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作者:李健 编




Chapter1 自然史调查与生物多样性  Section1 Reading and Translation  Section2 Reading for Acadernic PurposesChapter2 机器人  Section1 Reading and Translation  Section2 Reading for Acadernic PurposesChapter3 暗能量  Section1 Reading and Translation  Section2 Reading for Acadernic PurposesChapter4 空间与时间  Section1 Reading and Translation  Section2 Reading for Acadernic PurposesChapter5 计算机技术  Section1 Reading and Translation  Section2 Reading for Acadernic PurposesChapter6 数学与独创性  Section1 Reading and Translation  Section2 Reading for Acadernic PurposesChapter7 气候变化  Section1 Reading and Translation  Section2 Reading for Acadernic PurposesChapter8 节能  Section1 Reading and Translation  Section2 Reading for Acadernic PurposesChapter9 医学  Section1 Reading and Translation  Section2 Reading for Acadernic PurposesChapter10 粒子物理学Chapter11 太空探索Chapter12 农业技术Key


  《科技英语阅读与翻译》为“拓展”系列分册之一,《科技英语阅读与翻译》突出科技英语的特点,将科技阅读和翻译两项技能的学列融为一体,针对研究生的实际需要开辟专题,提供阅读与翻译指导,使他们在学习、科研、工作中能够有效地运用英语讲进行科技信息交流。本教材具有如下特点:阅读与翻译结合,注重学习效果:每章遵循阅读和翻译两大主线,内容各有侧重,又相互融和,从而使教材形成有机整体。  材料真实,题材多样:阅读与翻译素材保持原文特色与风格,真实反映实际应用中的语言。题材涉及自然、环境、医学、生物等多个领域.体现各个领域的新发展。  开辟专题,提供阅读与翻译指导:每章均设有“学术阅读”和“科技翻译技巧”板块。前者通过对各种学术资源的介绍,使学生熟悉获取科技信息和资料的途径和方式;后者包括增词法、语序倒置、从句转移、数字译法等24个专题,涉及科技翻译中容易出现的错误和问题,从而加强教材的实用性。


  It is also clear that the early-nineteenth-century floweringof collecting and naming resulted from the greater affordability oftransoceanic steam travel and from European imperial expansion andsettlement, especially in the rich tropical environments of the southernhemisphere. In North America, naturalists like John James Audubon~2followed the military frontier into the species-rich environmentsof the southeastern United States. And the western boundary andtransport surveys of the 1850s took naturalists like Spencer Baird13into the faunally diverse and virtually unworked areas of the AmericanWest. No one has tried to map the historical geography of taxonomicknowledge onto that of imperial expansion and settlement, but I wouldexpect a close correlation. If trade has followed flags, so also havenaturalists and collectors. Access was crucial: wherever improvedtransportation technology and colonial infrastructure afforded readyaccess to places previously expensive or dangerous to reach, there thepace of discovery of new species will soon pick up.  The third of these cycles of collecting——I have withoutfanfare been calling it "survey" collecting——is the least well knownand the most surprising. We do not think of the late nineteenth andearly twentieth centuries as being a great age of discovery in naturalhistory; but they were. One need only peruse the annual reports ofnational and civic museums to appreciate the enormous enthusiasmfor expeditions and collecting. In the United States alone dozens orscores of collecting expeditions were dispatched each year to thefar corners of the world between 1880 and 1930: hundreds in all, orthousands——perhaps as many as in the previous two hundred years ofscientific expeditioning. They certainly produced as much knowledgeof the worlds biodiversity as any of the earlier episodes of organizedcollecting.





精彩短评 (总计16条)

  •     科技英语阅读与翻译是研究生英语的拓展系列部分,有阅读和翻译技巧,书后有详细的解答,对阅读科技英语方面的文章很有意义,感谢当当!感谢外研社!
  •     书收到了,就是快递太慢,一周多才收到,幸好不急用。下学期上课用了后,在来评论里面的内容,呵呵
  •     老师推荐的书,里面的内容很好,对研究生学习很有帮助
  •     学术性比较强,练习好。
  •     老师推荐我们买的教材,好好读会有很大收获!
  •     书还不错,就是物流速度真心慢,一个礼拜才到
  •     还没看,有时间看看,对英语写作不错!
  •     很有帮助。大量的阅读,多方面的分析。很好。
  •     挺好的啊,,,
  •     1、研究生阅读课指定教材。2、每一章分为两个部分。侧重点不同,清晰,有条理。3、各种不同方向的论文都有所设计,覆盖面广阔。4、第二章对文献、著作等各种写作形式有分类介绍,很详细。
  •     想找本光学工程专业的,好像没有针对这个的,就买了这一本参考
  •     难度挺大的,篇幅也很长,是老师上课的指定教材,可以用一整年,很超值,比去书店便宜多了呵呵
  •     跟教材很符合 很值得研究生阅读
  •     物流太慢了 从南京到徐州用了三天 忍受不了
  •     学校要求的教材,这样可以自学
  •     几好,就是觉得打折打得比较少

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