Writing to Inform and Engage记者的写作

出版社:Perseus Books
作者:Fink, Conrad C.


Designed with the beginning journalism student in mind, this undergraduate textbook for fledgling reporters is a reference guide and an instructive text full of real-world examples and writing exercises. Conrad C. Fink, a longtime reporter and bureau chief with the Associated Press, leads intro journalism students through the basics of news writing, followed by analytical, interpretive, and opinion writing, including specialty coverage-sports, science, business, technology, and profiles. This text makes use of a wide range of real-world examples and uses a direct, minimalist writing style developed by the author in 45 years of experience in journalism and teaching. Chapters include exercises that introduce students to a writing opportunity or problem, reproduce a real-life example of how a seasoned journalist handled it, then discuss the point made. In this wise and highly usable text, Fink will ease the path toward becoming a better writer-giving students the tools they need to communicate clearly and effectively in an ever-changing world.

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