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作者Loukas Grafakos,希腊雅典人,在加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校获得博士学位,现任密苏里州大学数学教授。曾因出色的教学被授予Kemper Fellow奖,自著或与人合著了40篇傅里叶分析方面的文章。


出版说明序PrefaceChapter 1 Lp Space and Interpolation  1.1 Lp and Week Lp 1.2 Convolution and Approximate Identities 1.3 Interpolation 1.4 Lorentz SpaceChapter 2 Maximal Functions ,Fourier Transform ,and Distributions  2.1 Maximal Functions 2.2 The Schwartz Class and the Fourier Transform 2.3 The Class of Tempered Distributions 2.4 More about Distributions and the Fourier Transform 2.5 Convolution Operators on Lp Spaces and MultipliersChapter 3 Fourier Analysis on the Torus 3.1 Fourier Coefficients 3.2 Decay of Fourier Coefficients 3.3 Pointwise Convergence of Fourier Series 3.4 Divergence of Fourier Series and Bochner-Riesz Summablility 3.5 The Conjugate Function and Convergence in Norm 3.6 Multipliers ,Transference,and Almost Everywhere Convergence  3.7 Lacunary SeriesChapter 4 Singular Integrals of Convolution Type 4.1 The Hibert Transform and the Riesz Transforms 4.2 Homogeneous Singular Integrals and the Method of Rotations 4.3 The Calderon-zygmund Decomposition and Singular Integrals 4.4 Sufficient Conditions for Lp Boundedness 4.5 Vector-Valued Inequalities 4.6 Vector-Valued Singular IntegralsChapter 5 Little wood-paley Theory and Multipliers 5.1 Little wood-paley Theory  5.2 Two Multiplier Therrems 5.3 Applications of Little wood-paley Theory  5.4 The Haar System,Conditional Expectation,and Martingales  5.5 The Spherical Maximal Function 5.6 WaveletsChapter 6 Smoothness and Function Spaces  6.1 Riesz Potentials ,Bessel Potentials ,and Fractional Integrals  6.2 Sobolev Spaces 6.3 Lipschitz Spaces 6.4 Hardy Spaces 6.5 Besov-Lipschitz and Triebel-Lizorkin Spaces 6.6 Atomic Decomposition 6.7 Singular Integrals on Function SpacesChapter 7 BMO and Carleson Measures 7.1 Functions of Bounded Mean Oscillation 7.2 Duality Between H1 and Carleson Measures 7.3 Nontangential Maximal Functions and Carleson Measures ……Chapter 8 Singular Integrals of Nonconvolution TypeChapter 9 Weighted IntequalitiesChapter 10 Boundedness and Convergence of Fourier IntegralsAppendix A Gamma and Beta FunctionsAppendix B Bessel FunctionsAppendix C Rademacher FunctionsAppendix D Spherical CoordinatesAppendix E Some Trigonometric Identities and InequalitiesAppendix F Summation by PartsAppendix G Basic Functional AnalysisAppendix H The Minimax LemmaAppendix I The Schur LemmaAppendix J The Whitney Decomposition of open sets in RnAppendix K Smoothness and Vanishing MomentsBibliographyIndex of NotationIndex 教辅材料申请表


Loukas Grafakos,希腊雅典人,在加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校获得博士学位,现任密苏里州大学数学教授。曾因出色的教学被授予Kemper Fellow奖,自著或与人合著了40篇傅里叶分析方面的文章。


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  •     很详细的推导过程,调和分析里面的实变方法讲得很透彻。不错的入门书籍。是GTM 249 Classical Fourier Analysis 和 GTM 250 Modern Fourier Analysis的合成。

精彩短评 (总计14条)

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  •     这本经典,内容非常系统
  •     这本书的内容比较全面,感觉比较实用!
  •     该本书是调和分析的进阶教程,上面有调和分析方向需要的几乎所有基本知识,还是机械出版社好啊,世界图书出版公司后来把版权弄过去,书涨价了,比以前贵一倍了,鄙视!
  •     希望有中文版的
  •     发货速度还是比较快的,质量有保证。
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