
出版社:Harper Voyager
作者:Dave Duncan


As unwanted and rebellious boys, they find refuge in Ironhall....Years later they emerge as the finest swordsmen in the realm--A magical ritual of a sword through the heart binds each to his ward--if not the king himself, then to whomever else the monarch designates--with absolute loyalty.And the greatest Blade of them all was--and is--Sir Durendal. But a lifelong dream of protecting his beloved liege from enemies, traitors, and monsters is dashed to bits when Durendal is bonded till death to an effete noble fop at his king's orders. Yet Destiny has many strange and inscrutable plans for the young knight--for a mission, a contest, and, perhaps, a treasure await him in a faraway land. But he soon finds himself enmeshed in treason and foul intrigues, compelled to betray the king he had hoped to serve. The Blades have ways to protect their own, but death and madness haunt the path to salvation--and few ever return unscathed. As unwanted and rebellious boys, they find refuge in Ironhall....Years later they emerge as the finest swordsmen in the realm--A magical ritual of a sword through the heart binds each to his ward--if not the king himself, then to whomever else the monarch designates--with absolute loyalty. And the greatest Blade of them all was--and is--Sir Durendal. But a lifelong dream of protcting his beloved liege from enemies, traitors, and monsters is dashed to bits when Durendal is bonded till death to an effete noble fop at his king's orders. Yet Destiny has many strange and inscrutable plans for the young knight--for a mission, a contest, and, perhaps, a treasure await him in a faraway land. But he soon finds himself enmeshed in treasonand foul intrigues, compelled to betray the king he had hoped to serve. The Blades have ways to protect their own, but death and madness haunt the path to salvation--and few ever return unscathed.




精彩短评 (总计13条)

  •     铮铮铁骨 管他是否有意义,这是我们的生活,我们的信仰
  •     这期长篇太没质量了吧也。。。
  •     禦劍士對護主的忠誠,當面臨道德信仰崩塌時,該何去何從?一個英雄史詩神話的誕生,傳統小說的寫作模式,但古老的信仰仍令人動容。
  •     文笔美得不行
  •     热血沸腾
  •     科幻世界译文版 2009/02
  •     即便凯旋也是杯具Z_Z
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  •     写成这熊样,还好意思反托尔金?把情节拆到惨不忍睹来圈钱也真是绝了……
  •     御剑士传奇第一部。
  •     给系列作开了个好头。
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  •     译文版 09年02期

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