
当前位置:首页 > 管理 > 商务沟通 > 商务信函





第一章 销售信
1 在一次客户旅游中加入一位“大人物”
2 寄送产品目录
3 寄送续保通知
第二章 市场营销
1 广告
2 投标报价过程
3 直复营销
4 问卷/调查
第三章 管理
1 宣布年终报告
2 给雇员的致歉信
3 公司奖励
第四章 公共关系和宣传
1 接受媒体采访
2 接受加入董事会的邀请
3 寄送发言人的报酬
第五章 客户服务
1 抱怨
2 客户感谢信
3 客户订单
第六章 人力资源
1 接受工作
2 接受培训
3 确认收到简历
第七章 会计和财务
1 收款
2 信贷
3 采购




  编者后记  本书旨在为商业界人士提供内容涵盖全面而又实用的商务信函样板。为了方便读者使用,我们特意设计成中英对照格式。其中的中文部分,编者按照中文书信的写作和阅读习惯作了相应调整,去掉了信头、改变了英文信件通用的称谓(Dear)、调整了落款格式,而信件主体部分则如实地对相应的英文部分作了翻译。同时,为了符合同一封信函的英文、中文部分处于上下或者左右对照的设计版式,方便读者参阅,我们在编辑过程中调整了原书按英文标题首字母排列的顺序。如果因此给读者带来不便,敬请谅解。  读者在使用此书时,可以根据自己的实际需要选择中文、英文不同样板,每封信件中用方括号括起来的部分为使用者可以按照实际情况加以改变或者填充的内容。另外,随书附赠的CD-ROM是完全客户化设计的,使用者可以利用光盘中内嵌的Word编辑器对选中的信函进行编辑处理,以及打印。总之,一切都可以很方便地在电脑上进行操作,从而省下您的很多精力和时间。  得体、简单、方便、实用——这就是这本《商务信函——2500成功沟通范例》希望为您所提供的一切。


  [DATE]  [Name]  [Company]  [Address]  [City, State ZIP]  Dear [  ]:  Thank you so much for talking with me on the phone last week. I have been  thinking about your needs for a [product or service].  Although we had talked about providing you with one of our standard solutions,  I have come to believe that a custom [product or service] would be much  better for your company for the following reasons:  1. [reason]  2. [reason]  3. [reason]  Customization of the system means your staff will have more time to attend to  other tasks. In less than a year, this time savings is very likely to completely set  off the costs of a custom system.  Thats what several of our clients that have purchased custom systems tell us.  They would be glad to talk to you, too. I am enclosing a list of several people  you can feel free to contact.  Ill give you a call next week to see ifyou agree that a custom solution is for  you.  Sincerely,  [Name]  [Title]    尊敬的[ ]先生/女士:  谢谢你上周与我进行的电话长谈。我一直在考虑你对[x x产品或服务]的需求。  虽然我们谈过给你提供一项我们制定的标准解决方案,但我逐渐认为,一项专为客户量身定做的[产品或服务]会对你的公司更有帮助。原因如下:  [原因1]  [原因2]  [原因3]  这个系统的客户化程度能使你的员工有更多的时间去参与其他工作。不到一年,你所节约的时间就完全可以抵消购买这个系统所花的成本。  这是几位购买我们这一客户系统的用户告诉我们的,他们也很高兴与你交流心得。我随信寄给你一张名单,你可以随意与上面的人联系。  我下周给你去电话,看你是否同意为你量身制定一项客户解决方案。  [姓名]  [职务]  [日期]    [DATE]  [Name]  [Company]  [Address]  [City, State ZIP]  Dear [  ]:  How many times lately have you wanted to use the phone, only to find that  your teenage daughter is on an "important" three-hour call?  Imagine how great it would be to make a call whenever you want m and not  have to compete with your children.  Now you can have it all at an affordable cost. [Telephone Ease Co.] can install  a second phone line for your children. The line will give you the freedom to use  the phone whenever you want to, no matter what calls your kids are making.  To find out more, simply call our toll-free number, [800/555-5555]. Our  customer care representative will answer your questions and set up your second-  line installation.  As a special bonus for calling now, youll receive a long-distance phone card  worth [$10] absolutely free, with no obligation to buy anything. Whatever you  decide, the card is our gift to you just for calling.  Dont wait in line to use the phone! Call today. Remember, you get a free [$10]  long-distance phone card just for responding to this offer.  Sincerely yours,  [Name]  [Title]    尊敬的[ ]先生/女士:  你最近有多少次想用电话的时候,却发现你十多岁的女儿正在打一个三小时的“重要”电话?  想想要是随时随刻都能打电话该多好啊——没必要再和你的孩子争抢了。  现在你可以以你能承受的价格拥有这一切。[Telephone Ease公司]能为你的孩子安装一部电话分机。这样主机电话线便可以让你随时自由地使用,无论你的孩子是否在打电话。  想知道更多信息吗?只需拨打我们的免费电话[800/555—5555]。我们的客户服务代表将回答你的问题,并为你安装分机电话线。  现在打电话还有奖励,你会得到一张免费长途电话卡,价值[10美元],而且你无需购买任何东西。不管你作何决定,这张卡是我们给你拨打电话的礼物。  不要再在电话机旁等待了!今天就打电话给我们吧。记住,你会免费得到一张[10美元]的长途电话卡,只要你回应这个邀请。    [DATE]  [Name]  [Company]  [Address]  [City, State ZIP]  Dear [  ]:  Welcome to the best available network in higher education! Your subscription  to [newsletter] links you to the most innovative ideas and strategies that your  peers around the globe have discovered.  You can mm to [newsletter] to spark your brainstorming sessions and motivate  your harried staff. Route your issue to key decision makers on your campus.  Borrow its ideas to solve problems and improve the academy.  [newsletter] is your voice in higher education. Whenever you have a solution  to share, a new program to announce or any other success story, we would  like to hear about it. Our best editorial ideas come from our readers.  Whenever you have a suggestion or tip to share, please call our editorial hotline,  [(800) 999-8888]. With your help, each issue of [newsletter] will be better  than the one before.  Sincerely,  [Name]  [Title]    尊敬的[ ]先生/女士:  欢迎力口入目前最好的高等教育网络!你订阅的[教育通讯]使你接触到全世界同行所创造的最有创意的思想和策略。  [教育通讯]会让你的谋略进发出火花,激发你倍受思维煎熬的员工,使你获得学校关键决策者的赏识,帮助你解决问题,改善办学状况。  [教育通讯]是你在高等教育领域里的喉舌。无论何时,只要你有可分享的办法、要宣布的新计划和成功的经验,我们都愿意洗耳恭听。我们最优秀的社论意见都来自于我们的读者。  你有建议或意见的话,请随时拨打我们的编辑热线[(800)999—8888]。在你的帮助下,[教育通讯]的每一期都会更精彩。  ……





精彩短评 (总计4条)

  •     朋友推荐的,看过之后觉得很实用,编排的很好,还有附带光盘,既可以做商务英语写作方面的教材,又可以在关键时刻拿来应急。
  •     书还可以,就是向其他读者说的光盘是坏的。
  •     书还是很不错的。但是第一次送来的时候光盘坏了,货邮回去过了一个月才邮回来,郁闷。
  •     内容和格式...不合我的口味

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