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Unit 1 People and PlacesUnit 2 Entertainment and RecreationUnit 3 EducationUnit 4 Man and NatureUnit 5 News(Ⅰ)Unit 6 SocietyUnit 7 culture and History (Ⅰ)Unit 8 Culture and History (Ⅱ)Unit 9 Holidavs and FestivalsUnit 10 News (II)Unit 11 Health and MedieineUnit 12 Human MindUnit 13 LiteratureUnit 14 Science and TechnologyUnit 15 News (Ⅲ)


  “新开端英语专业基础课系列教材”是安徽大学外语学院陈正发教授主持的安徽省高等学校“十一五”规划教材项目。《视听说》是本系列教材中的一套。  本套教材共分4册,遵循以学生发展为本的理念进行编写,强调教材内容从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,帮助学生体验、实践、参与、合作与交流,通过说英语、听英语,同时看英语等活动,体验英语社会与英语文化的丰富内容。教材着眼点在于体现视听说课程的实践性特点。  本套教材的编写体现了如下特色:  1.保证学生多说、多听、多看,读写分量相对较小。每单元由三个Lesson组成,分别构成说、听、看的训练,读写穿插在背景介绍、视听练习之中。  2.话题尽可能丰富。涉及到政治、经济、文化、教育、娱乐、体育、科技、自然等多个领域,有利于引导学生扩大视野、拓宽知识面。  3.选材具有时代特点。除个别一般知识性话题外,许多材料都与近两年发生的重要事件相关联,如奥巴马竞选美国总统、北京奥运会、伊拉克战争、校园枪击案、网上聊天问题等等。  4.所选材料真实、语言地道,内容丰富,内涵深刻又具亲和力。所有材料都选自西方媒体的英文原文。  5.课文呈现和练习安排的形式适合当代青年学生的兴趣和视听习惯。注意趣味性和实践性。配有大量彩色图片和表格,一些练习以卡通的方式呈现,容易被学生接受。同时注重对学习策略的引导,以任务型活动引导帮助学生在完成课程内容的学习后消化、掌握和巩固所学知识和能力,并养成良好的学习习惯。  6.课文各环节的衔接设计符合大学生的认知规律。如每个Lesson先介绍课文内容相关背景,为学生搭建本课的认知框架,随后安排“大脑地图”活动,引导学生从背景走向课文内容。紧跟着是生词表,帮助学生做好接收主要信息的最后准备。在搭建了由宏观到微观的心理框架和必要词汇支架之后,才带学生进入教材主题内容。  7.与教材配套编写的教师参考书除了补充必要的背景信息、提供练习参考答案外,还为每一课教学提出了教学建议(Teachingtips)。


  A. Background information  The most serious environmental problem we face today is global warming. Never has the result of human influence so seriously affected the way the natural world operates. Unlike earlier problems such as deforestation and the destruction of land, global warming, as the name suggests, has a global effect and cannot be restricted to a particular country or region.  Scientists have concluded that human activity, primarily the burning of fossil fuels, is the major driving factor in global warming.  The side effects of global warming are alarming. A warmer global climate melts the ice caps, raising sea levels. What is more, it disturbs weather patterns, causing droughts, severe storms, hurricanes. People suffer a lot from disasters relevant to global warming.  Global warming can be slowed, and stopped, with practical actions that yield a cleaner, healthier atmosphere. The question is: will we act soon enough? It is a matter of time.  B. Mind-mapping activities  Temperature can be measured in degrees Centigrade or degrees Fahrenheit. Usually we use "C" to stand for Centigrade or Celsius. The abbreviation for Fahrenheit is "F". The sign for degrees is. The formulae for temperature conversion are: C=5(F-32)/9 and F=9C/5+32.  Now try to figure out the following temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit and fill in the brackets. Read them in both degrees Centigrade and Fahrenheit.






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