




Week OneMondayPassage A 阅读理解(霍金)Passage B 阅读理解(纸币上的人物)TuesdayPassage A 完型填空(比尔·盖茨)Passage B 阅读理解(美国物理学家)WednesdayPassage A 阅读理解(邓小平访问)Passage B 七选五阅读(电视)ThursdayPassage A 完型填空(生活故事)Passage B 阅读理解(诺贝尔)FridayPassage A 阅读理解(亚瑟·克拉克)Passage B 阅读理解(人物生平)WeekendPassage A 七选五阅读(拯救长城)Passage B 赏读美文Week TwoMondayPassage A 阅读理解(科技发明)Passage B 阅读理解(未来的城市)TuesdayPassage A 完型填空(人生感悟)Passage B 阅读理解(未来海洋生活)WednesdayPassage A 阅读理解(粪便中提取纤维)Passage B 七选五阅读(寻求快乐)ThursdayPassage A 完型填空(生活故事)Passage B 阅读理解(未来教室)FridayPassage A 阅读理解(科普)Passage B 阅读理解(人口老龄化)WeekendPassage A 七选五阅读(圣诞记事)Passage B 赏读美文Week ThreeMondayPassage A 阅读理解(个人经历)Passage B 阅读理解(打工经历)TuesdayPassage A 完型填空(工作面试)Passage B 阅读理解(志愿者工作)WednesdayPassage A 阅读理解(招聘启事)Passage B 七选五阅读(如何做笔记)ThursdayPassage A 完型填空(找工作时注意仪表)Passage B 阅读理解(职业无高低)FridayPassage A 阅读理解(环保志愿者招募)Passage B 阅读理解(失业对社会的影响)WeekendPassage A 七选五阅读(制定学习时间)Passage B 赏读美文Week FourMondayPassage A 阅读理解(面部表情)Passage B 阅读理解(巴厘岛风俗文化)TuesdayPassage A 完型填空(在德国的经历)Passage B 阅读理解(英国人排队)WednesdayPassage A 阅读理解(北京的胡同)Passage B 七选五阅读(孩子与金钱)ThursdayPassage A 宪完型填空(美国总统的轶事)PassageB 阅读理解(“派”的历史)FridayPassage A 阅读理解(“红丝带周”)Passage B 阅读理解(伦敦眼)WeekendPassage A 七选五阅读(不同的女人)Passage B 赏读美文Week FiveMondayPassage A 阅读理解(语言文化)Passage B 阅读理解(分班教学)TuesdayPassage A 完型填空(身势语)Passage B 阅读理解(肢体语言)WednesdayPassage A 阅读理解(交流的艺术)Passage B 七选五阅读(网络与博客)ThursdayPassage A 完型填空(生活经历)Passage B 阅读理解(外语学交谈)FridayPassage A 阅读理解(听的作用)Passage B 阅读理解(语言)WeekendPassage A 七选五阅读(回忆母亲)Passage B 赏读美文Week SixMondayPassage A 阅读理解(抗震救灾)……Week SevenWeek EightWeek NineWeek TenWeek ElevenWeek TwelveWeek ThirteenWeek FourteenWeek SixteenWeek Fifteen参考答案与解析


  2007年宁夏、海南两省率先在全国高考中使用了新课标试卷,使用以来倍受关注。现在,辽宁、吉林、黑龙江、山西、新疆、河南、河北等地也采用了这种考试模式。新的高考模式下,阅读更加成了重中之重。完形填空和阅读理解占到了70 分!几乎是整套试卷的一半。而阅读理解也有了一些变化,由原来的5篇文章演变成了4篇,增加了一篇七选五的文章。因此我们组织了一批一线教学老师作了调研,很多学生在阅读方面存在困难,急需一本适合他们英语水平,而且能提高他们成绩的实用辅导书,所以应广大师生的要求,我们邀请了课标全国卷考区有经验的一线特高级教师编写了本套书。本套书共分3册,分别是:  高一 海量阅读培养基础  高二 精品阅读提高能力  高三 目标阅读冲刺高考  本册书是高二精品阅读,重在提高学生阅读方法,建立自己的阅读思维,全面培养学生的阅读能力。所选内容本着贴近中学生生活、新颖、面向高考的原则,逐步让学生形成自己的阅读模式。相信自己,相信我们!完成这本书之后,你会有惊人的蜕变!  本套书虽历尽我们的心血,但不足之处在所难免,望广大师生批评指正。


  A  Stephen Hawking knew what he wanted to do by the time he was eight years old. His parents lived in London where his father was researc- hing medicine. He did not want to follow his father as his parents hoped. Mathematics was not available at U- niversity College, so he did physics instead. Stephen was interested in studying the universe. When he was 21, however, he was told that he had ALS-an incura- ble nerve disease, which affects walking, speaking, breathing, swallowing,and many other things.  The doctors predicted that he had only a few years to live, but he didn't die. Instead,as his physical condi- tion became worse,Hawking became more well-known in scientific circles. Hawking himself said that his dis- ease was a big reason why he focused his attention on what turned out to be his real strength: theoretical re- search. "What the doctors said made me determine to get the most from life, and life was no longer boring for me," Hawking says today,speaking from his wheel- chair through a computer.  In 1988, Stephen Hawking published a book called A Brie f History o f Time. The book tries to ex- plain many of Hawking's physical and mathematical i- deas and calculations without using maths. The book became a best-seller. His later books are Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays and most re- cently in 2001, The Universe in a Nutshell. Of the three, the first one was made into a film in 1991.  Hawking says, "Nowadays, muscle power is out of date. What we need is mind power and disabled peo- ple are as good at that as anyone else. "  ……






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