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兰姆的散文早已成为经典。这经典中都写了些什么呢?什么都写,涉及人生与社会的各个方面:读书、论画、说牌、叙旧、怀古、言情、修传、拾轶……总之,社会百般无所不谈。但其精彩还不在其题材和内容,而在他在这些题材和内容里发掘了赋予了新的意义。他作品有鲜明的个人特色,高度个性化的吐属中包含了众多不同的声音,清浅通俗的表达中伴随着凝重文雅的情调,亲切易解的文句中而兼具着古香古色的气氛,日常现实的题材中凝聚着传统与文化的积淀,民俗与历史的联想,诗情与画意的沾润,因而比一般人笔下的东西丰富得多,具有了多方面的广阔与厚度。 《伊利亚随笔》是一件多彩衣,一具百宝箱,一座众生相的活画廊和一部最迷人心魂的有趣的散文集。






  查尔斯·兰姆(Charles Lamb,1775-1834),笔名伊利亚(Elia),是继培根之后对英国散文创作传统的发展做出重要贡献的散文大家之一。他描写伦敦都市生活的随笔文章内容独特、寓意深刻、行文风趣,在文学界和读书界享有崇高声誉。代表作有《伊利亚随笔》和《伊利亚随笔续》等。  王育平,女,2000年毕业于山东大学外国语学院,2003年获南京大学外国语学院硕士学位,目前在攻读英美文学博士学位。曾参加国家社科“九五”规划重点项目《新编美国文学史》(第三卷)的编写工作,译作有《约翰·巴思访谈录》,《镜与身体》、《礼壶》等。


  滑稽和幽默之间的差别在于:前者是轻飘、短暂的欢笑,而后者则是融入了泪水以及其他更崇高的想象力的笑。兰姆其文其人体现、解释了这种区别——较之别的作家,兰姆的生活更始终如一地浸透着一种精妙的文学理论。他的作品仍然吸引着那些将文学作为一门艺术来研究的学者们去探索、发现。  ——沃尔特·哈瑞休·帕特    查尔斯·兰姆的过人之处,在于他对一个宏大、温情目标的执著和投入为此,他进行了最沉重、激烈、也最高尚的斗争,生命的喜忧都无法动摇他神圣的决心……在这种持续不断的忍耐和磨砺中,在他那毫不动摇、坚持原则的行动中他的生命如英雄般伟大、史诗般恢弘。  ——布赖恩·沃勒·普洛克特


  所有这些知识——知识,或对这些知识的兴趣——他必须灌输给孩子们,但不能用固定的上课时间——因为这些时间是要收费的——而是利用课间休息,或和学生们在街上、田间(自然可是一个绝好的老师)闲步的时候。上课时所教授的只是他们职责最小的一部分。他必须在最佳时机将知识潜移默化地传授给学生。要抓住每一个机会——一个季节,一个特殊的日子,一片浮云,一道彩虹,一车干草,或者甚至是一列行进中的士兵,等等——来讲点有用的东西。他对大自然的随意一瞥并非要欣赏取乐,而是在寻找机会启发教育学生。美景在他口中应该是教授学生描绘图画的词语的机会,并且要借此机会告诉学生什么是美。看到一个乞丐或一个吉卜赛人他非但不能嘲笑,同时还要想到如何联系到人的自我完善、自我发展。一切在他那里都为道德所用,是传授学生处世之道的媒介,因此事物本身的美感遭到破坏。整个宇宙——或者借用某些人的说法,那本巨著——对他而言,无论从意图还是目的上说,都是一本书,而他的天职就是尽可能多地从中找出说教的题材,来使那些弦子们从此对一切不再好奇!——假期对他来说有相当于无,甚至还不如平常清闲。通常,总会有些冒冒失失而又好学上进的学子追着他求教,这孩子可能是某个大家族中的少爷,也或许是贵族或绅士家里平日不加管教的子弟——他必须带着他去看戏,看活动全景画,看巴特里先生的太阳仪,看望远显微镜,或带着他到乡下去,去朋友家中,甚至去他最喜爱的河畔。他走到哪里,那个不安分的孩子就跟到哪里。那孩子和他同桌吃饭,同道行路,参与他的一切活动。他真有点招架不住了,见了那孩子就心生怯意。  男孩子倘若在他的玩伴中间率性玩耍,他们会充满活力,个个一流。但是对成年人来说,他们不是好伴侣,双方都会觉得受到了约束和压抑。甚至一个小孩子,纵然“只是一个小时的玩伴”也总会令人疲倦。  ……


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精彩书评 (总计1条)

  •     The humorists, according to the best theory I can form of, is composed of 2 distinct clusters, those from the most humorous countries, and those from the least. Chieftain of the former, Roberto Benigni from Italy, a country of romance and sunshine, who gamboled like a boy when the movie he directed and acted in, ‘Life Is Beautiful’, won 3 Academy Awards, wears a typical face of a comedian, even a glance of which may bring about a transport of laughter, like a valve of N2O. The humor of the latter, however, arises from the sharp contrast between their mannerism and our anticipation based on the countries they come from, and the people they live with. Joseph Haydn, for instance, was a jocular Kapellmeister to Duke Esterhazy, one of the richest and most influential figures among the Hungarian nobility. Notwithstanding his social status and big salary, he was a very unlucky fellow. At his time, music was a mere symbol of aristocracy. A full chamber could always be expected, yet few of the humorless dignitaries were really interested in the rhythms. Thus the symphony ‘Surprise’ was composed: a sudden loud chord in the theme of the second movement after a tranquil opening. The bolt from the blue was supposed to wake up the audience who had started to doze off. What’s worse, his marriage was a complete calamity, particularly in a country where divorce was banned. Haydn married not the girl he was in love with, but her sister named Anna Maria. Unfortunately, Maria had neither rhyme nor reason in her composition. She even committed the incredible crime of using the composer’s manuscript scores for curling paper, as underlays for pastry, and similar things! When Haydn left home one time and another, she would send him the most cheerful little notes. ‘Should you die today or tomorrow,’ ran one of these missives, ‘there isn’t enough money left in the house to bury you.’ Pleasant reading this for the genial composer! In this case he wrote, without a trace of anger: ‘Should this be so, take my manuscripts to the music publisher. I guarantee you that they will be worth money enough to defray my funeral expenses.’The humor which belongs to the most humorous countries is to be wished; but the humor that belongs to the least humorous countries is to be admired.Likewise, any flower is a miracle on the barren land of humor named England. Revered as the pioneer of modern football, Team England was too conceited to play the adult vs kid games in the first 3 World Cup Finals. It eventually got off its high horse to make an ‘inspection tour’ around the 4th, and suffered a discreditable loss by 0:1 to the U.S.A., a virgin soil of this game. A correspondent at London headquarters found it totally inconceivable. He humorously added the number ‘1’ to the front of ‘0’, and cooked up a 10:1 victory for the Union Jack, a score he considered as reasonable.This is England, a nation with a glorious past from which everything in future seems to have an answer.As a true son of England, Charles Lamb was engrossed in everything with an age----old actors, old benchers, old china, old schoolmaster, old Margate Hoy, time-honored South-Sea House, artificial comedy of the last century, newspapers thirty-five years ago, etc. ‘Antiquity! Thou wondrous charm, what art thou? That, being nothing, art everything!’On the flip side, he confessed that he did feel the differences of mankind to an unhealthy excess. He had been trying all his life to like Scotchmen, Jews, Negroes as well as Quakers, and was obliged to desist from the experiment in despair. As a bachelor, he had spent a good deal of time in noting down the infirmities of married people, and what strengthened him in those anti-social resolutions wasn’t the quarrels of men and their wives, but that they were too loving! Even an affluent senectitude went against the grain. Through the harangue of Bridget, he wished the good old times would come again. ‘A purchase is but a purchase, now that you’ve money enough and to spare. Formerly it used to be a triumph.’The humor of Charles Lamb is also incarnated in his discursive style of writing. To think the title, ‘Detached Thoughts on Books and Reading’, would lead to the cover and binding of folios rather than his commentary on authors and masterpieces! And on such deafening words as ‘I’ve no ear’, the readers couldn’t help imagining that he was by nature destitute of those exterior twin appendages, hanging ornaments, and handsome volutes to the human capital, but what he actually meant was for music.

精彩短评 (总计9条)

  •     这个对照本的翻译不太好,看看原文就行。 比英国人更犀利刻薄的是英国文人。
  •     总会在兰姆的名字下,想起一个看过的人设:一个缺少梦想和激情的人,再失望,也不绝望。此间遐想,无他情怀。 所看版本从属的文丛,共出六本所谓经典。早前看的《瓦尔登湖》亦系从之。好像择路走出,便洗涤得新生。
  •     我买的是这本。
  •     看的英文版。说实话..没太看懂..
  •     英文版
  •     陪伴我一趟旅程,并将伴我继续走下去。
  •     大段大段的长句子,虽然读着有些费力,不过写得连贯性较强,很逗趣儿。译得一般,可能毕竟是十八世纪的英语,有点年代了,所以有许多原文的意思都没译出,导致翻译的难度较大。
  •     屎一般的翻译,错误太多。这样的博士不读也罢
  •     亲爱的兰姆。

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