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  儒勒·凡尔纳(Jules Verne,1828-1905),法国著名作家,现代科幻小说的奠基人,被誉为“科幻小说之父”。一生共创作了六十多部充满神奇与浪漫的科幻小说,其代表作有《气球上的五星期》、《地心游记》、《从地球到月球》、《海底两万里》、《八十天周游世界》、《格兰特船长的儿女》和《神秘岛》等,这些小说被译成世界上几十种文字,并多次被搬上银幕,在世界上广为流传。  儒勒·凡尔纳于1828年2月8日出生在法国西部海港南特。自幼热爱海洋,向往远航探险。他的父亲是一位事业成功的律师,并希望凡尔纳日后也以律师作为职业。18岁时,他遵从父训到首都巴黎攻读法律。可是他对法律毫无兴趣,却爱上了文学和戏剧。1863年,他发表第一部科幻小说《气球上的五星期》,之后又出版了使他获得巨大声誉的科幻三部曲:《格兰特船长的儿女》、《海底两万里》和《神秘岛》。凡尔纳的科幻小说是真实性与大胆幻想的结合:奇幻的故事情节、鲜明的人物形象、丰富而奇妙的想象、浓郁的浪漫主义风格和生活情趣,使之产生了巨大的艺术魅力,赢得了全世界各国读者,特别是青少年读者的喜爱。他的作品中所表现的自然科学方面的许多预言和假设,在他去世之后得以印证和实现,至今仍然启发着人们的想象力和创造力。  总的说来,凡尔纳的小说有两大特点。第一,他的作品是丰富幻想和科学知识的结合。虽然凡尔纳笔下的幻想极为奇特、大胆,但其中有着坚实的科学基础,这些作品既是科学精神的幻想曲,也是富有幻想色彩的科学预言,他的许多科幻猜想最后都变成了现实。


  儒勒·凡尔纳,(Jules Verne,1828-1905),法国著名作家,现代科幻小说的奠基人,被誉为“科幻小说之父”。一生共创作了六十多部充满神奇与浪漫的科幻小说,其代表作有《气球上的五星期》、《地心游记》、《从地球到月球》、《海底两万里》、《八十天周游世界》、《格兰特船长的儿女》和《神秘岛》等,这些小说被译成世界上几十种文字,并多次被搬上银幕,在世界上广为流传。


  Kennedys Dreams. -Articles and Pronouns in the Plural. -Dicks Insinuations. -A Promenade over the Map of Africa. -What is contained between two Points of the Compass. Expeditions now on foot. -Speke and Grant. -Krapf, De Decken, and De Heuglin.  Dr. Ferguson energetically pushed the preparations for his departure, andin person superintended the construction of his balloon, with certain modifications; in regard to which he observed the most absolute silence. For along time past he had been applying himself to the study of the Arab language and the various Mandingoe idioms, and, thanks to his talents as a polyglot, hehad made rapid progress.  In the mean while his friend, the sportsman, never let him out of his sight-afraid, no doubt, that the doctor might take his departure, without sayinga word to anybody. On this subject, he regaled him with the most persuasive arguments, which, however, did NOT persuade Samuel Ferguson, and wasted his breath in pathetic entreaties, by which the latter seemed to be but slightlymoved. In fine, Dick felt that the doctor was slipping through his fingers.  The poor Scot was really to be pitied. He could not look upon the azure vault without a sombre terror: when asleep, he felt oscillations that made hishead reel; and every night he had visions of being swung aloft at immeasurable heights.  We must add that, during these fearful nightmares, he once or twice fell out of bed. His first care then was to show Ferguson a severe contusion that hehad received on the cranium.  "And yet," he would add, with warmth, "that was at the height of only three feet-not an inch more-and such a bump as this! Only think, then!"  This insinuation, full of sad meaning as it was, did not seen Io touch the doctors heart.  "Well not fall," was his invariable reply.  "But, still, suppose that we WERE to fall!"  "We will NOT fall!"  This was decisive, and Kennedy had nothing more to say.  What particularly exasperated Dick was, that the doctor seemed completely to lose sight of his personality-of his-Kennedys-and to look upon him as irrevocably destined to become his aerial companion. Not even the shadow of a doubt was ever suggested; and Samuel made an intolerable misuse of the first person plural.  "We are getting along; we shall be ready on the-; weshall start onthe-," etc., etc.  And then there was the singular possessive adjective: "Our balloon; our car; our expedition."  "Ourpreparations; our discoveries; our ascensions."  Dick shuddered at them, although he was determined not to go; but he did not want to annoy his friend. Let us also disclose the fact that, without knowingexactly why himself, he had sent to Edinburgh for a certain selection of heavy clothing, and his best hunting-gear and fire-arms.  One day, after having admitted that, with an overwhelming run of good-luck, there MIGHT be one chance of success in a thousand, he pretended to yield entirely to the doctors wishes; but, in order to still put offthe journey,he opened the most varied series of subterfuges. He threw himself back upon questioning the utility of the expedition-its opportuneness, etc.  This discovery of the sources of the Nile, was it likely to be of any use?-Would one have really labored for the welfare of humanity? -When, after all, the African tribes should have been civilized, would they be any happier? -Were folks certain that civilization had not its chosen abode there rather thanin Europe? -Perhaps! -And then, couldnt one wait a little longer? -The trip across Africa would certainly be accomplished some day, and in a less hazardous manner. -In another month, or in six months before the year was over, some explorer would undoubtedly come in-etc., etc.  These hints produced an effect exactly opposite to what was desired or intended, and the doctor trembled with impatience.  "Are you willing, then, wretched Dirk-are you willing, false friend-that this glory should belong to another? Must I then be untrue to my past history; recoil before obstacles that are not serious; requite with cowardly hesitationwhat both the English Government and the Royal Society of London have done for me?"  ……






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