
当前位置:首页 > 外语学习 > 职业/行业英语 > 物流实用英语





前言Unit 1 Logistics Enterprises1.1 Texts1.2 Dialogue1.3 Grammar1.4 Reading and comprehensionUnit 2 Logistics Equipment2.1 Texts2.2 Dialogue2.3 Grammar2.4 Reading and comprehensionUnit 3 Warehousing3.1 Texts3.2 Dialogues3.3 Grammar3.4 Reading and comprehensionUnit 4 Distribution4.1 Texts4.2 Dialogues4.3 Grammar4.4 Reading and comprehensionUnit 5 Transportation5.1 Texts5.2 Dialogues5.3 Grammar5.4 Reading and comprehensionUnit 6 International Logistics6.1 Texts6.2 Dialogues6.3 Grammar6.4 Reading and comprehensionUnit 7 Logistics Documents7.1 Texts7.2 Dialogue7.3 Grammar7.4 Reading and comprehensionUnit 8 Logistics Information Systems8.1 Texts8.2 Dialogues8.3 Grammar8.4 Reading and comprehension附录A 课文译文与练习题参考答案附录B 词汇表附录C 物流常用术语附录D 世界部分海运港口参考文献


  为了响应教育部在中职教育中大力发展紧缺专业和培养紧缺人才的号召,本着“以学生为中心,以实用为目的,以行业需求为导向”这一原则,配合当前在中等职业学校开办物流专业的需要,我们组织编写了本书。  在编写过程中,我们本着教材的内容要体现物流专业英语的特点,难度要适合中职学校学生英语基础的目的,在内容选取上充分听取了物流专业教师的意见,力求教材内容与专业知识紧密结合,从学生从业的角度出发,突出实用性;在难度方面也采纳了许多从事多年职业教育的英语教师的建议,首先要提高学生学习英语的兴趣;在内容的编排上采用图文并茂的方式,帮助学生理解记忆。另外,本书对物流活动的描述尽量做到言简意赅,要让学生学得懂,从而做到学以致用。  全书由8个单元组成,基本涵盖了物流活动的主要环节。每单元包含一个物流过程,各单元相对独立。每个单元的编排次序为:学习目标→课文(包括生词和注释)对话→语法→阅读和理解→物流小词典;练习题虽然编排了序号,但是分别放入了各相关模块。下面将各模块分别加以介绍:  1.AIMS(学习目标):介绍每单元要学习的物流活动的主要内容,使学习者有总体的了解。  2.Texts(课文):每单元课文分A、B两篇。课文内容围绕本单元的主题编排,并配有必要的词汇表、课文注释和相关的插图。  3.Dialogue(对话):与物流及日常商务活动相关题材的口语练习,培养学生的英文口语表达能力。  4.Grammar(语法):介绍基本语法知识。在不增加繁琐语法内容的情况下,使学生对基本的语法知识加以学习和巩固。  5.Reading and comprehension(阅读和理解):阅读材料与每单元内容相关,是课文的延续,难度适量增加,以增加学生专业英语的阅读量。  6.Logistics glossary(物流小词典):每个单元编排了一个与物流相关的小知识,目的是提高学生学习专业英语的兴趣。


  1. Internal promotion mechanism  Internal promotion mechanism is an important part of cultural treasures in our company,with all senior managers are from newcomers, starting from the most basic task to grow upstep by step. Therefore, from the recruitment of fresh graduates talents to Dellker is veryimportant. Upgrade depends on the performance of their staff and contribution to the company.In Dellker, whether to raise or salary increase, with all the rewards of your personal capacityand performance are inseparable.  2. Personal responsibility  Your personal growth and progress in the company is important because companiesdepend on the development of every staff success. Each staff is provided a positive andsupportive work and learning environment imbued with. We firmly believe that early everynew responsibilities will be faster growth. From the first day to join Dellker, you have to  Iassume real responsibilities.  Each staff is very young, the average age is about 26 years old to 27 years old. Theseyoung people are the backbone of the companys many departments and the main business.Every staff development space are great.






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