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作者:北京天利考试信息网 编




专题一 名词、介词和介词短语
专题二 冠词
专题三 代词
专题四 形容词和副词
专题五 动词和动词短语
专题六 动词时态和语态
专题七 情态动词和虚拟语气
专题八 非谓语动词
专题九 复合句
专题十 句式及其他
专题十一 情景交际
专题十二 完形填空——记叙文
专题十三 完形填空——说明文
专题十四 完形填空——议论文
专题十五 阅读理解——社会文化类
专题十六 阅读理解——逸闻趣事类
专题十七 阅读理解一一史地常识类
专题十八 阅读理解——广告时文类
专题十九 阅读理解——议论说理类
专题二十 阅读理解——科普知识类
专题二十一 阅读理解——人物传记类
专题二十二 特殊题型
专题二十三 短文改错
专题二十四 写作——图画类
专题二十五 写作——图表类
专题二十六 写作一一提纲类
专题二十七 写作——开放类




版权页:   插图:   (三) (2010•安徽,8-分) The engineer Camillo Olivetti was 40 years old when he started the company in 1908.At his factory in Ivrea,he designed and produced the first Italian typewriter.Today the company's head office is still in Ivrea,near Turin,but the company is much larger than it was in those days and there are offices all around the world By 1930 there was a staff of 700 and the company turned out 13000 machines a year.Some went to customers in Italy, but Olivetti exported more typewriters to other countries. Camillo's son, Adriano, started working for the company in 1924 and later he became the boss,He introduced a standard speed for the production line and he employed technology and design specialists. The company developed new and better typewriters and then calculators(计算器). In 1959 it produced the ELEA computer systemThis was the first mainframe(主机) computer designed and made in Italy. After Adriano died in 1960, the company had a period of financial problems.Other companies, especially the Japanese, made faster progress in electronic technology than the Italian company. In 1978,Carlo de Benedetti became the new boss.Olivetti increased its marketing and service networks and made agreements with other companies to design and produce more advanced office equipment.Soon it became one of the world's leading companies in information technology and communications. There are now five independent companies in the Olivetti group-one for personal computers,one for other office equipment, one for systems and services, and two for telecommunications. 10. From the text we learn that________. A.by 1930 Olivetti produced 13000 typewriters a year B. Olivetti earned more in the 1960s than in the 1950s C. some of Olivetti's 700 staff regularly visited customers in Italy D.Olivetti set up offices in other countries from the verybeginning 11. What was probably the direct result of Olivetti's falling behind in electronic technology? A Adriano's death.B. A period of financial problems. C. Its faster progress.D. Its agreements with other companies. 12. What do we know about Olivetti? A.It produced the best typewriter in the world. B.It designed the world's first mainframe computer.





精彩短评 (总计15条)

  •     这本书里有大量的历年高考题,且按照各种类型进行了分类,感觉还不错.
  •     把以前的题目都整合到了一起,非常不错。
  •     暂时看挺好的,很方便
  •     分类很科学 内容很适合 希望大家都来看看哦
  •     非常喜欢的 教辅 很受用呢! 谢谢
  •     同学们定的说得特别好啊。。物流太慢
  •     没想到2012年的题都有。这么快就上市了。
  •     解答完整
  •     大家也买吧
  •     不错的书,真题
  •     按考点来分类的,这样比较容易进行归纳总结
  •     顶起!
  •     早一些时买这本书就好了,以后还会看看其他书
  •     非常满意,卷子的质量太好了
  •     书不错,适合高考备考,便于使用,要是配个夹子就更好了。不过自己拿个夹子也OK。

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