BEIJING:The City and the people 全景中国

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作者:肖晓明 (策划),兰佩瑾,叶燕生,齐放,祁汲然


With vivid descriptions and abundant illustrations,this book compares Beijing city and its people a hundred years ago with those of the present era of the modernization drive.
The history of a city reflects the history of a nation.The great changes seen in the past 100-odd years in Beijing and its future plans are the epitome of China's long-standing history and bright prospects.
It is easy to have a auick look at China's past and present, but it takes time to gain a panoramic knowledge of China. The "Pan oramic China" series is meant to assist readers, especially those overseas, in this respect. Each volume in the series focuses on a province, municipality or autono mous region, describing, with illustrations, the outstanding char acteristics of each area from dif ferent perspectives.


《北京:北京城与北京人》:It is easy to have a quick lookat China's past and present, but ittakes time to gain a panoramicknowledge of China. The “Pan-oramic China” series is meant toassist readers, especially thoseoverseas, in this respect. Eachvolume in the series focuses on aprovince, municipality or autono-mous region, describing, withillustrations, the outstanding char-acteristics of each area from dif-ferent perspectives.






 BEIJING:The City and the people 全景中国下载 更多精彩书评



精彩书评 (总计1条)

  •     书是英国的一队穿越青藏高原上的游记。高海拔,交通不便,人烟稀少。基本靠步行,毅力让人佩服,外国的媒体评介中国显得客观。BBC的那部wild china蛮好滴。大一时就抽过这本书。但种种原因吧,读到20页放弃了。一个月前又抽出这本书。读起来还是蛮有趣的。英文原版书的乐趣在于新鲜的外国人思维方式。有些地方我们看来还很搞笑。在作者到达Monba village时。村里的headman帮助他们。第二天离开时。作者说“I gave him 啊picture of the penchen with my autograph ......”送一张班禅的照片就算了。在后面给签了名。咋看上去那么突兀。还有一处,不禁赞叹他们的积极乐观。一队人在Yarlung zangbo canyon穿行,峡谷的气候多变,忽然间倾盆大雨,荒无人烟的地方避雨的地方都没有。继续赶路,终于遇到一个村庄,住在peasant的一个放置东西的Attic里面。作者说“ we nicknamed it the canyon Five star hotel”有的地方作者也在感叹自己的动力,来自于自己的dreams.谈到dream作者说“sometimes you hate walking from a sweet dream and would rather go on dreaming forever”我们太多人的确愿意一直在美梦中沉睡,却不想付诸行动实现梦想。应了那句谚语“与其临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网”

精彩短评 (总计1条)

  •       书是英国的一队穿越青藏高原上的游记。高海拔,交通不便,人烟稀少。基本靠步行,毅力让人佩服,
      外国的媒体评介中国显得客观。BBC的那部wild china蛮好滴。
      一个月前又抽出这本书。读起来还是蛮有趣的。英文原版书的乐趣在于新鲜的外国人思维方式。有些地方我们看来还很搞笑。在作者到达Monba village时。村里的headman帮助他们。第二天离开时。作者说“I gave him 啊picture of the penchen with my autograph ......”送一张班禅的照片就算了。在后面给签了名。咋看上去那么突兀。
      还有一处,不禁赞叹他们的积极乐观。一队人在Yarlung zangbo canyon穿行,峡谷的气候多变,忽然间倾盆大雨,荒无人烟的地方避雨的地方都没有。继续赶路,终于遇到一个村庄,住在peasant的一个放置东西的Attic里面。作者说“ we nicknamed it the canyon Five star hotel”
      有的地方作者也在感叹自己的动力,来自于自己的dreams.谈到dream作者说“sometimes you hate walking from a sweet dream and would rather go on dreaming forever”我们太多人的确愿意一直在美梦中沉睡,却不想付诸行动实现梦想。应了那句谚语“与其临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网”

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