


� 海明威把早年所写的49个短篇,加上剧本《第五纵队》于1938年一起结集出版。其中有的篇 幅较大,例如以白种人到非洲狩猎为题材的《乞力马扎罗的雪》和《弗朗西斯・麦康伯短促 的 幸福生活》,后来都被搬上了银幕。另外有十多篇以尼克・亚当斯为主人公的短篇如《印第 安 人营地》、《杀人者》、《大双心河》等,反映作者本人青少年时期的成长过程,都是充分 体现其“冰山理论”的名作。


第一部 首辑四十九篇�


























































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精彩书评 (总计3条)

  •     The Unconscious Struggle inside the Female--- A Close Reading on Hemingway’s “Cat in the Rain” Talking about the short story, Ernest Hemingway is one must for all readers. Ernest Hemingway is one of the greatest 20th-century American writers who have a tremendous influence on the literature. His “iceberg” technique makes most of his stories meaningful and effective. “Cat in the Rain” is the one of the best. A couple of American stays in an Italian hotel in a rainy day. The wife catches a sight of a poor cat crouching under a table from the rain outside. She wants to bring it in. However when she comes to the yard only finds the cat is missing. After returning to the room a maid sends her another cat. Hemingway said:“There is seven-eighths of it underwater for every part that you show. Any thing you know you can eliminate and it only strengthens your iceberg”. With the “iceberg” theory given by Hemingway, it reveals a fact that the design of every scene, character, plot, movement has its implicit meaning. This short story reveals the unconscious struggle in the wife’s heart, which is between the pursuit of freedom and independence, and being conditioned with the traditional woman situation. This notion is manifested by the feature of the characters, the conversations, and the reaction of the figure and so on. And the cats, which can be considered the main character, are the most impressive ones. The wild cat couching under the table in the heavy rain symbols the freedom and independence which the wife chases subconsciously. In the opposite, the domestic cat, which is sent by the hotel keeper, represents the traditional woman social status or situation—being protected, submissive and tamed. At seeing the wild cat in the rain, a desire of possession arises in the wife’s heart, and even she herself can’t explain why she wants the cat so much. Such kind of desire reveals the pursuit of freedom and independence of the wife. However, Hemingway didn’t give a clear ending that whether the wife receive the domestic cat or not. In my point of view, because the wife doesn’t realize her inside feeling, her confusion, or rather conflict between freedom and tradition is showed quiet clearly. Besides the cats, the theme disclosed by male figures, the husband and the hotel keeper in the story can be found through analyzing their attitude to the wife. Concerning the conversations between the wife and the husband, the response of the husband, compared with his wife’s emotional and long dialogues, is shorter but stronger. Take the husband’s reaction to the wife at the beginning, what he says is, “I’ll get it”, “Don’t get wet” or “shut up and get something to read”at the final. All of these dialogues are seemed more like an order than a suggestion. As for the hotel keeper, every time the wife passing by him, a feeling of affection arises in the wife. Hemingway devoted several sentences to describe the reason why the wife likes the hotel keeper at the first time she passing. She likes the way he received complaints, his dignity, the way he serves her, and so on. And the delight of being serviced is also revealed. The second time she passing, after she finds the cat is missing: Something felt very small and tight inside the girl. The padrone made her felt very small and at the same time really important. She had a momentary feeling of being of supreme importance. From this, the fact that the protection and respect from the hotel keeper makes her feel superior can be discovered. The attitudes to the wife of the husband and the hotel keeper are opposite in a way. Through the reactions of these two male characters, the indifference of the husband and the consideration of the hotel keeper are expressed clearly. The consideration is showed in the details that the padrone asks the maid to send the wife an umbrella and a domestic cat, and he gives a bow to her when she passing. However, no matter what kinds of attitudes, one thing which is the same to wife is that she is under the superiority of the male and cannot escape from this kind of restraint.However, in the light of the wife, to be ordered or to be serviced, she is lack of her own independence. What’s more, the husband, the hotel keeper and even the passer-by (who is a man) share one common feature, that it is, superior. The evidence which can prove this notion is the object used by the male figures. A good illustration is the husband never leaves his bed, the padrone has his own desk, and the passer-by gets a rubber cape. Bed, the most important object in the bedroom, to some degree, represents a kind of superiority, such as a desk in the hotel hall. These two main objects imply the superiority of the male. And compared the wife and the passer-by, the wife runs out of the hotel without any rain gear, while the passer-by wears in a rubber cape which can protects himself from getting wet.This tiny detail also suggests that female cannot protect herself by her own.Another female figure in “Cat in the Rain” is the maid. The twice appearances of her are under the order of the hotel keeper. The first time is the hotel keeper sends her to look after the wife, and the second is the hotel keeper sends her to bring the domestic cat to the wife. Hemingway offers the clue distinctly. “Of course, the hotel keeper had sent her”and “She said, ‘the padrone asked me to bring this for the Signora." Such kinds of plots tells us the low status of the maid, and develops the theme effectively once again. The low social status, dominated by male and without self-awareness is revealed.The comparison between male and female, wild cat and domestic cat in “Cat in the Rain”, shows the superiority of male and inferiority of female. Moreover, the unconscious struggle of choosing freedom and independence or the woman traditional situation in the wife’s heart is showed as the more important theme which Hemingway wanted to tell us.
  •     1951年,海明威写了那部被奥斯特林在诺贝尔文学奖授奖词中赞美的小说,《老人与海》。那时他正被评论家围攻:1950年的《过河入林》是他的最低谷,以至于后来有人猜度,《老人与海》里那些围攻圣地亚哥的嗜血鲨鱼,就象征《过河入林》所吸引的评论家们锋利牙齿。讽刺的是1954年,奥斯特林对《老人与海》的评价:“勇气是海明威的中心主题……勇气能使人坚强起来……敢于喝退大难临头的死神……”这段评语,以及那著名的“你可以消灭他,但打不垮他”,为海明威贴上了“讴歌道义胜利之硬汉”的标签,和杰克·伦敦一起成为了励志读物……关于此事,《老人与海》的结尾几乎是完美预言:侍者企图向贵妇解释,那条大马哈鱼是被鲨鱼撕碎的;贵妇却理解为,那美丽的鳍属于一条鲨鱼。终其一生,海明威,受苦于一战伤痛留下的失眠痼疾,就没有让他笔下的硬汉子们走出过困境。《永别了武器》中冒雨归去的“我”,《老人与海》里最后带回一具鱼骨的圣地亚哥,《太阳照样升起》里无法与爱人在一起只得淡淡解嘲的男主角。1957年在巴黎隔街向海明威呼喊“大师”的马尔克斯说,海明威的小说主旨,从来是“胜利之无用”。一种奇妙的矛盾:胜利无用,赢家一无所得,但他依然要去克服,于是形成了悲哀的空虚。《世界之都》里玩斗牛游戏被误杀的帕科,《杀手》中不愿躲避杀手的拳击手。他们没有像杰克·伦敦的主角般挣扎着逃出生天:他们的勇气,一如海明威与之斗争多年的失眠和50年代起开始的病痛一样,没有结局。菲利浦·杨说,在海明威的小说中,硬汉们总带着天真,然后被世界纷纷击碎泯灭。当你重读《老人与海》,你会发觉,圣地亚哥去钓鱼是个隐喻,他在无数失败之后带着那条大鱼的骨头归去,犹如耶酥背着十字架:即便到最后,海明威都没有让圣地亚哥获得一个圆满结局。而那个坚信捕鱼是门技术活而对自己严苛努力、最终除了尊严一无所获的老头,正是海明威自己。 当然,以上,包括那被当作标签贴满海明威头像的“冰山理论”,远非他的一切。19世纪末,亨利·詹姆斯们不厌其烦的给出庞大文本,以便细致、忠实的还原世界。福楼拜是一个异类:他以为叙述者应当隐介藏形——在被爱琳娜·马克思赞为“清澈优美”的《包法利夫人》中得以体现。然后是海明威:他是第一个提出“新闻写作并不影响小说”的家伙。马尔克斯说,福克纳启迪了他的灵魂,但海明威却是对他写作技巧影响最大者。至今我们可以从《流动的圣节》里读到海明威的过去,他和詹姆斯·乔伊斯在同一家租书店租书;他在咖啡馆里写小说,然后给自己来点牡蛎和葡萄酒作为庆祝,他和庞德练习拳击,为菲兹杰拉德找温度计……这一切给出的事实是:他狂热的阅读,他要求健康的身体和规律的生活(和波德莱尔似乎相背)。多年后,他长期住在古巴,养猫、狗和鸽子。当记者问及为何长居此处时,他提及了捕鱼的乐趣和18棵芒果树,以及(最重要的):“在电话上遮一块布就可以安静写作。”在写作技巧上,他近于苛刻。《永别了武器》的结尾他修改了39遍到40遍。他厌恶亨利·詹姆斯那“电话本一般厚的小说”,以及其中荒草般冗杂的形容词。福楼拜对雨果的意见是泛滥的主观评述,海明威更甚:他像个园艺匠一样剪掉了所有多余的枝节,以及所有可有可无的章节。他的“炼字”近于“吟安一个字、捻断十根须”的古诗人。这就是他:像一个军人一样对待写作,试图用科学的、规律的方法维持自己写作的状态。这种苛刻使他很难写作出伟大的长篇。如你所知,他游历虽广,世界却小。非洲的猎手、古巴的渔人、西班牙的斗牛士和旅游者。在《永别了武器》和《太阳照样升起》后,他再未有杰出的长篇。《过河入林》所受的攻击并不冤枉:他用写作短篇的方式来营造长篇(他根本没有事先构思好故事),确实是个错误。幸而他有那些令他不朽的、水晶般透明的短篇。《白象般的群山》中,贯彻短暂篇幅的男女主角对白,始终没有道明论题;《杀手》中,那两个杀手谋杀拳击手的原因永远未明。类似的风格出现在《永别了武器》的开头:第一段里平静的6个“AND”连词,以及至为简约的风景陈列,犹如白描。他所给出的部分全部经过修剪和省略,那些阴影中的部分(所谓的水下冰山)需要读者用自己的经验来阅读。他之所以不被当作技巧大师见称,是因为他虽然对自己的文本残忍苛刻,并不像格里耶或塞林格的某些短篇那样,设置阅读障碍。他给了19世纪以来泛滥的语言一记简洁的直拳:他最后交出的世界简洁明晰,但每个细节都在暗示着背后那更为神秘的一切——他并不负责解释一切的原由,他不是一个事必恭亲的老师。他给你一个雕琢精美的棱镜,让你自己去观看世界。而他自己则远远离开,不发一言。
  •     Death is one of the themes of The Indian Camp. “It’s the abstract concept which is made concrete through it representation in character, action and image in the work.”(Page361, Line2-3) With the death in The Indian Camp represented through a child—Nick, the whole story is not only full of fear, but also cloaked in mystery. The character of Nick is represented by action, dialogue and descprtion.(Page338—Characterisation) Nick is the image who is sensitive, innocent and has strong curiosity. At first, he with his father steps in the Indian camp and witnesses the hard birth of the Indian woman. Though the little boy’s eyes, Hemingway shows the readers the suffering and countless pain of birth. Because Nick asks his father to stop the screaming and looks away so as not to see what his father is doing. And then, Nick standing in the room sees the suicide of the Indian man. The death of the man is too bloody, cruel for a young child. However Nick does not be scared by the bloody scene. When he is on the way with his father, he asks the questions about suicide of man and woman in a tone of calm. The description of death with a few words written by Hemingway is plain and simple, but do give a strong hit on the emotion of the readers. Without a doubt, birth is difficult while death is easy is one information what Hemingway wants to tell us. But, “iceberg” technique is the most distinguished artistic achievement of Hemingway. (Page111, Line2) This angle of the theme of death is one little ice cube. In the final two ending paragraphs of pure description—the sun coming up over the hills, Nick feels quite sure that he would never die. In my opinion, that is another angle of the theme of death that Hemingway wants to show us. Does Nick feel sure that he would never die? I don’t think so. Hemingway uses the innocence and simplicity of a child to reveal the fact that every human being can not escape the capture of death. Nick is only a child and protected well by his father. He doesn’t be scared by the horrific scenes because he is too young to understand what has happened and why does that happen well. The feeling of uncomfortable inside of Nick disappeares so quickly, at least quicker than what the adults have. Nick’s father protects him so well and tries his best to give Nick some answers that will not hurt his little tender heart. Under the protection of his father, Nick thinks he has found the answer—He would never die. Compared with the innocence and puerility of a child, the cruelty and ruthlessness of the reality is showed up more clearly. Using a child’s eyes to reveal the essence of reality and death do add an element of mystery to the story. Birth compared with death, innocence compared with ruthlessness, that’s the great description which can make the theme more expressive and meaningful.

精彩短评 (总计23条)

  •     有些篇目堪称经典,尽管不太感冒海明威大叔,但倒是很喜欢这种简洁精炼的写法。
  •     教会我对文学的鉴赏
  •     下册?
  •     字字珠玑。
  •     只为<乞力马扎罗的雪>
  •     最爱乞力马扎罗的雪
  •     我看的是04版的全集
  •     粗略了翻阅了一些,以后有机会在读吧
  •     "麦康伯的短暂幸福生活"实在是好,"尼克的故事"一般。但也就是干净利落的写个故事而已啊!如果不告诉我作者是海大师,我可能没有把全书读完的欲望。实际上,这书只读了一半就还回去了。
  •     我最喜欢的作家
  •     海明威是伪硬汉。
  •     海明威短篇小说全集(上)
  •     HEMINGWAY的男人态度
  •     绝望无言的平静
  •     有几篇真是百读不厌,精品。
  •     很MAN 在怀俄明州可以和断背山一起看
  •     看呀看...因为好看
  •     海明威一定是文学史上最有洞察力的旅行家之一,他的短篇小说从整体来看描述了人间百态。
  •     重读。依旧最喜欢《乞力马扎罗》,而后是《大转变》《雨里的猫》,后两篇依旧节制以至于吝啬。《乞》汪洋肆意,好法有点反常。
  •     很不错
  •     海明威作为我最喜欢的作家,他的短篇小说当然早就在书架上陈列了。这次又重新把他的短篇小说拿出来翻翻,竟没料到又欲罢不能地把上下两册都看完了。。。着实精彩。尤其是首辑四十九篇中的“在我们的时代”中的16篇,绝对称得上是海明威著作中最具代表性的最璀璨的明珠。
  •     有几篇很不错
  •     一本书读了近五个月——当然,其间穿插读了点其他的书,做了许多无聊而“有用”的事,也做了点有聊而无用的事——五个月读一本书,苦自知,甘亦自知。

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