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CONTENTS  CHARACTERS IN THE PLAY  ACT 1  ACT 2  ACT 3  ACT 4目录  剧中人物  第一幕  第二幕  第三幕   第四幕  第五幕


  彼德罗 你永远是一个排斥美貌的顽固的异教徒。  克劳狄奥 他这种不近人情的态度,都是违背了良心故意做作出来的。  培尼狄克 一个女人生下了我,我应该感谢她;她把我养大,我也要向她表示至诚的感谢;可是要我为了女人的缘故而戴起一顶不雅的头巾来,或者无形之中,胸口挂了一个号筒,那么我只好敬谢不敏了。因为我不愿意对任何一个女人猜疑而使她受到委屈,所以宁愿对无论哪个女人都不信任,免得委屈了自己。总而言之,为了让我自己穿得漂亮一点起见,我愿意一生一世做个光棍。  彼德 罗 我在未死之前,总有一天会看见你为了爱情而瞧悴的。培尼狄克 殿下,我可以因为发怒,因为害病,因为挨饿而脸色惨白,可是决不会因为爱情而憔悴;您要是能够证明有一天我因为爱情而消耗的血液在喝了酒后不能把它恢复过来,就请您用编造歌谣的人的那枝笔挖去我的眼睛,把我当做一个瞎眼的丘匹德,挂在妓院门口做招牌。  彼德罗 好,要是有一天你的决心动摇起来,可别怪人家笑话你。  培尼狄克 要是有那么一天,我就让你们把我像一头猫似的放在口袋里吊起来,叫大家用箭射我;谁把我射中了,你们可以拍拍他的肩膀,夸奖他是个好汉子。  彼德罗 好,咱们等着瞧吧;有一天野牛也会俯首就轭的。  培尼狄克 野牛也许会俯首就轭,可是有理性的培尼狄克要是也会钻上圈套,那么请您把牛角拔下来,插在我的额角上吧;我可以让你们把我涂上油彩,像人家写“好马出租”一样替我用大字写好一块招牌,招牌上这么说:“请看结了婚的培尼狄克。”  ……


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精彩书评 (总计3条)

  •     看这部剧的动力在于贝特丽丝和培尼狄克的斗嘴,英俊、高贵、勇敢、忠诚的男二,聪慧、果断、俏皮的女二,少女心。优雅沉静的希罗和年轻有为的克劳迪奥的恋爱方式非常古典。少年在战场前就埋下了爱慕的种子,得胜归来之后才表明自己心迹。然而在疑心自己爱上的人不贞洁,是个能和下贱男子幽媾的轻薄姑娘之后,他选择了在大庭广众之下羞辱她,抛弃她。看来古人对爱情的理解,和当今主流的并不一样。不过,这也是一种“爱”的方式。爱她贞静的品行,优雅的外貌和温柔的性格。只是,被侮辱的姑娘居然在要紧关头昏了过去,恐怕也并没有相当的才能。
  •     The meaning of “nothing” in “Much Ado With Nothing”Background:At Messina, Don Pedro, a Spanish prince from Aragon, and his deputies, Claudio and Benedick, have just returned from a successful battle. Leonato, the governor of Messina, welcomes them for passing by the city and invites them to stay for a month and to have a masked party.Leonato's niece, Beatrice, and Benedick, longtime adversaries, carry on their arguments. Claudio’s feelings for Hero, Leonato's only daughter, are rekindled on his seeing her, and Claudio soon announces to Benedick his intention to court her. Benedick tries to dissuade his friend, but is unsuccessful in the face of Don Pedro’s encouragement. While Benedick teases Claudio, Benedick swears that he will never get married. Don Pedro laughs at him and tells him that when he has found the right person he shall get married.A masquerade ball is planned in celebration, giving a disguised Don Pedro the opportunity to woo Hero on Claudio’s behalf. Don John uses this situation to get revenge on his brother Don Pedro by telling young Claudio that Don Pedro is actually wooing Hero for himself. Claudio then becomes furious at Don Pedro and confronts him. The misunderstanding is quickly resolved and Claudio wins Hero's hand in marriage.Don Pedro and his men, bored at the prospect of waiting a week for the matrimonial ceremony to take place, harbor a plan to matchmake Beatrice and Benedick. The men, led by Don Pedro, proclaim Beatrice’s love for Benedick while knowing he is eavesdropping on their conversation. The women, led by Hero, do the same likewise to Beatrice. Struck by the fact that they are apparently thought to be too proud to love each other, Beatrice and Benedick, neither willing to bear the reputation of pride, each decides to requite the love of the other.Meanwhile Don John, 'The Bastard', Don Pedro's illegitimate brother, is a malcontent who plots to ruin Claudio and Hero’s wedding plans by casting aspersions upon Hero’s character. His follower Borachio courts Margaret, Hero's chambermaid, calling her “Hero”, at Hero’s open bedroom window while Don John leads Don Pedro and Claudio to spy below. The latter two, mistaking Margaret for Hero, are convinced of Hero's infidelity.The next day, during the wedding at the church, Claudio climactically refuses to marry Hero. He and Don Pedro humiliate Hero publicly before a stunned congregation and Margaret, who is attending the wedding, does not speak up in Hero's defence. The two leave, leaving the rest in shock. Hero, who has fainted from shock, revives after Don Pedro and Claudio leave, only to be reprimanded by her father. The presiding Friar interrupts, believing Hero to be innocent, and he convinces the family to fake Hero's death in order to extract the truth and Claudio’s remorse.Leonato and Antonio, Hero's uncle, subsequently blame Don Pedro and Claudio for Hero’s death, and both challenge Claudio to duels. Benedick, forcefully prompted by Beatrice, does the same.Astonishingly, however, on the night of Don John's treachery, the local Watch has apprehended Borachio and his ally Conrade. Despite the Watch's comic ineptness (headed by constable Dogberry, a master of malapropisms), they have overheard the duo discussing their evil plans. The Watch arrest them and eventually obtain the villains' confession, whilst informing Leonato of Hero's innocence. Though Don John has meanwhile fled the city, a force is sent to capture him. Claudio, though maintaining he made an honest mistake, is repentant; he agrees to not only post a proper epitaph for Hero, but to marry a substitute, Hero's cousin (not Beatrice), in her place.During Claudio’s second wedding, however, as the dancers enter, the "cousin" is unmasked as Hero herself, to a most surprised and gratified Claudio. An impromptu dance is announced. Beatrice and Benedick, prompted by their friends’ interference, finally confess their love for each other. As the play draws to a close, a messenger arrives with news of Don John’s capture – but his punishment is postponed another day so that the couples can enjoy their newfound happiness. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Much_Ado_About_Nothing.)Compared to Shakespear’s heavy tragedies, the ending seemed indeed pleasing and satisfactory, yet we can still see that there lied parts of sadness which could not be seen superficially. The marriage of Hero and Claudio, for example, was a king of tragedy while the one of Benetics and Betrice had a happy ending. Even though they seemed to lead a happy life from then on just as many fairy tales would end, it was shown previously that the love of Claudio could be easily shaken by suspect and jealousy, and only according to some rumors would he leave Hero. This showed how sad Hero’s life, and herself was, as she was tender and obedient to men. But why was this so? Why would a tragedy still contained such kind of heaviness and depression? The paper is mainly going to discuss about what the title “Much Ado With Nothing” means in order to sort the question out.1. The relationship between Benetics and BetriceWhen the play started, everyone’s eyes were immediately gripped by the intense quarrel and corruption of the two main characters, Benetics and Betrice. As far as I am concerned, the play can be called a comedy because of the existence of them two to a large extent. When Benetics first appeared in the play, he was loved by a large number of women, and he himself took pride in it, sharing the opinion with many other men that women were only objects but nothing else, yet Betrice disdained him most on this issue, and I concern that this may be the main reason they quarrel so much. At the beginning of the play, Benetics and Betrice had no other relationship but people who regarded each other as enemies, which themselves thought nothing of it, yet this clearly was not what their friends and relatives regarded them. To seek some interest and to tease Benetics, they made a great effort in pulling the two together, and came up with many entertaining ideas that would make the audience laugh. Out of nothing came all this mess and ridiculous actions of the characters, which appears to be one meaning of “nothing” in the title that I think. All these cases coming out of nothing not only showed the boring thoughts and foolishness of some men, but also illustrated that the difference in opinions may also bump into each other just as fireworks bloom in the night sky. The love sprouting out of nothing may also be appreciated, even more than the love from Claudio and Hero, which was said to be pure and zealous at first.2. What Hero didAs the case of Cordelia in King Lear, Hero was also the symbol of purity, innocence and honesty, yet she was also sacrificed thoroughly in the hatred and revenge between the authorities. We should acknowledge that the authorities who revenged did not hatch the evil plan in order to damage Hero, but to destroy her husband, Claudio along with his friends. For this purpose, they were to accuse her of not loyal to her would-be husband, even though she did nothing in fact. However, this was not the enemy authority cared about, what they actually paid attention to was that by destroying her future they could ruin Claudio’s wedding, and thus prevent him from gaining happiness. So Hero, even having done nothing, was abandoned by Claudio right away and only by pretending to have dead could she gain her reputation again. And this was the second “nothing” which I understood about the play.Strangely enough, though treated unfairly, Hero did not seem to by furious or angry with Claudio, and still agreed to marry to him, and gave herself up to a marriage without belief or heartfelt love. By doing so, she avoided the duel which would have happened between two dear friends, and the lost of lives. She and her cousin Betrice had exactly different personalities, and with her extraordinarily tender and obedient character, Hero became a hero to males, but not all human beings, which is irony as well as sad in the whole play.3. What women meant to menAt the very beginning of the play had Benetics said that he was surrounded by lots of women, yet he loved none of them. From this sentence alone could we infer that to Benetics, women was definitely objects that he owned but nothing more. Not a single man could refuse to admit that he was afraid of his wife being not loyal to him, no matter who he was. The nature of aggression and jealousy from men coerced them to worry about the loyalty and virginity of their wives, which turned out to be the third “nothing” in the play. The case of Claudio and Hero would be the best example. Hero really did nothing not loyal to Claudio, in addition, Margaret was nothing like Hero either in voice or appearance, yet when seeing her calling Don John, pretending to be Hero, Claudio still considered her to meeting other men before marriage, for the nature of jealousy prevented him from determining the fact objectively. This was not only the shortage of Claudio alone, but the problem with all the males.In Much Ado With Nothing, Shakespear strongly cast some irony towards men, teasing their over cautious of women’s virginity, and on this they could doubt, criticize and even injure with nothing women did, and the Title of Much Ado With Nothing was also a representative of his this emotion. Shakespear strongly opposed men’s over control towards women, which was rarely seen in all his plays, and this could be considered one of the greatest characteristics of Much Ado With Nothing.4. What women should regard men“Sigh no more, Lady, Sign no more.” Sang the song during one of the acts during Much Ado With Nothing. The song was intended to move Benetics on his attitude towards Betrice after his friends let him hear how deeply Betrice loved him. It mainly advised women not to be sad about men, and even being so, they should deceive men by saying “nonny, nonny” and pretend that they felt nothing. Asking the person to sing this song, Claudio and his friend wanted to let Benetics knew that he was truly nothing, and thus implied him that he should respond Betrice’s love. They did reach their goal in such a clever way at last, yet the song left us with truly deeper thinking.In the song there was this sentence that “Men were all deceivers”, which illustrated again that in the old times women were treated as objects and were under men’s control. People were jealous of them simply because they were what men owned, and would not let anyone else touch them. Shakespear expressed his attitude again on this issue by stating the last meaning of “nothing” in the play, that women should consider men as nothing, and should not sign for them. From the light funny atmosphere built up with conversations between Benetics and Betrice and the hilarious ending, Shakespear wrote for multiple times on his thoughts on the background of society, which was the true art and attractions of his plays. This idea could be considered revolution in those days, and should be admired from the attitude of women.Conclusion:When first reading Much Ado With Nothing, I did not think much but regard it as a simple comedy which was a complement on the author’s various tragedies. However, when thinking from the other aspect, we can find truly deep and ranging meanings of the “nothing” in the Title “Much Ado With Nothing”, even to an extent of social problems and criticism on false backward thoughts of men. This was how we should appreciate Shakespear’s plays, and Much Ado With Nothing taught us again how great playwright the man was.
  •     我看见吟着诗歌般的情话不过就是诗歌,谎言,蒙蔽,误会,羞辱,所谓的爱情毫无信任可言,在《奥瑟罗》中亦是如此。克劳迪奥对因他误会致死的希罗无半分伤心;当知晓希罗是清白,而是他误会之后,对里奥那托(希罗父)言要把侄女再许配给他,他竟言:这一回赐我好一点的运气!如果说,是因为戏剧题材的局限无法表达世间历经时间过滤,彼此相爱至深而坚信不移的爱情。那也不要扯这种一面如史诗般赞扬一面连芥豆的信任也没有的荒谬爱情。如果您打的是一见钟情的牌,难道您不知道,一见钟情的人,即使知道对方杀人犯,是外星人也不妨碍她的爱的?如果不是,那爱情中最根本的不是信任么?我不懂。

精彩短评 (总计66条)

  •     Stop you with a kiss because I have love though everything else is against me.
  •     第一次读完朱译莎剧,一流原著,一流译本,读起来非常流畅。很喜欢剧中的那一对欢喜冤家,特别是伶牙俐齿的贝,颇具女性主义思想。
  •     古典时代的傲慢与偏见?嗯。。
  •     质量真的很好,很实惠!
  •     书上面有点胶,前几页胶快开了
  •     小夫妻斗嘴太有意思了!给楚辞翻译跪了……
  •     可作消遣&朱生豪真是牛爆了!
  •     本想看英文版,可惜英语太菜 还是看中文来的快。故事真是精彩,但真的没看懂深层次的意义,还是太肤浅。
  •     很喜欢Benedick和Beatrice这一对,之前看电影版的就对Beatrice说“And Benedick, love on, I will requite thee,taming my wild heart to thy loving hand. If thou dost love, my kindness shall incite thee, to blind our loves up in a holy band. For others say thou dost deserve, and I believe it better than reportingly.”这句话影响特别深
  •     累。。。。
  •     还没读呀,不过会尽力看看的。
  •     确实离我们太久远的年代。
  •     无事生非是莎士比亚的经典著作,中英对照,欣赏艺术的同时,学习了英语。
  •     王小波在《有关天圆地方》里引用过这部剧的典故(“小姐死后进天堂,一定是脸朝上!”),不过他弄错了,原话不是使女调侃小姐,而是阿拉贡亲王调侃他朋友的爱人说的。拉媒也是技术话啊。在浪漫喜剧里安排这么恶毒的阴谋,真真让人心里捏把汗,说是悲喜剧也不为过。门当户对,男才女貌,闪婚,就是这么简单。
  •     哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈救命太好看了!太贱了!两个天阉轧朋友
  •     当培尼狄克与贝特丽丝的被撮合,看是喜剧,不也正揭露了爱情是盲目的吗?当我们从心底的认同一个人的时候,才会有忠诚~
  •     孩子对戏剧很喜爱,莎翁的书当然是必看的。
  •     再次阅读中文版本,希望可以有更好的翻译!
  •     一分钱一分货,字体印刷还算清楚
  •     内容充实,就是书有点旧,封面边角泛黄了。
  •     开始撸莎翁。娶个妻子吧,娶个妻子吧。世界上再没有比那戴上一顶绿帽子的丈夫更受人敬重了。
  •     女孩子的名誉如此重要,当知道女孩子不是贞洁的时候,未婚夫要这么侮辱女孩子吗?
  •     萌萌萌萌萌!互槽的小冤家们萌得打滚!
  •     欢喜冤家见面斗嘴的祖师爷?不过克劳迪奥真是渣渣诶。。。。。
  •     最喜欢的莎士比亚喜剧
  •     我愿意活在你的心里 死在你的怀里 葬在你的眼里 这样的句子只有在莎士比亚的剧本里才显得通吧 这个故事里有很多结论都很有趣
  •     对克劳迪奥的偏见令我始终抵触这部剧,但毒舌小情侣又让我对它爱不释手;而且我也了解了,散布谣言的罪行,男女都易犯
  •     Benedick最萌
  •     要是我有嘴,我就要咬人;要是我有自由,我就要做我欢喜做的事。
  •     轻喜剧 ,发现了好几个黄段子…
  •     【大概也有那麽一頭野牛看中了令尊大人那頭母牛,結果才生下像老兄一樣的一條小牛來,因為您的叫聲跟他差不多,倒是家學淵源哩】 --每一句吐槽都絕到不行.
  •     人物单纯可爱到让人不理解啊2333莎士比亚的比喻句也是奇怪到可爱啊哈哈哈哈哈哈哈全程在笑完全停不下来
  •     喜欢两人斗嘴的场景,机灵而可爱 “我们都太聪明了,讲不出几句像样的情话”。如果希罗有两个哥哥,故事大概就是一个事先张扬的谋杀案了(误。轻易被误会和流言中伤的爱,莎翁的爱情总是莫名其妙坚定或是莫名其妙容易动摇,这说是戏剧张力也有点夸张了吧,不喜欢。
  •     买给儿子看的,自己不懂英文。学英文应该读读莎翁的作品。
  •     本来想随便翻翻,却一口气看完,莎翁不愧是莎翁,妙语连珠,就算现在看依然觉得忍俊不禁,超喜欢那对欢喜冤家
  •     很好,英汉对照,名著名译。
  •     喜欢贝特丽丝
  •     还没读完!!!读了半本了,还可以,主要性价比高!!!
  •     本想孤独一生,没想到一生会有这么长
  •     戏剧化的冲突 不过我不是很懂这种爱情观
  •     当当网的服务很满意,退货非常满意,我们这的快递服务很好。希望保持,鉴于这几点,会继续当当购物。
  •     2015.2.1 忽然想起这个剧本,我读的的是梁实秋的译本,找不到单行本。但还是标记下,因为我这几天的状态就是一直在无事自扰。而且这种心境远不是喜剧,甚至连悲剧都不是,琐碎猥琐到不值得付诸笔端。
  •     无事生非其实之前并不知道,是在网上看的时候一并买的,不过应该会不错,,,
  •     朱生豪老师的翻译功底又见识了!那挽歌译的简直离骚的水准!莎翁的俏皮犀利又见识了!然而如果我是希罗我死都不会再嫁给克劳迪奥了,妈蛋简直是渣男啊,嘴上说着这么爱一个谣言就要弄死人家!负分滚粗!
  •     男女主婚礼上,亲王的弟造谗言,使男主受骗,以为女主不贞,差点致女主死。女主堂姐让女假死查出真相,骗局被揭,男女主和好。 冤家对头和堂姐都蔑视婚姻,亲王善意的圈套中都认为对方爱自己,从此低下高傲,并对对方产生真感情。弄假成真结婚
  •     扇主流价值观的嘴巴,莎士比亚有特别的叙事技巧,蛮有趣,很有参考价值。
  •     感觉不错 还没开始看
  •     自从看了蜷川的舞台剧之后如同中毒,kindle 里面被几百个人标了不少句子出来。 但我印象最深的是 「谁都会劝一个在悲哀的重压下辗转呻吟的人安心忍耐,可谁也没有那样的修养的勇气,能够叫自己忍受同样的痛苦。」 是的,你不是我,所以请不要对我的人生指手画脚。
  •     莎翁真真是现实(门第、人性)又可爱(人文主义情怀)。1.私以为爱和怀疑是无法共存的,可囿于人性如此。2.斗嘴戏超经典,可惜后成电视剧里惯性沿用的烂俗模式。
  •     看了高桥的舞台剧而来,看的时候全程脑补贝特丽丝甜甜的笑>▽<
  •     一段时间没怎么看书要启动阅读模式的时候就选莎士比亚
  •     戏剧冲突很强烈啊,构思很精巧,难怪说金庸学贯中西,金庸小说借鉴了很多这种制造戏剧冲突的手法
  •      想和培尼狄克谈恋爱
  •     文字非常优美风趣诙谐,精彩桥段对话很多!实在是不得不喜欢朱生豪老师的文笔·····XD在适当的时候翻译成古文诗,别有一番风味
  •     开头为benedick n beatrice妙语连珠的嘴炮拍案 中间吐槽王子和claudio的轻信愚蠢 结尾却为hero的无欲无争 或者说女性地位的时代局限性而感到难过 说起来是喜剧 只是悲伤都藏到了影子里
  •     内容不错,要是光是中文的就好了!
  •     贝特丽丝和培尼狄克真是一对欢喜冤家,斗嘴吐槽看得好过瘾。剧中两种爱情的相互对照也是很有意思。
  •     男人主宰的世界啊,你信我就爱我娶我,你不信我就污蔑我害死我,你清楚了事实就再爱我娶我,我就这么任你摆布?可怜可悲的女人。
  •     很多话都值得背诵
  •     可以用来练习英语
  •     非常适合6年级的小朋友看
  •     有种讨厌的男银叫克劳迪奥,大爷您的脑子呢 啊!但是两只嘴炮好阔爱!!
  •     好喜欢培尼狄克和贝特丽丝这一对,欢喜冤家和傲娇界的始祖。看了莎翁好几部剧本,总觉得莎翁对一见钟情明煲暗贬。无论是爱的徒劳,第十二夜,还是无事生非,一见钟情都是经不起考验,原本热烈如火的恋慕稍经挑拨立马变成千年的寒冰。而欢喜冤家则是明不合暗合,虽然对对方言语刻薄,把对方贬得一文不值,可是心底比谁都了解对方的难得之处。另外,莎翁说起情话是能让少女心如坐云霄飞车一样难以自抑。,“别说话,让我堵住你的嘴”,字里行间漫溢火一般的热情和水一般的柔情,怎一个爱字了得。还有,朱生豪先生接受我的膜拜吧 中英文的功底都要多深厚,才能译出繁华似锦,灿若星河的辞藻。
  •     [cp]心里不快活的时候,我就沉下脸来,决不会听了人家的嘲谑而赔着笑脸;肚子饿了我就吃,决不会理会人家是否方便;精神疲倦了我就睡,决不会管人家的闲事;心里高兴了我就笑,决不会窥探人家的颜色。
  •     让我堵住你的嘴ヽ(*´з`*)ノ
  •     裴尼狄克和琵特丽丝这对傲娇的小情侣真是心头肉呀 克劳迪奥和希罗虽然是圆满结局 总给我一种要悲剧的味道

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