



 将进酒梦如烟下载 更多精彩书评



精彩书评 (总计1条)

  •     2008-01-14 11:07:13 Written by: 布尔费墨  Can't you see, the yellow river's from the sky,   Running like Forrest Gump to the sea without return.   Can't you see, on the grand hall from a bright mirror I see my miserable white hair,   Which in the morning black the evening snow white.      When you get meaning of life you need be extremely happy,   And don't let the golden gun exposed to the moonlight.   God gave me the big penis, it should be useful,   I’ll regenerate 1000 drops of sperm when they are scattered.   Cook the mutton, slice the beef, make their shapes like a dick and a cunt,   And refill my cup with alcohol 299 times.      Master Centlivre and Fellow Dantzig,   Fuck me hard, please never stop.   I'd like to sing with you,   Please wash your ears, listen carefully:      Bells, drums, foods or jades are not dear enough,   I'd rather orgasm forever than waking up again.   From the beginning of the time all saints are lonely,   And only those promiscuous made their names last.      King Charles used to hold big group sex parties,   On that party 10 thousand girls happily enjoyed his 1 gallon of sperm.   My Lord, why are you saying you poor so cannot afford so many girls?   Do take my money and call these girls suck exactly on you!      Slice 5 clours of horses, we got 5*10^5 gram fur,   Call my boy out to exchange that for beauty and alcohol,   Write off our sorrows for 1*10^4 years.

精彩短评 (总计7条)

  •     一个人逛书城就靠它消磨时光了。
      2008-01-14 11:07:13
      Written by: 布尔费墨
        Can't you see, the yellow river's from the sky,
        Running like Forrest Gump to the sea without return.
        Can't you see, on the grand hall from a bright mirror I see my miserable white hair,
        Which in the morning black the evening snow white.
        When you get meaning of life you need be extremely happy,
        And don't let the golden gun exposed to the moonlight.
        God gave me the big penis, it should be useful,
        I’ll regenerate 1000 drops of sperm when they are scattered.
        Cook the mutton, slice the beef, make their shapes like a dick and a cunt,
        And refill my cup with alcohol 299 times.
        Master Centlivre and Fellow Dantzig,
        Fuck me hard, please never stop.
        I'd like to sing with you,
        Please wash your ears, listen carefully:
        Bells, drums, foods or jades are not dear enough,
        I'd rather orgasm forever than waking up again.
        From the beginning of the time all saints are lonely,
        And only those promiscuous made their names last.
        King Charles used to hold big group sex parties,
        On that party 10 thousand girls happily enjoyed his 1 gallon of sperm.
        My Lord, why are you saying you poor so cannot afford so many girls?
        Do take my money and call these girls suck exactly on you!
        Slice 5 clours of horses, we got 5*10^5 gram fur,
        Call my boy out to exchange that for beauty and alcohol,
        Write off our sorrows for 1*10^4 years.
  •     膜拜ing
  •     Running like Forrest Gump to the sea without return.
  •     读到第十页就猜和《单人床双人房》一个系列的,翻至封底,果不其然。
  •     在橱子底下翻出来了
  •     布叔你多久那么黄色了。。。。

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