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作者:阮绩智 编




Chapter 1 Business Letter Writing1.1 Introduction1.2 The Principles ofEffective Business Writing1.3 The Style and Tone ofBusiness Letter Writing1.4 Good-news Letters and Bad-news LettersVocabulary & NotesExercisesChapter 2 Business LeRem,Faxes and E.mails2.1 Introduction2.2 Formats ofBusiness Letters and Envelope Addressing2.3 The Common Components ofa Business Letter2.4 Busmess Faxes and E-mailsVocabulary & NotesExercisesChapter 3 Establishing Business Relations3.1 Introduction3.2 Specimen Letters3.3 Writing Guidelines3.4 Language FocusVocabulary & NotesExerciseChapter 4 Enquiries and Replies4.1 Introduction4.2 Specimen Letters4.3 Writing Guidelines4.4 Language FocusVocabulary & NotesExercisesChapter 5 Offers and Counter-offers5.1 Introduction5.2 Specimen Letters5.3 Writing Guidelines5.4 Language FocusVocabulary & NotesExercisesChapter 6 Sales Promotion and Follow-ups6.1 Introduction6.2 Specimen Letters6.3 Writing Guidelines”6.4 Language FocusVocabulary & NotesExercisesChapter 7 Orders and AcknOwlegements7.1 Introduction7.2 Specimen Letters7.3 Writing Guidelines7.4 Language FocusVocabulary & NotesExercisesChapter 8 Terms of Payment(I)8.1 Introduction8.2 Specimen Letters8.3 Writing Guidelines8.4 Language FocusVocabulary & NotesExercisesChapter 9 Terms of Payment(11)9.1 Introduction——9.2 Specimen Letters9.3 Writing Guidelines9.4 Language FocusVocabulary & NotesExercisesChapter 10 Packing and Marking10.1 Introduction10.2 Specimen LetterslO.3 Writing Guidelines10.4 Language FocusVocabulary & NotesExercisesChapter 11 Shipment11.1 Introduction11.2 Specimen Letters11.3 Writing Guidelines11.4 Language FocusVocabulary & NotesExercisesChapter 12 Cargo Transport Insurance12.1 Introduction12.2 Specimen Letters12.3 Writing Guidelines12.4 Language FocusVocabulary & NotesExercisesChapter 13 Complaints and Adjustments13.1 Introduction13.2 Specimen Letters13.3 Writing Guidelines13.4 Language FocusVocabulary & NotesExercisesKey to ExercisesReferences


  近年来,美国金融业出现波动,进而演变成世界性金融危机。这次美、欧等发达经济体陷入金融危机,影响到了全球贸易的稳定运行,而且金融危机的爆发使得一些国家和地区转而采取更为保守的贸易政策,全球范围的贸易保护主义威胁增大,对我国的出口、投资、消费产生了一定的影响,这是我们必须面对的现实。  然而,我们也必须认识到国际贸易是国民经济的重要组成部分,它对我国现代化建设和全社会发展产生了巨大而深远的影响。自改革开放以来,我国对外贸易的快速增长已取得了举世瞩目的成就。随着我国加入WTO及区域性国际组织,我国的经济活动国际化趋势日渐明显,各企业的国际交流及贸易活动越来越多,熟悉国际交流与贸易规则及惯例、不断加强国际间的交流与合作,成为众多企业经营的重心,因而对国际经济贸易或商务管理人才的需求与日俱增。中国出口产业总体竞争力仍然是比较强的,全球金融危机和经济下滑将催生新一轮国际产业的调整,这对于中国外贸企业来讲,既是很大的挑战,也是获得新发展的机遇。2009年中国经济发展的内在动能依然充足,国民经济和金融体系的基本面是健康的。随着调整和优化结构,统筹城乡发展将带来巨大和长期的投资与消费需求。中国投资环境和基础设施不断改善,增长潜力很大,迄今为止外商对中国直接投资热情不减。所以,从中长期看,中国外贸发展前景依然十分光明。随着新一轮世界经济贸易的复苏,国际贸易专业人才将是市场经济中最紧缺的人才之一,随着我国改革开放的深入,国际贸易人才仍然是急需人才。


  Like any other letter, a good business letter should be complete, providing all theinformation and data necessary for a specific issue. If any necessary piece of information islacking, the reader will have to ask you for clarification, which means that you will have towrite another letter. It will not only waste time, energy and money, but also damage the imageof your company. In order to verify the completeness of what you write, five "Ws" (who, what, where,when and why) and one "h" (how) should be considered. For example, if you write a letter oforder, you should make it clear who wants to order, what is wanted, when and where thegoods are to be delivered and how payment will be made. If you have some specialrequirements, you should explain the reason.





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