可怜的结局,让人感叹被命运捉弄的同时也讽刺了当时美国司法制度的黑暗。在我为书中小人物叹息的时候,也感受到他们所带来的温暖和希望,愿自己保持赤子之心,温暖自己温暖他人。
  •     O Henry is actually a well-known writer among us Chinese students, because most of us have read his most appreciated works including The Gift of The Maggie and The Cop and The Anthem, or even the excerpt of those short stories. What left the deepest impression on me was the sudden and unexpected endings in an O Henry way. It usually made me felt unbelievable but quite reasonable. The surprising and incredible feelings crept into my mind and led me to a second time of reading. Yes, this is the enduring wonders in O Henry’s short stories.O Henry was originally named William Sydney Porter. He had been in many other careers before being a writer. He lived an unsatisfied life and could not earn a steady living. He was then caught to prison. In prison he got the peaceful time to meditate and write something. Some interesting stories just came from here. In my opinion, in most cases a person who writes something cannot be a professional writer until he had experienced many different things about life and tasted all tastes of life. O Henry’s own story was just a sample. He accumulated many penetrating thoughts and ideas in his early ages then he was ready to write the attractive and terrific stories which made him famous all over the world.In the book “Short Stories of O Henry”, there are 42 chapters. Each refers to an isolated stories. Here I want to share two unforgettable chapters with you.The fist one is “ The Gift of The Maggie”. Poor Della sold her beautiful hair so as to buy her husband a platinum fob chain as a Christmas gift. On the other hand, Jim, Della's husband, for the same purpose, sold his gold watch in order to buy Della a set of comb. Although their gifts lost the value, they got true love from each other. Actually when I return to the story, It is not hard to find out that some details which can help us to infer the ending was already set somewhere in the story by O Henry. So when we read the last part of the article, nobody felt puzzled or confused. On the contrary, we admired the excellent ending and was moved by the true love between Della and her husband. Here is a beautiful paragraph I take from the story,For there lay The Combs---the set of combs, side and back, that Della had worshipped for long in a Broadway window. Beautiful combs, pure tortoiseshell, with jewelled rims---just the shade to wear in the beautiful vanished hair. They were expensive combs, she knew, and her heart had simply craved and yearned over them without the least hope of possession. And now they were hers, but the tresses that should have adorned the coveted adornments were gone. This is a paragraph describing Della’s reaction when she saw the beautiful set of combs she had worshiped for long. But on the other hand, she had already sold her hair which matched this set of combs. There existed a great contrast in it and we could feel the pity. But the more we felt sorry, the more we believed in their true love. What’s more, we could point out something about the description itself. O Henry used a number of specific words which made the item---the beautiful set of combs more detailed that it just existed in the real world.Anyway, the couple in the story were seemingly unsmart, for they sold their own most precious thing to buy each other a Christmas gift. Nevertheless, we could feel their love. They could sacrifice the most expensive things they had for each other. They concerned all about each other, which led to the amazed ending. The story told us an easy but always ignored thing---to cherish those who you love and those who really love you. Money means nothing in front of true love.Another story is “ The Cop and the Anthem”. Soapy, a poor and hungry hobo, tried to break laws in order to be sent to a prison without the concern of food, clothes and accommodations. But he failed. When he walked to a church and heard the beautiful anthem. He was deeply moved and determined to be a good man and earn a living on his own. Then he was noticed by the cop and was sent to prison. The story deeply satirized American’s law system at that moment. It likewise reflected some of the reality at that time. The cop did not have a right and fair standard and the law was not good enough. The situation led to a chaotic society. Soapy did many evil things which could have been the proof to sent him to prison, but the cop tolerated them. When Soapy determined to be a good man, he got into the trouble. I think to some extent it indicated that it was not easy to be a good person and a good person was often punished at that time. Here I also want to share the wonderful ending with you,“Three months on the island,” said the Magistrate in the Police Court the next morning.Such simple words! But very powerful and shocking. It told us the destiny of poor Soapy at last. When you were still in the story and considering something about the development of the story, it suddenly ended like this. I was really quite shocked and it took me some time to accept the ending. But then I could only give my sigh. I sympathized Soapy’s fate and learned something more about American history and society.In conclusion, I think the book “Short Stories of O Henry” is a book full of joy and fun. We can try to infer the ending while we are reading the stories. It is a way of communicating with the author. We can feel the reason why O Henry wrote in this way and learn something from his skills and make our stories more and more attractive.by 辛雨楣 WHU

精彩短评 (总计2条)

  •     2007. 我那本英文版豆瓣没有。。。
  •     感觉看福尔摩斯英文版还看得下去 欧亨利的好多生词啊...少不背单词 老大徒伤悲... ...

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