
作者:顾曰国 编


《成功指南(2):学习技巧》是北京外国语大学应用英语学院同英国文化委员会(British Council)合作,经过7年编写,3年试用而推出的一套高级英语自学教程。“‘专升本’高级英语自学系列教程”是为具有中级英语水平的英语爱好者专门设计的,对已经学过两年英语或已经取得大学英语4级证书的读者尤为适用。本教程以语言、文化和情景为主线,融听,说.读、写、译5项技能于一体,通过各种学习任务使学习者获得用英语进行实际交流的能力。


1.Introduction tO me Second Year Courses2.Updating Your Study Plan3.‘How good will my English be…?’4.Learners and Learning Strategies—-A Survey5.Learning Strategies I:Self-management6.Learning Strategies II:Learning Habits7.Leaming Strategies III:Task—based Strategies8.Learning Strategies III:Task—based Strategies(continued)9.Learning Strategies IV:Learning Through Social ActivitiesExtra—curriculum Reading List




顾曰国,现任中国社会科学院语言研究所研究员,当代语言学研究室主任,《当代语言学》杂志主编之一,博士生导师,获英国兰开斯特大学语言学系语言研究优等硕士学位《1985)、语用学与修辞学博±学位《1987),师从英国学术院Geoffrey Leech院士,同时兼任北京外国语大学校长助理和网络教育学院主管副院长。主要研究领域包括语用学、话语分析、语料库语言学、修辞学和英语网络教育。在国际刊物上发表论文23篇,在国内刊物上发表文章23篇,编辑学术著作4部、英语和语言学教材38部。学术兼职有:国际《语用学》、《话语篇章学》、《语用学》、《语料库语言学》编审,国际语用学协会常务理事,英国诺丁汉大学特聘教授《2004—2007),英国学术院王宽城基金会院士,香港理工大学校外学术委员和学术顾问(2005—2008)。先后获霍英东教育基金第四届青年教师科研类一等奖,北京市哲学社会科学优秀论文一等奖,中国“国氏”博士后奖,国家级“优秀回国人员”、国家级“优秀博士后”称号等。


插图:As you may be fully aware now, writing is an extremely important skill youshould have. For it is a key medium through which you communicate with tutorsand provide the university authorities with written evidence of your academicachievement. Although you have writing tasks in all your first year courses, theyare random and far from being adequate. They can be regarded as warm-upexercises for this course, the chief objective of which is to offer you a systematictraining in writing skills.I'm sure you'll agree with me that the whole business of learning English is toacquire competence and skills in communicating in English with English-speaking people. Without this objective of communication there seems to be littlepoint in learning a foreign language. This course introduces to you somefundamental concepts concerning the triple relations among communication,culture and language, offers you some basic training in handling delicate issues incross-cultural communication, and enhances your awareness of potential pitfallsthat you may have in your future contact with the outside world.Any language, English or Chinese, was born with man, grows with man and willdie with man. In other words language evolves as man and society progress. Thiscourse will show you the social and cultural dynamics that enable English to liveup with the demands of the ever-changing world.






农业基础科学,时尚,美术/书法,绘画,软件工程/开发项目管理,研究生/本专科,爱情/情感,动漫学堂PDF下载,。 PDF下载网 

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