




第1章 凯泽钢铁公司争夺战
第2章 现代共同基金
第3章 黑色星期四与黑色星期二
第4章 罗斯福新政与共同基金
第5章 喧嚣十年
第6章 格里·蔡
第7章 基金帝国权力交接
第8章 企业文化
第9章 人才辈出
第10章 初露峥嵘
第11章 开疆拓土
第12章 巅峰年代
第13章 垃圾债券市场大崩溃
第14章 破产风潮
第15章 彼得·林奇






  难以避免的是,随着集团规模的扩张,富达集团也面临着越来越多的丑闻、美国证券交易委员会调查和股东诉讼。会有这么一些呼声,要求为每只基金配备独立受托人,要求保持基金原有的日标,要求削减费用。黛安娜·B·亨里克斯的《富达风云:一个基金巨头的沉浮》将有助于人们了解这些事情的来龙去脉。  ——约翰·特雷恩(John Train),《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)  “视角独特,精采绝伦”。  ——《基督教科学箴言报》(The Christian Science Monitor)  亨里克斯女士写了部亟需的应时之作。共同基金行业的历史鲜见付梓印刷……亨利克斯女士充分证明了自己劳动成果的价值。  ——《经济学人》(The Economist)  一部亟需的关于共同基金早期历史的指导于册……亨里克斯的书足共同基金以及富达集团相关图书的有益补充。  ——《机构投资者》(Institutional Investor)


  事实上,在与亨德里签署协议的数周内,富达集团就组织了一个专门小组,研究凯泽公司案例。这个小组包括耿直的富达集团垃圾债券基金经理比尔·派克(Bill Pike)①和数周前刚加盟富达集团的年轻气盛的分析师史蒂夫·杰克逊(Steve Jackson)。这个小组向加里·伯克黑德汇报,伯克黑德刚被任命为共同基金部门总裁。奥斯特兰德掌握的凯泽公司文件也被要求移交给新的小组。“作战室”在临近的会议室成立,狂热的工作几乎夜以继日,周末也不停顿。据经历了那段时间的一些职员说,内德·约翰逊和乔希·伯曼经常打电话授以机宜。富达集团的老手从没有见过这阵势。“就像中央情报局在执行任务,”有人说,“伯克黑德好像已经无暇他顾了。”  10天后,即9月29日,亨德里飞赴纽约参加一个清早在乔希·伯曼律师事务所举行的战略会议。衣着考究的伯曼,有着钢琴家般细长的手和浓密的花白头发,和亨德里闲聊了新一期《福布斯》杂志上的一篇文章,这篇文章详尽地探讨了蒙蒂·里亚尔在凯泽钢铁公司任职期间的所作所为。伯曼讲了一则令人不安的小道消息——他听说,里亚尔对《福布斯》杂志记者说:“亨德里失败了,里亚尔胜利了。”他们嘲笑里亚尔恬不知耻,然后伯曼转而处理手头的工作:富达集团为亨德里候选人团队指定候选人。除了伯曼本人外,候选人还有富达集团首席财务官约翰·H·雷蒙迪(John H. Remondi),供职于波士顿凯尔索管理公司(Kelso Management)旗下的一家小型咨询公司的律师约翰·孔茨(John Kountz)。凯尔索管理公司管理着富达集团部分私人离岸基金,并拥有一些处理“棘手的问题”和有麻烦的公司的经验,伯曼不假思索地解释。下午1点多钟,加里·伯克黑德从波士顿打来电话,三人通过免提电话聊了聊《福布斯》杂志上的文章以及凯泽公司战役的候选人团队。  然后,下午2点35分,来了一批新的访客:蒙蒂·里亚尔、他的律师以及凯泽公司的一位负责人。里亚尔做了最后一搏,要求召开会议以避免亨德里领导的代理人战争。里亚尔坚持认为,如果凯泽公司能获得新的贷款并卖掉富余资产,凯泽公司就会有充足的现金。“还有潜力可挖,”里亚尔坚持说,“我们确实有机会。”


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精彩书评 (总计2条)

  •     不知是原作者写的问题,还是翻译的问题,可读性太差,对金融史而言,应该故事性很强,此书读来很无趣,人名太多太杂,彼得林奇也只是一晃而过,为什么不用蔡至勇而用格里(杰拉菲得)蔡?不知是原作者写的问题,还是翻译的问题,可读性太差,对金融史而言,应该故事性很强,此书读来很无趣,人名太多太杂,彼得林奇也只是一晃而过,为什么不用蔡至勇而用格里(杰拉菲得)蔡?不知是原作者写的问题,还是翻译的问题,可读性太差,对金融史而言,应该故事性很强,此书读来很无趣,人名太多太杂,彼得林奇也只是一晃而过,为什么不用蔡至勇而用格里(杰拉菲得)蔡?
  •     这书在海外的总体评价也一般,尤其是缺乏前瞻性的东西。然而,内地太难看到中文版的此类书籍了,故而我本人还是给了还行评价。1、Useful, but it has its limitations April 3, 1998By A CustomerFormat:PaperbackThis is a book that needed to be written: the explosive growth of the mutual fund industry in the past 20 years is one of the seminal events of our generation, and Fidelity is the most important mutual fund company out there. That having been said, I think that Diana Henriques could have done a much better job. The text is often jumpy and disjointed, and the actual events as Henriques relates them often don't warrant the build-up that she gives them in her introduction to them. More disturbing, I disagree strongly with many of her criticisms of Fidelity. Don't get me wrong: there are many valid criticisms of Fidelity that can be made, from the exorbitant fees it charges for average performance to the many ethical lapses that have plagued Fidelity in the past 10 or 15 years. But Henriques carries it too far. In one breath, she criticizes Fidelity for selling massive amounts of stock early on Black Monday in 1987 to meet the equally massive redemption requests that its funds had received over the previous weekend because most Fidelity funds did not have sufficient cash on hand; in the next, she criticizes the Fidelity Magellan fund for having too much cash on hand in early 1996, thus missing the big market rally that was in progress then. Likewise, she criticizes Fidelity's active role in corporate governance and then later criticizes Fidelity's policy that Fidelity funds in the aggregate cannot own more than 15% of any company. You can't have it both ways -- any organization which controls more than 15% of a publicly-traded company is going to have a big influence on the way that company is run. At its core, I think that Henriques's fundamental problem is that she believes that the Americans are and ought to be complete financial waifs who cannot be expected to make decisions about their finances in a responsible and informed manner. This assumption causes her to take Fidelity to task for things that Fidelity should not be taken to task for, and it undermines her books credibility.2、stars tantalizingly incomplete April 6, 1998By A CustomerFormat:PaperbackThe author tells the very interesting history of Fidelity Investments and FMR, from Ed to Abby Johnson, and through it, a history of the mutual fund industry in America. The author makes a case for Fidelity being an autocracy geared to selling shares in mutual funds at all costs. Certainly, the last few years have shed a lot of light on the seamy side of Fidelity. In Fidelity's defense, little is told of the "good guys" at Fidelity like longtime manager George Vanderheiden, and even the tale of Magellan is told haphazardly (what happened to Morris Smith?). Still, I found that I was pretty much unable to put it down for long, and it was pretty good read.Comment | 3、 Not an insider June 12, 2002By GEORGE R. FISHERFormat:PaperbackWouldn't it be interesting to know what really goes on inside Fidelity? They own every company in America and their proxies ought to control the outcome of every boardroom battle, what a subject! Plus, this is one man's creation and certainly a discussion of who he is and what he does would be interesting.But, no. Unfortunately, you can't look here for much of any insight into any of these subjects. Too bad.Comment |

精彩短评 (总计5条)

  •     牛X公司当年崛起的时候都是锐意进取,不拘一格降人才,开创各种先河的成长股,等到功成名就之后各种官僚各种腐化,然后就堕落成僵尸股了。
  •     刚收到,还没有读,等读过后再写心得!
  •     感觉比较不错
  •     富达没怎么写,应该是“美国证券发展过程+基金行业”简史,这样就值得读了。
  •     一个做期货人必须了解的期货知识,这本书让我们了了解了主力是如何运作的及内幕。很有实用价值。

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