
当前位置:首页 > 外语学习 > 职业/行业英语 > 国际商务英语综合教程





Unit 1 Forms of Business EnterpriseUnit 2 Corporate FinancingUnit 3 Money and BankingUnit 4 AccountingUnit 5 Financial MarketsUnit 6 The Economic Basis for International TradeUnit 7 Government Regulations on International TradeUnit 8 Balance of PaymentUnit 9 Foreign Exchange MarketUnit 10 Import and Export StrategiesUnit 11 Export DocumentationUnit 12 Principles of MarketingUnit 13 Fundamentals of ManagementUnit 14 Motivation Theories and StrategiesUnit 15 Human Resources ManagementAppendix A Understanding BusinessAppendix B Metaphors, Idioms and ExpressionsReferences


  本书是为了适应新的形势,满足各大专院校商务英语专业学生和社会上各阶层商务工作者的需求所组织编写的。全书共分15个单元,内容涵盖贸易、经济、金融、管理等方面,每单元又分为正文、对话、练习3个部分。其目的是帮助以英语为第一外国语的国际贸易专业的学生有效地解决英语学习中出现的问题,让更多的人通过商务英语系列课程的学习,快速提高商务英语听、说、读、写等各方面的能力,不断提高自身素质和专业水平,迎接国际竞争的挑战,为祖国的现代化建设服务。 该书可供各大专院校作为教材使用,也可供从事相关工作的人员作为参考用书使用。


  迈入新世纪和加入WTO,我国正逐步地参与国际竞争,同世界接轨。随着全球经济的发展和市场化的运作,英语作为国际贸易用语变得越来越重要,社会上也越来越迫切地需要既有专业知识又能熟练运用英语的人才。在这一新形势下,一些有条件的院校纷纷开设商务英语专业,商务英语已经进入了很多高校的课程之中。21世纪是一个充满机遇和挑战的时代,它为当前的商务英语教学提出了更新、更高的要求。怎样才能有效地提高学生的实际语言运用能力,培养既有专业知识又能熟练运用英语的人才,使学生所学的知识跟上时代的节奏,符合社会经济生活的实际需求,已成为英语教育工作者的历史责任,也是日益发达的经济和社会发展的需要。  为了适应新的形势,满足各大专院校商务英语专业学生和社会上各阶层商务工作者的需求,我们组织编写了这套《商务英语系列课程教材》。目的是帮助以英语为第一外国语的国际贸易专业的学生有效地解决英语学习中出现的问题,让更多的人通过商务英语系列课程的学习,快速提高商务英语听、说、读、写等各方面的能力,不断提高自身素质和专业水平,迎接国际竞争的挑战,为祖国的现代化建设服务。  商务英语系列课程教材是国家教育部新世纪网络课程建设工程项目之一,本系列教材包括《商务英语听说》、《商务英语阅读(精读本)》、《商务英语选读(泛读本)》、《商务英语写作》、《商务英语笔译》、《商务英语口译》、《国际商务英语综合教程》、《国际商务谈判》、《国际贸易实务》、《国际市场营销》、《国际支付与结算》、《国际商法》、《国际商务导论》、《国际金融业务》、《西方经济学导论》、《国际商务礼仪》等。随着国际商务的发展和读者的需要,我们还将不断对这一系列教材进行补充和修改,以期形成读者欢迎的动态系列教材。本系列教材可作为大专院校商务英语专业的普及教材,也可供社会从事外贸和商务工作的读者使用。


  Shareholders  TheomticaUy, the shareholder (who can be individuals, other companies, nonprofit organizations,funds) are the ultimate governing body of the corporation, but in practice, most individualshareholders in large corporations —— where the shareholder may number in the millions —— acceptthe recommendations of management. Institutional investors, such as pension funds, insurancecompanies, mutual funds, and college endowment funds, have accumulated an increasing share ofthe stock in the nations corporations. These large institutional investors want the value of theirstock to increase, and they are beginning to play a more powerful role in governing thecorporations in which they own shares.  Some shareholders own stock that carries no voting right, and some people (or organizations)own more shares with voting rights than others do. At least once a year, all the owners of votingshares are invited to a meeting to choose directors, select an independent accountant to audit thecompanys financial statements, and to attend to other business.  Board of Directors  As a practical matter, the board of directors, which supposedly represents the shareholders, isresponsible for guiding corporate affairs and selecting corporate officers. The board has the powerto vote on major management decisions, such as building a new factory, hiring a new president,or buying a new subsidiary. In some corporations, several of the directors may be inside directors,people who are also employees of the company. The outside directors are typically majorstockholders, executives of other firms, or influential people connected with the companysindustry.






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