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作者:Thomas M.Cover,Joy A.Thomas




list of figures 1 introduction and preview   1.1 preview of the book 2 entropy, relative entropy and mutual information   2.1 entropy   2.2 joint entropy and conditional entropy   2.3 relative entropy and mutual information   2.4 relationship between entropy and mutual information   2.5 chain rules for entropy, relative entropy and mutual information   2.6 jensen's inequality and its consequences   2.7 the log sum inequality and its applications   2.8 data processing inequality   2.9 the second law of thermodynamics   2.10 sufficient statistics   2.11 fano's inequality   summary of chapter 2   problems for chapter 2   historical notes 3 the asymptotic equipartition property   3.1 the aep   3.2 consequences of the aep: data compression   3.3 high probability sets and the typical set   summary of chapter 3  problems for chapter 3   historical notes 4 entropy rates of a stochastic process  4.1 markov chains   4.2 entropy rate   4.3 example: entropy rate of a random walk on a weighted graph   4.4 hidden markov models  summary of chapter 4   problems for chapter 4   historical notes 5 data compression6 gambling and data compression 7 kolmogorov complexity 8 channel capacity 9 differential entropy 10 the gaussian channel 11 maximum entropy and spectral estimation 12 information theory and statistics 13 rate distortion theory 14 network information theory 15 information theory and the stock market 16 inequalities in information theory index


  信息理论是当代国内外大学电子工程系、计算机系和统计系等为研究生和高年级本科生开设的一门基础专业课程。自20世纪80年代以来,在国内外广为流传的教材有30多种。Thomas M.Cover-所著的“Elements of Information Theory”一书在时间上虽不是最新的,但在美国是获得最广泛应用的一本教科书,如麻省理工学院(MIT)、斯坦福大学(Stanford University)、加州大学伯克利分校(University of California at Berkeley)等美国一流大学均采用本书作为该课程的教材或主要参考书。因此本书很值得向国内推荐。  本书的主要优点是:  (1)概念清晰。信息论涉及很多数学问题,其概念很多淹没在数学推导中,而本书将讲清概念放在第一位,且能深入浅出,使读者很快得其要领。  (2)数学工具的使用和数学推导过程的介绍恰到好处,既没有过于简化又没有拘泥于数学细节。  (3)理论与应用并重,既保证理论的完整性和系统性,又突出理论研究面向应用的性质,使读者能带着问题学,具有启发性。  (4)虽然此书出版较早(此后在美国又有三本教材问世),但从内容的覆盖面来讲此书仍有优势,且迄今仍有一定的先进性。  (5)与美国的其他教材类似,本书也不可避免地带有作者爱好的印记,书中的某些内容是作者偏爱而放入的,在一般的信息论课程中大都不介绍这些内容。作为参考书,扩大学生视野,这也是很有益的。选用本书的教员可以选择其中的若干章讲授。


Thomas M.Cover斯坦福大学电气工程系、统计系教授。曾任IEEE信息论学会主席,现任数理统计研究所研究员、IEEE高级会员。1 972年以论文“Broadcast Channels”荣获信息论优秀论文奖,1990年被选为“Shannon Lecturer”,这是信息论领域的最高荣誉。最近20年,他致力于研究信息论和统计学之间的关系。


  Philosophy of Science (Occam's Razor). William of Occam said "Causes shall not be multiplied beyond necessity," or to paraphrase it, "The simplest explanation is best". Solomonoff, and later Chaitin, argue persuasively that one gets a universally good prediction procedure if one takes a weighted combination of all programs that explain the data and observes what they print next. Moreover, this inference will work in many problems not handled by statistics. For example, this procedure will eventually predict the subsequent digits of π. When this procedure is applied to coin flips that come up heads with probability 0.7, this too will be inferred. When applied to the stock market, the procedure should essentially find all the "laws" of the stock market and extrapolate them optimally. In principle, such a procedure would have found Newton's laws of physics. Of course, such inference is highly impractical, because weeding out all computer programs that fail to generate existing data will take impossibly long. We would predict what happens tomorrow a hundred years from now.  ……





精彩短评 (总计13条)

  •     偏理论。写得比较易懂,全面。可以做参考手册。
  •     无论送货速度,还是网上购物的方便程度都很好。不过还是有一点小问题,我要开的发票没有写单位。再就是网站没有提供该书的封面图,这使我拿到书的时候一点点小失望啊。以上都是小牢骚,说回来,当当还是很不错的
  •     在学校的时候真的是太傻了,都是好东西啊,当时怎么就什么都不懂呢……这本书估计我怎么也要看上个十几年了。
  •     谢谢老师考试对我们这么好!
  •     大师已于2012年3月26日仙逝,但本书将一直如灯塔般指引后人!
  •     经典教程,很好。推荐推荐!
  •     适合初学者看,很详细,用于学习基本原理很好!
  •     也算研一认真看过的一本...
  •     此版本是英文版的,想买的注意了!
  •     对一个是非问题,一个正确率为30%的预言家和一个正确率为60%的预言家,哪个能提供更多信息?
  •     虽然是英文的书,但比中文的容易懂
  •     经典中的经典
  •     经典就是经典呀,看了几页感觉写的真是太好了,爱不释手,呵呵!

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