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点击进入新版: 高等学校经济管理英文版教材•国际财务管理(英文版原书第5版)


作者简介导读前言第一篇  国际财务管理的基础    第1章  全球化与跨国企业  第2章  国际货币体系  第3章  国际收支  第4章  全球各地的公司治理第二篇  外汇市场、汇率的决定和货币衍生工具  第5章  外汇市场  第6章  国际平价关系与汇率预测  第7章  外汇期货与外汇期权第三篇  外汇风险暴露及其管理  第8章  交易风险暴露的管理  第9章  经济风险暴露的管理  第10章  换算风险暴露的管理第四篇  国际金融市场和国际金融机构  第11章  国际银行与货币市场  第12章  国际债券市场  第13章  国际股票市场  第14章  利率互换与货币互换  第15章  国际证券投资 第五篇  跨国企业的财务管理  第16章  对外直接投资和跨国并购  第17章  国际资本结构与资本成本  第18章  国际资本预算  第19章  跨国公司的现金管理  第20章  国际贸易融资  第21章  国际税收环境词汇表




切奥尔S.尤恩(Cheol S.Eun) 切奥尔S. 尤恩,1981年荣获纽约大学博士学位,现在是乔治亚理工学院DuPree管理学院的国际金融学教授.a在加入乔治亚理工学院之前,他在明尼苏达大学和马里兰大学任教.a他还是宾夕法尼亚大学Wharton学院和德国Esslingen科技大学的客座教授。它在


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  •     CH5:外汇市场(Marketing for FX)Structure1.外汇市场foreign exchange market的功能和结构 2.即期市场spot market(报价、推导套算汇率、三角套利概念)3远期市场forward market(报价、目的、互换交易报价的目的) 4.交易所交易基金外汇市场的功能和结构概述:1)外汇市场结构,是从商业银行主要功能(帮助客户运作国际业务)这一功能延伸发展的2)即期远期外汇市场都属于“场外交易市场”(OTC=over-the-counter),意即买卖双方无需再某个中心市场进行交易。外汇市场的高度电子化、通信技术首屈一指 【见P110 the mouse takes over the floor】3)三个主要市场:亚洲-澳洲市场(Australasia)、欧洲市场(Europe)、北美市场(North America)。交易市场运营时间重叠时交易量特别大。外汇市场的参与者(participants)两个层级:一、批发市场(wholesale)或银行同业市场(interbank market)二、零售市场(retail)或客户市场(client market)五类参与者:国际银行(市场核心)银行客户(跨国公司、理财经理、私人投资者)非银行交易商(大型非银行金融机构,如共同基金、养老基金、对冲基金等)外汇经纪人(中间者、为交易商的外汇买卖订单进行撮合收取费用)中央银行(外汇市场的干预者)通汇关系(correspondent banking relationship)银行同业市场就是通汇关系网络。大型商业银行彼此间设立存款账户,即所谓通汇账户,为外汇市场有效运行提供保障。全球银行间电信协会票据交换所银行间支付系统外汇结算有限公司即期外汇市场概述:涉及外汇买卖的现货交易。即期汇率标价:直接标价法(direct quotation)【以美元为例】:用美元表示单位外币的价格E.g.:£1=$1.9717间接标价法(indirect quotation):外币表示单位美元的价格E.g.:$1=£0.5072欧式标价(European terms):外币表示的单位美元价格(美国角度的间接标价)美式标价(American terms):美元表示的单位外币价格(美国角度的直接标价)国际财务管理-章节分类知识条目整理感谢钟姑娘CH1:国际财务管理基础CH2:国际货币体系 international monetary systemBreton woods system布雷顿森林体系(gold-exchange standard) P29 CH2An international monetary system build in 1944, under which,each country established a par value in relation to the USD, which was pegged to gold at 35$ per ounce. European monetary system(EMS)欧洲货币体系 P35 CH21979年,代替“蛇形浮动汇率制度”(欧洲经济共同体决定它们货币的汇率浮动不得超过2.25%。)由德国总理赫尔穆特•施密特提出,在1979年3月正式启动。三个目标:1)to establish a “zone of monetary stability” in Europe2)to coordinate exchange rate policies vis-à-vis the non EMS currencies3)to pave the way for ten eventual European monetary union该体系下的两大工具是欧洲货币单位(ECU欧盟各成员国货币经过加权平均而形成的一篮子货币)和汇率机制(ERM欧洲货币体系各成员国联合管理汇率的程序,建立在“平价网”体系之上的。)European monetary union(EMU)欧洲货币联盟 P40 CH2~是欧洲货币体系的后续,该体系下的欧元是欧洲货币单位的后续。欧元俱乐部11个成员国货币需按照1999年1月1日的兑换率与欧元挂钩,02年欧元进入市场各成员国货币退出市场。欧洲中央银行及各国中央银行构成欧洲中央银行体系,以维持物价稳定为主要目标。三个主要任务:1)制定并执行联盟的共同货币政策,2)实行外汇运作,3)持有并管理欧元区成员国的官方外汇储备。加入EMU的利益:降低交易成本;消除汇率变动的不确定性;跨国投资和贸易的净效用增加,最终增加欧洲公司的国际竞争力。为欧洲资本市场的持续健康发展创造了良好条件。最后,统一货币还可以推动欧洲的政治合作与和平。加入EMU的代价:各国丧失了独立制定本国货币和汇率政策的权利the loss of national monetary and exchange rate policy independence(e.g.:芬兰严重依赖造纸业,该行业若受到冲击,欧元不会单独为该国而进行调整,此为“不对称冲击”。但是若芬兰的工资和物价水平可以自由波动,冲击影响则是可处理的。)Gold standard金本位制度 P26 CH2金本位制度实行的条件:1)只有黄金可以被自由铸造成货币2)黄金与各国货币间实现稳定比率的双向兑换3)黄金可以自由输入或输出Under the ~, the exchange rate between any two currencies will be determined by their gold content.古典金本位制度下极其稳定的汇率为国际贸易投资提供了良好的环境。金本位制的缺点:1)黄金有限2)一国政府处于政治考虑必须寻求某种与金本位制相背离的目标,该国可能放弃金本位制,意即本质上缺乏一种迫使各主要国家遵守游戏规则的机制。Gresham’s law格雷欣法则 P26 CH2“Bad”(abundant) money drives out “good”(scars)money. 格雷欣法则是一条经济法则,也称劣币驱逐良币法则,意为在双本位货币制度的情况下,两种货币同时流通时,如果其中之一发生贬值,其实际价值相对低于另一种货币的价值,实际价值高于法定价值的“良币”将被普遍收藏起来,逐步从市场上消失,最终被驱逐出流通领域,实际价值低于法定价值的“劣币”将在市场上泛滥成灾。 了解更多Managed-float system管理浮动利率制 P33 布雷顿森林体系瓦解后,美元持续贬值,为了防美元过度贬值,解决汇率波动及相关问题,西方七国经济首脑会议于1987年在巴黎召开,达成卢浮宫协议。The Louvre Accord(卢浮宫协议) marked the inception of the Managed-float system under which the G-7 countries would jointly intervene in the exchange market to correct over- or undervaluation of currencies.Optimum Currency Area最优货币区理论 欧元区 P44 ch2确立统一货币区的标准是资本和劳动力等要素在该区域内可以自由流动的程度。The relevant criterion for identifying and designing a common currency zone is the degree of factor(i.e.: capital and labor) mobility within the zone.(最佳案例是美国)Triffin paradox 特里芬难题 ch2 P30布雷登森林体系破裂的原因Under the gold-exchange system ,the reserve currency country should run balance-of-payments deficits to supply reserve, but if such deficits are large and persistent, they can lead to a crisis of confidence in the reserve currency itself, causing the downfall of the system .Price-specie-flow mechanism 价格-铸币-流动机制 P28 CH2该机制认为:在金本位制度下,国际收支的失衡可以自动地得到矫正。本国进出口逆差—》净输出—》黄金外流货币供给减少—》本国物价下跌—》本国商品竞争力较国外增强—》出口增加进口减少—》逆差得到调整。Special drawing rights(SDRs)特别提款权 CH2 P30为解决20C60S美元危机(特里芬难题),缓解美元作为中心储备货币的压力而提出的解决办法之一。~which is a basket currency comprising major individual currencies ,was allotted to the members of IMF, who could then use it for transactions among themselves or with the IMF. In addition to gold and foreign exchanges, countries could use the SDR to make international payments.最初由16种货币加权平均,1981年减少到5种,现在又美元、欧元、日元、英镑四种货币组成,每五年调整一次。SDR价值比起所包含的任何一种货币都要稳定。CH3:国际收支 balance of paymentBalance of payments国际收支 P60Reasons for studying:1)the balance of payments provides detailed information concerning the demand and supply of a country’s currency.2) a country’s balance of payment of data may single its potential as a business partner for the rest of the world.3) balance-of –payments data can be used to evaluate the performance of the country in international economic competition.定义:the statistical record of a country’s international transactions over a certain period of time presented in the form of double–entry bookkeeping(复式记账法)以美国国际收支为例:贷方credit, cash inflow记录商品服务等出口销售,表示对美元的需求;借方debit ,cash out flow。记录美国对国外商品、服务、无形资产债权等的进口购买,表示美元供给每一个贷方账户必然有一个与之平衡的借方账户记录内容:international trade, exports and imports , cross-border investment跨国投资 Capital account资本账户 P64 CH3 Direct investment: investors acquire a measure of control of the foreign business. FDI takes place as firms attempt to take advantage of various market imperfections. Portfolio investment: sales and purchases of foreign financial assets such as stocks and bonds not involving a transfer of control. Other investments: transactions in currency, bank deposits, trade credits etc. Currency account经常账户 p62 Includes all imports and exports of goods and services. Includes unilateral transfers of foreign aid. If the debits exceed the credits, then a country is running a trade deficit(贸易逆差). If the credits exceed the debits, then a country is running a trade surplus(贸易顺差). Merchandise trade(商品贸易): exports and imports of tangible goods: Oil, wheat, clothes, automobiles etc. Trade balance: net merchandise exports  Services/invisible trade(服务贸易): payments and receipts for legal, consulting, and engineering services, royalties for patents and intellectual properties, insurance premiums, shipping fees, and tourist expenditures.  Factor income(要素收入): payments and receipts of interest, dividends, and other income on foreign investments previously made.  Unilateral transfers(单方面转移): unrequited payments, foreign aid, reparations, official and private grants and gifts. One directional flows, without offsetting flows.J-curve effect J曲线 P63 CH3异国货币贬值对其贸易余额的影响:在货币贬值之后,贸易余额首先会恶化一阵子,但最终会随着时间的推移而逐渐改善。如果进出口对汇率变化是富有弹性的,贬值之后的贸易收支会很快得到改善,反之。豆知识:Credit 贷方,代表出口,cash inflow。 Debit 借方,代表进口, cash outflow。国际收支恒等式:BCA+BKA+BRA=0Under the fixed exchange rate regime: BCA+BKA=-BRAUnder the pure flexible exchange rate regime :BCA=-BKAUnder the dirty floating exchange rate regime(管理浮动汇率制):BCA=-BKA但是不稳定CH4:全球各地公司治理Agency problem代理问题 P81 CH4No complete contract between investors and mangers , so the agency problem appears. The heart of agency problem is the conflicts of interest between managers and outside investors over the disposition of free cash flow.Remedies of the agency problem: independent board of directors, effective incentive contracts, concentrated ownership, accounting transparency, debt mechanism , overseas stock listings to get better protection for outside investors , market for corporate control which means the hostile takeover(敌意收购)。Sarbanes-Oxley act萨班斯法案ch4 P98包含内容:1、accounting regulation-建立公共会计监督机构,负责监督上市公司的的升级食物,限制审计人员开展咨询服务2、Audit committee—公司应任命独立财务专家担任审计委员会成员3\Internal control assessment—上市公司及审计人员必须对公司就财务报告进行的内部控制和防止欺诈的有效性进行评价4\Executive responsibility-CEO和CFO必须在季报年报上签字负责。意味着美国更加严格的金融规范 和昂贵的遵循成本Since the passage of the act ,some foreign firms choose to list their shares on the London Stock Exchange and other European exchanges, instead of US exchanges, to avoid the costly compliance. 第二部分:外汇市场、汇率的决定和货币衍生工具CH5:外汇市场Depreciate P125 CH5三种解释:1、货币购买力下降。 2、降低本国单位货币的含金量或降低本国货币对外币的比价,叫做贬值。 3、泛指价值降低:商品贬值。Forward market远期市场 P125 CH5~involves contracting today for the future purchase or sale of foreign exchange 与远期市场相对应的是即期市场(spot market涉及外汇买卖的现货交易)Over-the-counter(OTC) market场外交易市场 P109 ch5The spot and forward foreign exchange markets are OTC market买卖双方不需要聚集在某个中心市场的交易The foreign exchange market is a worldwide linkage of bank currency traders non-banker dealers and FX brokers who assist in trades ,connected to one another via a net work of telephones ,computer terminals and automated dealing systems.证券市场,除了交易所外,还有一些其他交易市场,这些市场因为没有集中的统一交易制度和场所,因而把它们统称为场外交易市场,又称柜台交易或店头交易市场,指在交易所外由证券买卖双方当面议价成交的市场。它没有固定的场所,其交易主要利用电话进行,交易的证券以不在交易所上市的证券为主。Swap transaction掉期交易/互换交易 p127 ch5~Provide a means for the bank to mitigate the currency exposure in a forward trade.A forward ~ is the simultaneous sale(or purchase) of spot foreign exchange against a forward purchase(sale) of approximately an equal amount of the foreign currency.标价方式:详见中文版P106 英文版P127Triangular arbitrage三角套汇 【计算】 p123 ch5豆知识:直接标价法(direct quotation)【以美元为例】:用美元表示单位外币的价格E.g.:£1=$1.9717间接标价法(indirect quotation):外币表示单位美元的价格E.g.:$1=£0.5072欧式标价(European terms):一美元=?外币(美国角度的间接标价)美式标价(American terms):一外币=?美元(美国角度的直接标价)欧式标价法与美式标价法互为倒数。本书中用S(J/K)表示用J货币表示的一单位货币K的价格。为即期汇率价格。汇率买卖差价买入价(bid price),卖出价(offer or ask price)本书中,假设单位美元外币价格为买入价Sb,即欧式标价为买入价。单位外币的美元价格为卖出价,即美式标价为卖出价Sa。理解:市场上,美元为货币交易的“货币”。所以卖出外币(美式标价)的时候,需要告诉别人我这里一单位的某外币值多少美元,也就是美式标价法,单位外币的美元价格;而买入外币(欧式标价)的时候,我需要知道我手头上所持的每一美元可以买到多少外币,也就是欧式标价法,单位美元的外币价格。头寸指投资者拥有或借用的资金数量。头寸是一种市场约定,承诺买卖外汇合约的最初部位,买进外汇合约者是多头,处于盼涨部位;卖出外汇合约为空头,处于盼跌部位。CH6:国际评价关系与汇率预测Arbitrage 套利p134 CH6套利行为:the act of simultaneously buying and selling the equivalent assets of commodities for the purpose of making certain guaranteed profits。市场有套利机会就是不均衡的。Fisher effect P149 CH6~ holds that an increase(decrease) in the expected inflation rate in a country will cause a proportionate increase(decrease) in the interest rate in the country.一国通胀率的上升(下降)将引起该国利率的上升(下降)。Fisher effect can be written for the United States as: i$ = $ + E($) +$ × E($)The International Fisher Effect suggests that Any forward premium or discount is equal to the expected change in the exchange rate. Interest rate parity(IRP)【计算】利率平价(利率与汇率) P134 CH6IRP holds that the forward premium or discount should be equal to the interest rate differential between two countries.如果利率平价关系成立,那么远期升水或者贴水)必须等于两国之间的利率差异。如果远期汇率已知,即期汇率由相对利率决定。Purchasing power parity(PPP) 购买力平价(汇率与物价水平/通胀率)【计算】 p142 ch6~states that the exchange rate between two countries’ currencies should be equal to the ratio of their price level.购买力平价关系表明,两国汇率应该等于双方物价水平之比。相对购买力平价(the relative version of PPP)表明,汇率变化率必须等于两国的通货膨胀率差异。但现有实证研究打斗否定购买力平价关系,表明进行国际商品套利存在着许多壁垒。Random walk hypothesis上机+汇率变化 p152 ch6在金融市场,如果资产现价能完全反映所有可用相关信息,那么此时的金融市场,就是有效的。在此情况下,只有市场出现新信息时,汇率才会发生变动,但是由于新信息是无法预测的,因此汇率会在一定时期内随机波动。再因此,未来汇率的期望值应该等于现行汇率(?),即:St = E(St+1)The best predictor of the future exchange rate is the current exchange rate。If the exchange rate follows a random walk,The future exchange rate is expected to be the same as the current exchange rate, St = E(St+1)豆知识:远期升水或者贴水:对即期汇率的年度偏离率。升/贴水=(远期汇率-即期汇率)/即期汇率*360/天数利率平价公式推导:1美元投资一年。两种方式:1)投资在美国银行,利率i ,到期未1(1+i)2)投资英国银行,然后在远期市场上以到期值出售,以规避汇率风险。步骤如下:1))按照即期汇率S把美元换成英镑,得£(1/S)2))在英国银行存款,利率为i*,到期得到£(1/S)(1+i*)3))将到期值以远期汇率出售,获得预定美元,$[(1/S)(1+i*)F]其中,S F分别表示即期和远期 一单位外币所得美元。在英国投资的“有效”美元利率为:F/S(1+i*)-1。要实现套利均衡,两种等价投资所产生的未来美元收益必须相等,即:1+i=F/S(1+i*)。=》 阻碍利率平价公式维持的原因:交易成本、资本管制。CH7:外汇期货与外汇期权Hedger P167 更详细见老师PPT lec8~is a position set up in a market in an effort to offset exposure of price fluctuations in some opposite position in another market with a goal to minimize the unwanted risk. Maintenance performance bond维持保证金 p166 ch7与维持保证金相对应的是初始保证金(margin),初始保证金是持有者顺利交易的保证。维持保证金则大约是初始保证金的75%,也就是说,如果投资者的保证金账户余额低于75%,就必须存入相应金额,否则将会被经纪人强制清算。(=。=这个不是金融工程的冷饭么,这是要炒蛋炒饭么?)if the investor’s performance bond account falls below a Maintenance performance bond level (roughly equal to 75 percent f the initial performance bond),additional found must be deposited into the account to bring it back to the initial performance bond level in order to keep the position open. An investor who suffers a liquidity crunch and cannot deposit additional funds will have his position liquidated by his broker.Market-to market钉市交易 p166 ch7期货交易是钉市交易,也就是按照当日结算价格进行每日结算。这意味着,市场参与者每日都会发生盈利或者亏损而非远期合约那样到期日一次结算损益。Open interest未平仓合约 p169 ch7在期货或期权市场,未平仓合约是指市场结束一天交易时,未被“结束掉”的单边买或卖的合约数量。一张期货合约被“结束掉”,可以是因为合约到期、完成商品交割,或是以反向的操作结束责任,这称之为平仓。期权合约“结束”,则可以是因为合约到期、持有人执行权利或以反向操作结束责任。未平仓合约是分析期货及期权市场的重要参考数据之一。 未平仓合约主要针对纯期货的交易,你可能知道期货的交割是有期限的限制,按CME期货为主,它的每单交易位要3个月后才能交割,而现卖现买的抄家不可能等3个月后才平怆,如何才能保护现有的利润不至于还回去,于是在保留前张合约的同时,重新购买一张数量相同但方向相反的新合约,我们喊“对冲”,交易所的清算机构记录着,凡是已经对冲的合约,不必每天追踪清算,只有未对冲敞口的合约,才予以每天清算,这种未对冲的合约,就是“未平仓合约”!(我觉得百度百科上的解释比书上解释更给力)第三部分:外汇风险暴露及其管理CH8:交易风险暴露的管理(主要涉及汇率风险)Hedge P221-206 P193 六个问题【案例TMD太多了……Forun Ltd /Fidden Ltd/KYT Ltd】 1.Who am I ? 2.What is my exposure ? 3.What am I afraid of ? 4.What shall I do ? 5.Which contract ? 6.How many contracts do I need?书上P210&211的问题4.what are the advantages of a currency options contract as a hedging tool compared with the forward contract?Currency options: Currency Options Flexible contracts in terms of value dates and contract size. Trade on regulated exchanges as well as OTC.  Majority of volume is traded OTC.  Pricing is not tremendously transparent, based on independently formulated pricing models.  Ideal for hedging variable or uncertain FX volumes.  Perfectly flexible – can develop an option or strategy to fit almost any situation. Can be both deliverable to accommodate exchange of funds or non-deliverable for strictly hedging purposes.Forward contract:A forward is a commitment to buy or sell a foreign currency as opposed to an option.Once a forward position is initiated, it must be delivered or closed out at or before maturity with a resulting paper gain or loss to be offset by the gain or loss realized on actual goods.7.should a firm hedge? Why or why not?这货的答案在书上P206,推荐看中文版P169-171,比英文版给力多了,但是……翻译这文章的人脑子估计也一团浆糊,其实to hedge or not hedge is a blooding damn fucking question. Screw you !总结的不完全答案如下:We should hedge. Because our real market is not complete. The further reasons are listed as follows:1)information asymmetry:management knows about the firm’s exposure position much better than stockholder. Thus ,the management of the firm ,not its stockholders ,should manage exchange exposure.2)differential transaction costs: the firm is in a position to acquire low-cost hedges.3)default costs: if default costs are significant, corporate hedging would be justifiable because it will reduce the probability of default.4)progressive corporate taxes: under progressive corporate tax rates, stable before-tax earnings lead to lower corporate taxes than volatile earnings with the same average value.To the extent that for various reasons ,stockholders themselves cannot properly manage exchange risk, the firm’s mangers can do it for them, contributing to the firm’s value. However ,some corporate hedging activities might be motivated by managerial objectives; managers may want to stabilize cash flows so that the risk to their human capital can be reduced.要套期保值,因为现实中的市场是不完全的,更多原因如下:1. 信息不对称:公司管理层比股东更清楚公司的风险暴露状况。因此,应由公司管理层而不是股东来管理外汇风险暴露。2. 交易成本的差异:公司能够以低成本套期保值,而股东个人的 交易费用非常昂贵。并且,工地拥有诸如在考票中心等股东无法获得的套期保值工具。3. 违约成本:如果违约成本很高,公司的套期保值是无可非议的,因为它能降低违约的可能性。违约粉线的降低又能提高信用等级并能降低融资资本。4. 累进公司所得税:在这种累进税率下,可减少税金总之,套期保值有两个目的1) 股东自己不能恰当地管理外汇风险,而公司的管理层能为其代劳,并实现增加公司价值的目的。2) 出于管理目标,管理层想稳定现金流量,从而减少人力资本的风险。Economic exposure 经济风险暴露(公司价值) P192 CH8意料之外的汇率变化对公司价值的影响程度Transaction exposure 交易风险暴露 (现金流、合同、短期) p192 ch8一家公司以外币表示的契约中的现金流折算为本币后,已实现的本币价值对不可预期的汇率变动的敏感程度。Translation exposure(财务报表) p192 ch8公司的合并财务报表受汇率变动影响的可能性。(合并,指子公司的财务报表由当地货币折算为本国货币)第四部分:国际金融市场和国际金融机构 CH11:国际银行和货币市场Forward rate agreement远期利率协议 P273 CH11~ is an interbank contract that allows the euro-bank to hedge the interest rate risk in mismatched deposits and credits.一种银行间协议、欧洲银行可以利用远期利率协议规避借贷期限不匹配产生的利率风险。International banking facility(IBF)国际银行业务单位 P267 CH11、An International Banking Facility (IBF) is a banking entity that any US bank, or a US branch/subsidiary of a foreign bank, or an Edge Act Corporation establishes in the United States to offer services to only non-US resi、dents and institutions. The services offered include deposit and loan services.Banks may maintain IBFs in their existing quarters, but the IBF's accounting must be separate from the bank's main books. Deposit and loan services provided by IBFs are free of Federal Reserve System reserve requirements.The IBF concept was initially proposed to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors by the New York Clearing House Association in July 1978. It took until June 18, 1981 until the Board of Governors approved establishment of IBFs from December 3. IBFs were established to attract some of the money flowing out to offshore banking centers.~是指美国境内银行根据法律可以使用其国内的机构和设备,但是要设立单独的帐户向非居民客户提供的存款和放款等金融服务。这些境外货币业务不受美国联邦储备委员会规定的法定现金准备率、贷款利率等条理的限制。而且国际银行设施吸收的存款也不必加入美国联邦存款保险。不仅美国的银行,而且所有外国银行在美国的分支行,以及某些非银行机构,也都可以通过设立国际银行设施从事境外货币业务。国际银行设施的业务与国内业务是分开的,分属不同帐目,国际银行设施的客户只能是非本国居民,或者是其他的国际银行设施。Basel capital accord 巴塞尔协议 P268 1)2)3)The 1988 Basel capital accord primarily addressed banking in the context of depodit gathering and lending .thus ,its focus was on credit risk. The record was widely adopted throughout the world by national bank regulators.A minimum bank capital adequacy ratio of 8% of risk-weighted assets for internationally active banks. 银行充足率(参考商业银行)Safety of bank deposit存款安全性Basel 2 is based on the three mutually reinforcing pillars:1. minimum capital requirement最低资本金率要求 8%2. a supervisory review process 监管评价程序3. the effective use of market discipline市场规则的有效应用银行资本充足率(capital adequacy stand)保证银行稳定性CH12:国际债券市场Secondary market二级市场 CH12 P298二级市场是将一级市场上购买的欧洲债券转售给其他投资者。欧洲的二级市场是场外交易市场。二级市场包括,做市商(market maker)和经纪人(broker)通过电子设备联系。OTC.CH13:国际股票市场American depository receipt(美国存托凭证)P319 ch13美国存托凭证指一些外国公司的股票在美国境内挂牌销售。以美金发放股息,而不是以该国家的货币发放股息。Secondary market CH13 P314二级股票市场主要服务于以下两个目的:变现(marketability适销性)、股价评估(share valuation)。买卖双方在二级市场的竞争性交易为股票确立了公平的市场价格。二级市场交易皆由经纪人完成。CH14:利率互换和货币互换Currency swap P336 CH14Floating-rate note (FRT) P334 CH14Quality spread differential(QSD) P334.335 案例:Maling PZP 16 The Quality Spread Differential represents the potential gains from the swap that can be shared between the counterparties and the swap bank. There is no reason to presume that the gains will be shared equally.Swap bank 互换银行 CH14 P332 A swap bank is a generic term to describe a financial institution that facilitates swaps between counterparties. The swap bank can serve as either a broker or a dealer. As a broker, the swap bank matches counterparties but does not assume any of the risks of the swap. As a dealer, the swap bank stands ready to accept either side of a currency swap, and then later lay off their risk, or match it with a counterparty. Swap broker CH14 P332Swap dealer CH14 P332参照上面的银行那个CH15:国际证券组合投资Diversification of the market P352 CH15Selling in multiple markets to take advantage of economies of scale and diversification of exchange rate risk.第五部分:跨国企业的财务管理CH16:对外直接投资和跨国并购CH17:国际资本结构与资本成本CAMP P418 The cost of equity capital (Ke) of a firm is the expected return on the firm’s stock that investors require. This return is frequently estimated using the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM):E(Rp)=Rf +β[E(Rm)-Rf] 其中 β=Cov(Ri,Rm)/Var(Rm)  E(Rp)表示投资组合的期望收益率,Rf为无风险报酬率,E(RM)表示市场组合期望收益率,β为某一组合的系统风险系数,CAPM模型主要表示单个证券或投资组合同系统风险收益率之间的关系,也即是单个投资组合的收益率等于无风险收益率与风险溢价的和。豆知识:WACC(weight average cost of capital加权平均资本,哟,这不是公司理财那会子老傅收的二房吗?这冷饭炒得可真是跨越时空啊……╮(╯▽╰)╭)资本成本这个东西,就是一个投资项目必须产生的用来支付融资成本的最小收益率。当一家企业资本结构中有收益有负债的时候,融资成本就可以用~来表示了。以资本结构比率作为权重,将负债的税后成本和权益成本进行加权平均即可得。公式:K = (1 – )Kl +  (1- )i K,即WACC。Kl为负债企业的权益资本成本。i为负债资本的税前成本。为公司所得税边际税率。为负债占总市场价值的比率CH18:国际资本运算Net present value(NPV)【计算】 P443 ch18都看书去吧CH18神马的,还有老师上课讲的案例……OTLCH19:跨国公司的现金运算Cash budget P462 CH19The foundation of any cash management system is its cash budget. The cash budget is a plandetailing the time and the size of expected cash receipts and disbursements. 包括预计现金收支的具体时间和金额现金预算是有关预算的汇总,由现金收入、现金支出、现金多余或不足、资金的筹集和运用四个部分组成。不管是否可以称之为预算,也许这是企业最重要的一项控制,因为把可用的现金去偿付时期的债务乃是企业生存的首要条件。一旦出现库存、机器以及其他非现金资产的积压,那么,即便有了可观的利润也并不能给企业带来什么好处。Netting center 净额结算(跨国公司的资金管理) P464 CH19出现在多边净额结算制下,该体制下,要求具备某种程度的管理结构,至少有一位净额结算中心经理,这位经理通过现金预算来总体把握关联公司的现金流。建立惊愕结算中心并不意味着跨国公司用偶遇一名中央现金管理者,事实上,该制度要求每家关联公司都有一名当地的现金管理者,负责闲置资金的投资和现金短缺时的借款。具体参考中文版388页。Zero coupon bond零息票债券 (zero coupon bond)是不支付利息的债券,通常在到期日按面值支付给债券持有人。计算神马的,请参照商业银行经营学。
  •     国际财务管理-章节分类知识条目整理(页码默认为英文版)以课本后面的关键词为检索基础,分章节罗列具体子目下的概念和含义。图片缺省版。去年期末考试的时候自己整理的。CH1:国际财务管理基础CH2:国际货币体系 international monetary systemBreton woods system布雷顿森林体系(gold-exchange standard) P29 CH2An international monetary system build in 1944, under which,each country established a par value in relation to the USD, which was pegged to gold at 35$ per ounce. European monetary system(EMS)欧洲货币体系 P35 CH21979年,代替“蛇形浮动汇率制度”(欧洲经济共同体决定它们货币的汇率浮动不得超过2.25%。)由德国总理赫尔穆特•施密特提出,在1979年3月正式启动。三个目标:1)to establish a “zone of monetary stability” in Europe2)to coordinate exchange rate policies vis-à-vis the non EMS currencies3)to pave the way for ten eventual European monetary union该体系下的两大工具是欧洲货币单位(ECU欧盟各成员国货币经过加权平均而形成的一篮子货币)和汇率机制(ERM欧洲货币体系各成员国联合管理汇率的程序,建立在“平价网”体系之上的。)European monetary union(EMU)欧洲货币联盟 P40 CH2~是欧洲货币体系的后续,该体系下的欧元是欧洲货币单位的后续。欧元俱乐部11个成员国货币需按照1999年1月1日的兑换率与欧元挂钩,02年欧元进入市场各成员国货币退出市场。欧洲中央银行及各国中央银行构成欧洲中央银行体系,以维持物价稳定为主要目标。三个主要任务:1)制定并执行联盟的共同货币政策,2)实行外汇运作,3)持有并管理欧元区成员国的官方外汇储备。加入EMU的利益:降低交易成本;消除汇率变动的不确定性;跨国投资和贸易的净效用增加,最终增加欧洲公司的国际竞争力。为欧洲资本市场的持续健康发展创造了良好条件。最后,统一货币还可以推动欧洲的政治合作与和平。加入EMU的代价:各国丧失了独立制定本国货币和汇率政策的权利the loss of national monetary and exchange rate policy independence(e.g.:芬兰严重依赖造纸业,该行业若受到冲击,欧元不会单独为该国而进行调整,此为“不对称冲击”。但是若芬兰的工资和物价水平可以自由波动,冲击影响则是可处理的。)Gold standard金本位制度 P26 CH2金本位制度实行的条件:1)只有黄金可以被自由铸造成货币2)黄金与各国货币间实现稳定比率的双向兑换3)黄金可以自由输入或输出Under the ~, the exchange rate between any two currencies will be determined by their gold content.古典金本位制度下极其稳定的汇率为国际贸易投资提供了良好的环境。金本位制的缺点:1)黄金有限2)一国政府处于政治考虑必须寻求某种与金本位制相背离的目标,该国可能放弃金本位制,意即本质上缺乏一种迫使各主要国家遵守游戏规则的机制。Gresham’s law格雷欣法则 P26 CH2“Bad”(abundant) money drives out “good”(scars)money. 格雷欣法则是一条经济法则,也称劣币驱逐良币法则,意为在双本位货币制度的情况下,两种货币同时流通时,如果其中之一发生贬值,其实际价值相对低于另一种货币的价值,实际价值高于法定价值的“良币”将被普遍收藏起来,逐步从市场上消失,最终被驱逐出流通领域,实际价值低于法定价值的“劣币”将在市场上泛滥成灾。 了解更多Managed-float system管理浮动利率制 P33 布雷顿森林体系瓦解后,美元持续贬值,为了防美元过度贬值,解决汇率波动及相关问题,西方七国经济首脑会议于1987年在巴黎召开,达成卢浮宫协议。The Louvre Accord(卢浮宫协议) marked the inception of the Managed-float system under which the G-7 countries would jointly intervene in the exchange market to correct over- or undervaluation of currencies.Optimum Currency Area最优货币区理论 欧元区 P44 ch2确立统一货币区的标准是资本和劳动力等要素在该区域内可以自由流动的程度。The relevant criterion for identifying and designing a common currency zone is the degree of factor(i.e.: capital and labor) mobility within the zone.(最佳案例是美国)Triffin paradox 特里芬难题 ch2 P30布雷登森林体系破裂的原因Under the gold-exchange system ,the reserve currency country should run balance-of-payments deficits to supply reserve, but if such deficits are large and persistent, they can lead to a crisis of confidence in the reserve currency itself, causing the downfall of the system .Price-specie-flow mechanism 价格-铸币-流动机制 P28 CH2该机制认为:在金本位制度下,国际收支的失衡可以自动地得到矫正。本国进出口逆差—》净输出—》黄金外流货币供给减少—》本国物价下跌—》本国商品竞争力较国外增强—》出口增加进口减少—》逆差得到调整。Special drawing rights(SDRs)特别提款权 CH2 P30为解决20C60S美元危机(特里芬难题),缓解美元作为中心储备货币的压力而提出的解决办法之一。~which is a basket currency comprising major individual currencies ,was allotted to the members of IMF, who could then use it for transactions among themselves or with the IMF. In addition to gold and foreign exchanges, countries could use the SDR to make international payments.最初由16种货币加权平均,1981年减少到5种,现在又美元、欧元、日元、英镑四种货币组成,每五年调整一次。SDR价值比起所包含的任何一种货币都要稳定。CH3:国际收支 balance of paymentBalance of payments国际收支 P60Reasons for studying:1)the balance of payments provides detailed information concerning the demand and supply of a country’s currency.2) a country’s balance of payment of data may single its potential as a business partner for the rest of the world.3) balance-of –payments data can be used to evaluate the performance of the country in international economic competition.定义:the statistical record of a country’s international transactions over a certain period of time presented in the form of double–entry bookkeeping(复式记账法)以美国国际收支为例:贷方credit, cash inflow记录商品服务等出口销售,表示对美元的需求;借方debit ,cash out flow。记录美国对国外商品、服务、无形资产债权等的进口购买,表示美元供给每一个贷方账户必然有一个与之平衡的借方账户记录内容:international trade, exports and imports , cross-border investment跨国投资 Capital account资本账户 P64 CH3 Direct investment: investors acquire a measure of control of the foreign business. FDI takes place as firms attempt to take advantage of various market imperfections. Portfolio investment: sales and purchases of foreign financial assets such as stocks and bonds not involving a transfer of control. Other investments: transactions in currency, bank deposits, trade credits etc. Currency account经常账户 p62 Includes all imports and exports of goods and services. Includes unilateral transfers of foreign aid. If the debits exceed the credits, then a country is running a trade deficit(贸易逆差). If the credits exceed the debits, then a country is running a trade surplus(贸易顺差). Merchandise trade(商品贸易): exports and imports of tangible goods: Oil, wheat, clothes, automobiles etc. Trade balance: net merchandise exports  Services/invisible trade(服务贸易): payments and receipts for legal, consulting, and engineering services, royalties for patents and intellectual properties, insurance premiums, shipping fees, and tourist expenditures.  Factor income(要素收入): payments and receipts of interest, dividends, and other income on foreign investments previously made.  Unilateral transfers(单方面转移): unrequited payments, foreign aid, reparations, official and private grants and gifts. One directional flows, without offsetting flows.J-curve effect J曲线 P63 CH3异国货币贬值对其贸易余额的影响:在货币贬值之后,贸易余额首先会恶化一阵子,但最终会随着时间的推移而逐渐改善。如果进出口对汇率变化是富有弹性的,贬值之后的贸易收支会很快得到改善,反之。豆知识:Credit 贷方,代表出口,cash inflow。 Debit 借方,代表进口, cash outflow。国际收支恒等式:BCA+BKA+BRA=0Under the fixed exchange rate regime: BCA+BKA=-BRAUnder the pure flexible exchange rate regime :BCA=-BKAUnder the dirty floating exchange rate regime(管理浮动汇率制):BCA=-BKA但是不稳定CH4:全球各地公司治理Agency problem代理问题 P81 CH4No complete contract between investors and mangers , so the agency problem appears. The heart of agency problem is the conflicts of interest between managers and outside investors over the disposition of free cash flow.Remedies of the agency problem: independent board of directors, effective incentive contracts, concentrated ownership, accounting transparency, debt mechanism , overseas stock listings to get better protection for outside investors , market for corporate control which means the hostile takeover(敌意收购)。Sarbanes-Oxley act萨班斯法案ch4 P98包含内容:1、accounting regulation-建立公共会计监督机构,负责监督上市公司的的升级食物,限制审计人员开展咨询服务2、Audit committee—公司应任命独立财务专家担任审计委员会成员3\Internal control assessment—上市公司及审计人员必须对公司就财务报告进行的内部控制和防止欺诈的有效性进行评价4\Executive responsibility-CEO和CFO必须在季报年报上签字负责。意味着美国更加严格的金融规范 和昂贵的遵循成本Since the passage of the act ,some foreign firms choose to list their shares on the London Stock Exchange and other European exchanges, instead of US exchanges, to avoid the costly compliance. 第二部分:外汇市场、汇率的决定和货币衍生工具CH5:外汇市场Depreciate P125 CH5三种解释:1、货币购买力下降。 2、降低本国单位货币的含金量或降低本国货币对外币的比价,叫做贬值。 3、泛指价值降低:商品贬值。Forward market远期市场 P125 CH5~involves contracting today for the future purchase or sale of foreign exchange 与远期市场相对应的是即期市场(spot market涉及外汇买卖的现货交易)Over-the-counter(OTC) market场外交易市场 P109 ch5The spot and forward foreign exchange markets are OTC market买卖双方不需要聚集在某个中心市场的交易The foreign exchange market is a worldwide linkage of bank currency traders non-banker dealers and FX brokers who assist in trades ,connected to one another via a net work of telephones ,computer terminals and automated dealing systems.证券市场,除了交易所外,还有一些其他交易市场,这些市场因为没有集中的统一交易制度和场所,因而把它们统称为场外交易市场,又称柜台交易或店头交易市场,指在交易所外由证券买卖双方当面议价成交的市场。它没有固定的场所,其交易主要利用电话进行,交易的证券以不在交易所上市的证券为主。Swap transaction掉期交易/互换交易 p127 ch5~Provide a means for the bank to mitigate the currency exposure in a forward trade.A forward ~ is the simultaneous sale(or purchase) of spot foreign exchange against a forward purchase(sale) of approximately an equal amount of the foreign currency.标价方式:详见中文版P106 英文版P127Triangular arbitrage三角套汇 【计算】 p123 ch5豆知识:直接标价法(direct quotation)【以美元为例】:用美元表示单位外币的价格E.g.:£1=$1.9717间接标价法(indirect quotation):外币表示单位美元的价格E.g.:$1=£0.5072欧式标价(European terms):一美元=?外币(美国角度的间接标价)美式标价(American terms):一外币=?美元(美国角度的直接标价)欧式标价法与美式标价法互为倒数。本书中用S(J/K)表示用J货币表示的一单位货币K的价格。为即期汇率价格。汇率买卖差价买入价(bid price),卖出价(offer or ask price)本书中,假设单位美元外币价格为买入价Sb,即欧式标价为买入价。单位外币的美元价格为卖出价,即美式标价为卖出价Sa。理解:市场上,美元为货币交易的“货币”。所以卖出外币(美式标价)的时候,需要告诉别人我这里一单位的某外币值多少美元,也就是美式标价法,单位外币的美元价格;而买入外币(欧式标价)的时候,我需要知道我手头上所持的每一美元可以买到多少外币,也就是欧式标价法,单位美元的外币价格。头寸指投资者拥有或借用的资金数量。头寸是一种市场约定,承诺买卖外汇合约的最初部位,买进外汇合约者是多头,处于盼涨部位;卖出外汇合约为空头,处于盼跌部位。CH6:国际评价关系与汇率预测Arbitrage 套利p134 CH6套利行为:the act of simultaneously buying and selling the equivalent assets of commodities for the purpose of making certain guaranteed profits。市场有套利机会就是不均衡的。Fisher effect P149 CH6~ holds that an increase(decrease) in the expected inflation rate in a country will cause a proportionate increase(decrease) in the interest rate in the country.一国通胀率的上升(下降)将引起该国利率的上升(下降)。Fisher effect can be written for the United States as: i$ = $ + E($) +$ × E($)The International Fisher Effect suggests that Any forward premium or discount is equal to the expected change in the exchange rate. Interest rate parity(IRP)【计算】利率平价(利率与汇率) P134 CH6IRP holds that the forward premium or discount should be equal to the interest rate differential between two countries.如果利率平价关系成立,那么远期升水或者贴水)必须等于两国之间的利率差异。如果远期汇率已知,即期汇率由相对利率决定。Purchasing power parity(PPP) 购买力平价(汇率与物价水平/通胀率)【计算】 p142 ch6~states that the exchange rate between two countries’ currencies should be equal to the ratio of their price level.购买力平价关系表明,两国汇率应该等于双方物价水平之比。相对购买力平价(the relative version of PPP)表明,汇率变化率必须等于两国的通货膨胀率差异。但现有实证研究打斗否定购买力平价关系,表明进行国际商品套利存在着许多壁垒。Random walk hypothesis上机+汇率变化 p152 ch6在金融市场,如果资产现价能完全反映所有可用相关信息,那么此时的金融市场,就是有效的。在此情况下,只有市场出现新信息时,汇率才会发生变动,但是由于新信息是无法预测的,因此汇率会在一定时期内随机波动。再因此,未来汇率的期望值应该等于现行汇率(?),即:St = E(St+1)The best predictor of the future exchange rate is the current exchange rate。If the exchange rate follows a random walk,The future exchange rate is expected to be the same as the current exchange rate, St = E(St+1)豆知识:远期升水或者贴水:对即期汇率的年度偏离率。升/贴水=(远期汇率-即期汇率)/即期汇率*360/天数利率平价公式推导:1美元投资一年。两种方式:1)投资在美国银行,利率i ,到期未1(1+i)2)投资英国银行,然后在远期市场上以到期值出售,以规避汇率风险。步骤如下:1))按照即期汇率S把美元换成英镑,得£(1/S)2))在英国银行存款,利率为i*,到期得到£(1/S)(1+i*)3))将到期值以远期汇率出售,获得预定美元,$[(1/S)(1+i*)F]其中,S F分别表示即期和远期 一单位外币所得美元。在英国投资的“有效”美元利率为:F/S(1+i*)-1。要实现套利均衡,两种等价投资所产生的未来美元收益必须相等,即:1+i=F/S(1+i*)。=》 阻碍利率平价公式维持的原因:交易成本、资本管制。CH7:外汇期货与外汇期权Hedger P167 更详细见老师PPT lec8~is a position set up in a market in an effort to offset exposure of price fluctuations in some opposite position in another market with a goal to minimize the unwanted risk. Maintenance performance bond维持保证金 p166 ch7与维持保证金相对应的是初始保证金(margin),初始保证金是持有者顺利交易的保证。维持保证金则大约是初始保证金的75%,也就是说,如果投资者的保证金账户余额低于75%,就必须存入相应金额,否则将会被经纪人强制清算。(=。=这个不是金融工程的冷饭么,这是要炒蛋炒饭么?)if the investor’s performance bond account falls below a Maintenance performance bond level (roughly equal to 75 percent f the initial performance bond),additional found must be deposited into the account to bring it back to the initial performance bond level in order to keep the position open. An investor who suffers a liquidity crunch and cannot deposit additional funds will have his position liquidated by his broker.Market-to market钉市交易 p166 ch7期货交易是钉市交易,也就是按照当日结算价格进行每日结算。这意味着,市场参与者每日都会发生盈利或者亏损而非远期合约那样到期日一次结算损益。Open interest未平仓合约 p169 ch7在期货或期权市场,未平仓合约是指市场结束一天交易时,未被“结束掉”的单边买或卖的合约数量。一张期货合约被“结束掉”,可以是因为合约到期、完成商品交割,或是以反向的操作结束责任,这称之为平仓。期权合约“结束”,则可以是因为合约到期、持有人执行权利或以反向操作结束责任。未平仓合约是分析期货及期权市场的重要参考数据之一。 未平仓合约主要针对纯期货的交易,你可能知道期货的交割是有期限的限制,按CME期货为主,它的每单交易位要3个月后才能交割,而现卖现买的抄家不可能等3个月后才平怆,如何才能保护现有的利润不至于还回去,于是在保留前张合约的同时,重新购买一张数量相同但方向相反的新合约,我们喊“对冲”,交易所的清算机构记录着,凡是已经对冲的合约,不必每天追踪清算,只有未对冲敞口的合约,才予以每天清算,这种未对冲的合约,就是“未平仓合约”!(我觉得百度百科上的解释比书上解释更给力)第三部分:外汇风险暴露及其管理CH8:交易风险暴露的管理(主要涉及汇率风险)Hedge P221-206 P193 六个问题【案例TMD太多了……Forun Ltd /Fidden Ltd/KYT Ltd】 1.Who am I ? 2.What is my exposure ? 3.What am I afraid of ? 4.What shall I do ? 5.Which contract ? 6.How many contracts do I need?书上P210&211的问题4.what are the advantages of a currency options contract as a hedging tool compared with the forward contract?Currency options: Currency Options Flexible contracts in terms of value dates and contract size. Trade on regulated exchanges as well as OTC.  Majority of volume is traded OTC.  Pricing is not tremendously transparent, based on independently formulated pricing models.  Ideal for hedging variable or uncertain FX volumes.  Perfectly flexible – can develop an option or strategy to fit almost any situation. Can be both deliverable to accommodate exchange of funds or non-deliverable for strictly hedging purposes.Forward contract:A forward is a commitment to buy or sell a foreign currency as opposed to an option.Once a forward position is initiated, it must be delivered or closed out at or before maturity with a resulting paper gain or loss to be offset by the gain or loss realized on actual goods.7.should a firm hedge? Why or why not?这货的答案在书上P206,推荐看中文版P169-171,比英文版给力多了,但是……翻译这文章的人脑子估计也一团浆糊,其实to hedge or not hedge is a blooding damn fucking question. Screw you !总结的不完全答案如下:We should hedge. Because our real market is not complete. The further reasons are listed as follows:1)information asymmetry:management knows about the firm’s exposure position much better than stockholder. Thus ,the management of the firm ,not its stockholders ,should manage exchange exposure.2)differential transaction costs: the firm is in a position to acquire low-cost hedges.3)default costs: if default costs are significant, corporate hedging would be justifiable because it will reduce the probability of default.4)progressive corporate taxes: under progressive corporate tax rates, stable before-tax earnings lead to lower corporate taxes than volatile earnings with the same average value.To the extent that for various reasons ,stockholders themselves cannot properly manage exchange risk, the firm’s mangers can do it for them, contributing to the firm’s value. However ,some corporate hedging activities might be motivated by managerial objectives; managers may want to stabilize cash flows so that the risk to their human capital can be reduced.要套期保值,因为现实中的市场是不完全的,更多原因如下:1. 信息不对称:公司管理层比股东更清楚公司的风险暴露状况。因此,应由公司管理层而不是股东来管理外汇风险暴露。2. 交易成本的差异:公司能够以低成本套期保值,而股东个人的 交易费用非常昂贵。并且,工地拥有诸如在考票中心等股东无法获得的套期保值工具。3. 违约成本:如果违约成本很高,公司的套期保值是无可非议的,因为它能降低违约的可能性。违约粉线的降低又能提高信用等级并能降低融资资本。4. 累进公司所得税:在这种累进税率下,可减少税金总之,套期保值有两个目的1) 股东自己不能恰当地管理外汇风险,而公司的管理层能为其代劳,并实现增加公司价值的目的。2) 出于管理目标,管理层想稳定现金流量,从而减少人力资本的风险。Economic exposure 经济风险暴露(公司价值) P192 CH8意料之外的汇率变化对公司价值的影响程度Transaction exposure 交易风险暴露 (现金流、合同、短期) p192 ch8一家公司以外币表示的契约中的现金流折算为本币后,已实现的本币价值对不可预期的汇率变动的敏感程度。Translation exposure(财务报表) p192 ch8公司的合并财务报表受汇率变动影响的可能性。(合并,指子公司的财务报表由当地货币折算为本国货币)第四部分:国际金融市场和国际金融机构 CH11:国际银行和货币市场Forward rate agreement远期利率协议 P273 CH11~ is an interbank contract that allows the euro-bank to hedge the interest rate risk in mismatched deposits and credits.一种银行间协议、欧洲银行可以利用远期利率协议规避借贷期限不匹配产生的利率风险。International banking facility(IBF)国际银行业务单位 P267 CH11、An International Banking Facility (IBF) is a banking entity that any US bank, or a US branch/subsidiary of a foreign bank, or an Edge Act Corporation establishes in the United States to offer services to only non-US resi、dents and institutions. The services offered include deposit and loan services.Banks may maintain IBFs in their existing quarters, but the IBF's accounting must be separate from the bank's main books. Deposit and loan services provided by IBFs are free of Federal Reserve System reserve requirements.The IBF concept was initially proposed to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors by the New York Clearing House Association in July 1978. It took until June 18, 1981 until the Board of Governors approved establishment of IBFs from December 3. IBFs were established to attract some of the money flowing out to offshore banking centers.~是指美国境内银行根据法律可以使用其国内的机构和设备,但是要设立单独的帐户向非居民客户提供的存款和放款等金融服务。这些境外货币业务不受美国联邦储备委员会规定的法定现金准备率、贷款利率等条理的限制。而且国际银行设施吸收的存款也不必加入美国联邦存款保险。不仅美国的银行,而且所有外国银行在美国的分支行,以及某些非银行机构,也都可以通过设立国际银行设施从事境外货币业务。国际银行设施的业务与国内业务是分开的,分属不同帐目,国际银行设施的客户只能是非本国居民,或者是其他的国际银行设施。Basel capital accord 巴塞尔协议 P268 1)2)3)The 1988 Basel capital accord primarily addressed banking in the context of depodit gathering and lending .thus ,its focus was on credit risk. The record was widely adopted throughout the world by national bank regulators.A minimum bank capital adequacy ratio of 8% of risk-weighted assets for internationally active banks. 银行充足率(参考商业银行)Safety of bank deposit存款安全性Basel 2 is based on the three mutually reinforcing pillars:1. minimum capital requirement最低资本金率要求 8%2. a supervisory review process 监管评价程序3. the effective use of market discipline市场规则的有效应用银行资本充足率(capital adequacy stand)保证银行稳定性CH12:国际债券市场Secondary market二级市场 CH12 P298二级市场是将一级市场上购买的欧洲债券转售给其他投资者。欧洲的二级市场是场外交易市场。二级市场包括,做市商(market maker)和经纪人(broker)通过电子设备联系。OTC.CH13:国际股票市场American depository receipt(美国存托凭证)P319 ch13美国存托凭证指一些外国公司的股票在美国境内挂牌销售。以美金发放股息,而不是以该国家的货币发放股息。Secondary market CH13 P314二级股票市场主要服务于以下两个目的:变现(marketability适销性)、股价评估(share valuation)。买卖双方在二级市场的竞争性交易为股票确立了公平的市场价格。二级市场交易皆由经纪人完成。CH14:利率互换和货币互换Currency swap P336 CH14Floating-rate note (FRT) P334 CH14Quality spread differential(QSD) P334.335 案例:Maling PZP 16 The Quality Spread Differential represents the potential gains from the swap that can be shared between the counterparties and the swap bank. There is no reason to presume that the gains will be shared equally.Swap bank 互换银行 CH14 P332 A swap bank is a generic term to describe a financial institution that facilitates swaps between counterparties. The swap bank can serve as either a broker or a dealer. As a broker, the swap bank matches counterparties but does not assume any of the risks of the swap. As a dealer, the swap bank stands ready to accept either side of a currency swap, and then later lay off their risk, or match it with a counterparty. Swap broker CH14 P332Swap dealer CH14 P332参照上面的银行那个CH15:国际证券组合投资Diversification of the market P352 CH15Selling in multiple markets to take advantage of economies of scale and diversification of exchange rate risk.第五部分:跨国企业的财务管理CH16:对外直接投资和跨国并购CH17:国际资本结构与资本成本CAMP P418 The cost of equity capital (Ke) of a firm is the expected return on the firm’s stock that investors require. This return is frequently estimated using the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM):E(Rp)=Rf +β[E(Rm)-Rf] 其中 β=Cov(Ri,Rm)/Var(Rm)  E(Rp)表示投资组合的期望收益率,Rf为无风险报酬率,E(RM)表示市场组合期望收益率,β为某一组合的系统风险系数,CAPM模型主要表示单个证券或投资组合同系统风险收益率之间的关系,也即是单个投资组合的收益率等于无风险收益率与风险溢价的和。豆知识:WACC(weight average cost of capital加权平均资本,哟,这不是公司理财那会子老傅收的二房吗?这冷饭炒得可真是跨越时空啊……╮(╯▽╰)╭)资本成本这个东西,就是一个投资项目必须产生的用来支付融资成本的最小收益率。当一家企业资本结构中有收益有负债的时候,融资成本就可以用~来表示了。以资本结构比率作为权重,将负债的税后成本和权益成本进行加权平均即可得。公式:K = (1 – )Kl +  (1- )i K,即WACC。Kl为负债企业的权益资本成本。i为负债资本的税前成本。为公司所得税边际税率。为负债占总市场价值的比率CH18:国际资本运算Net present value(NPV)【计算】 P443 ch18都看书去吧CH18神马的,还有老师上课讲的案例……OTLCH19:跨国公司的现金运算Cash budget P462 CH19The foundation of any cash management system is its cash budget. The cash budget is a plandetailing the time and the size of expected cash receipts and disbursements. 包括预计现金收支的具体时间和金额现金预算是有关预算的汇总,由现金收入、现金支出、现金多余或不足、资金的筹集和运用四个部分组成。不管是否可以称之为预算,也许这是企业最重要的一项控制,因为把可用的现金去偿付时期的债务乃是企业生存的首要条件。一旦出现库存、机器以及其他非现金资产的积压,那么,即便有了可观的利润也并不能给企业带来什么好处。Netting center 净额结算(跨国公司的资金管理) P464 CH19出现在多边净额结算制下,该体制下,要求具备某种程度的管理结构,至少有一位净额结算中心经理,这位经理通过现金预算来总体把握关联公司的现金流。建立惊愕结算中心并不意味着跨国公司用偶遇一名中央现金管理者,事实上,该制度要求每家关联公司都有一名当地的现金管理者,负责闲置资金的投资和现金短缺时的借款。具体参考中文版388页。Zero coupon bond零息票债券 (zero coupon bond)是不支付利息的债券,通常在到期日按面值支付给债券持有人。计算神马的,请参照商业银行经营学。分析题:1、 NPV ch182、 Hedge p211 (206), ch8( 192.193) 6个问题3、 Swap p331~\334 满足QSD ch14 PZP案例15页 + Manling currency swap计算题:格式-1)justification模型选择(说明原因:information capability ,consistent with theory)2)outcome3)working4)conclusion &advises(模型评价等等)题目内容-1.Assets pricing (PT /CAPM P418 / B-S) 【案例:FIVE WEALTHS】2.valuation (NPV/PE•Ep / dividend valuation)2.hedge3.WACC【案例:hot lot】等其他:1) Cross rate+ hedge Eg. rm~rmb2) forward+ swap合同关系关键点:1) option避风险2) future/swap3) 结合1、2Payment of option=payment of swapTransaction cost(16m/10)+ premium cost(由option独有,受5个因素影响)= transaction cost

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