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《以艺术重建家园》是以艺术界“5.12”汶川特大地震赈灾拍卖而出版的大型画册。这次大型赈灾活动是当代艺术家以最有力、最适当的方式表达了对灾区人民的救援与帮助,国难当头,这些作品承担了“拯救生命”与“重建家园”的责任。 编者吕澎作为这次赈灾活动的发起者,以人文关怀的精神,将“以艺术拯救生命”和“以艺术重建家园”作为主题编著此书。《以艺术重建家园》不仅收集了全部捐赠作品图片,还包括数位批评家写出了他们对于地震和赈灾的内心感言,他们从不同的角度陈述了对这次灾难的看法,并提示了当代艺术家的工作与责任。




  高岭  2008年6月4日北京  第一时间的决定,第一时间的新闻发布会,第一次中国当代艺术界的集体作品赈灾拍卖——5月12日的四川汶川大地震,牵动了全国甚至全世界人的目光,当代艺术界也同样如此。面对丧失家园、痛失亲人的惨痛景象,任何有同情心和良知的人,都会在第一时间想到要为自己的同胞做些什么力所能及的事情。八千多万人民币的成交额意味着中国当代艺术界的许多艺术家为灾后的重建做出了自己的贡献.也意味着为数众多的当代艺术家以集体的姿态真正参与到中国社会的经济建设之中,成为中国文艺工作者对中国社会的经济发展发挥作用的重要组成部分。  艺术的功能就其本质而言是多元的,既有审美和欣赏的功能,又有道德教育的功能,还有社会服务的功能。在相当长的历史时期内艺术的社会政治功能和道德教育功能被过分放大,形成了对艺术自身审美和欣赏功能发挥和发展的制约甚至于禁锢。随着中国的改革开放和思想解放,艺术自身的规律性发展被富有胆识的艺术家所重视,从而在上世纪80年代以来,形成了开拓艺术自身的进步与发展,探索艺术内在的审美和精神价值内涵的艺术运动和思潮,成为中国在新时期文化建设领域的一种强有力的生力军。随着中国全面进入国际社会,在全球化的经济政治格局中,这种勇于开拓进取、挖掘艺术的当代文化内涵的现象.得到了国际上越来越广泛的关注,在这种现象覆盖下的中国当代艺术已经越来越成为中国社会文化进步的重要标志。事实上,中国当代艺术因其对自身文化价值内涵的不断追寻而在国际上获得的影响,最终是为了提升中国社会内部更加开阔和富有活力的文化艺术欣赏和创造能力与水平,最终是为了服务于整体国民文化水平的现代转型和当代视野。从这个方面认识,我们完全有理由认为,当代艺术的对象在中国内部,当代艺术的根基在中国,当代艺术二十多年来的不懈探索和努力是为了中国人,这是任何有责任心的中国艺术家的最终目的。  面对巨大的自然灾害,艺术的拯救作用似乎显得并不直接,但是艺术作品因为其记录了我们这个时代中国人追求精神解放和锐意进取的心路历程,就能够释放出许多物质产品难以达到的能量,因为艺术从它诞生之日起,就不是为了自然的,而是为了人自身的,是为了树立起人面对自然和社会时的自我尊严和信心的。树立起当代社会中国人自己的自醒和信心,这是许多中国当代艺术家和批评家和其他艺术工作者长期的目标,这一次,面对自然灾害,这个目标得以清晰地凸现出来——当代艺术从来就没有游离于中国社会之外,它就在中国社会之中,它与中国人的命运息息相关。   ……


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  •     Founded in 1993, group’s headquarter locates in Shenzhen, China, Artron takes it as the base for nationwide penetration and has three major operation bases including Beijing, Shenzhen and Shanghai with its products spread over the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong Macau Taiwan, and overseas markets which have been developed in the printing industry such as America, Japan and Europe. Over the past 14 years, Artron has consistently deemed its duty to invigorate national printing undertaking and carry forward the culture of the Chinese nation, dedicated itself to becoming a pioneer of Chinese new economic culture industry, constantly pursued advanced science and technologies and innovative business management modes and provided comprehensive services for Chinese art market, particularly, it holds a share of over 95% of the national market in the photo printing for auction of Chinese artworks.  Culture is the foundation and vein for the existence and development of the Chinese nation, and art makes indelible value and contributions to the inheritance of the Chinese culture. How to organically integrate the traditional printing industry with modern IT technology and other industries and how to reserve and carry forward China’s excellent artworks characteristic of traditional culture and present them to the world? Artron created Artron.net in 2000, an original creation of bran-new operation mode combining traditional printing, modern IT technology and culture and arts. As a professional art information release carrier, Artron.net boasts over 4,000,000 page views each day, ranking first in page view in the list of Chinese artistic websites evaluated by America Alexa. In 2005, the Release System of Quotation of Chinese Artwork Auction Market independently researched and developed by Artron with the website as the carrier won the second prize of Shenzhen Scientific Progress Award, which fills a gap in the service of quotation release of Chinese artwork auction market at home and becomes an indispensable tool in Chinese artwork market. Now, Artron.net has become an important window for spreading Chinese culture and arts.  In recent years, Artron has undertaken major state-level printing projects for many times, successfully printed the Candidature File for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, Candidature File for 2010 Shanghai EXPO and greeting cards of national leaders and successively won over 60 international prizes awarded in such countries as America, Germany and Hong Kong. It won the gold prize of Benny Award, known as the “Oscar” in the printing circles with its exquisite Picture Album of Historical Data of Chinese Traditional Opera Collected by Mei Lanfang and Cultural Relics of Western Xia, the former was even honored as the World’s Most Beautiful Book in 2004, which was the only gold prize among all 56 participating countries and won great honor for China and the Chinese nation. In November, 2005, Artron was awarded the title of Shenzhen Cultural Industry Demonstration Base and become a Base for the Application, Research and Promotion of China’s Printing Standardization Technology; In 2006, it was awarded the title of “National Cultural Industry Demonstration Base” by the State Ministry of Culture and was given the honor of “2005-2006 Best Business Mode” by professional evaluating institutions.

农业基础科学,时尚,美术/书法,绘画,软件工程/开发项目管理,研究生/本专科,爱情/情感,动漫学堂PDF下载,。 PDF下载网 

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