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1.able capable2.according as according to3.across closs4.act as act like5.admit admit of6.advance advancement7.after behind8.alive 1iving9.alone 10ne10.also too11.anmunt number12.another the other13.ante- anti14.anyway any way15.0s well as os well16.asleep sleeping17.at ease with ease18.at heart bv heart19.at last at leng20.at(the)least not(in)the least21.at the end of by the end of22.await wait23.award reward24.be ashamed for be ashamed of25.be going to will26.be off to be off27.believe believe in28.borrow 1end29.breath breathe30.bring take carry fetch31.by all mmB by no means32.bY nanle in name33.by Oneself for oneself inon——if of oneself34.by turns in turn35.China china36.clean clear37.clean cleanse38.climate weather39.close near40.clothes clothing41.college institute university42.concerned concerning43.consist in consist of44.credible creditable45.dancing-teacher dancing teacher46.dare(普通动词) dare(情态动词)47.dead deadly48.decease disease49.decided decisive50.despite in spite of51.diary dairy daily52.disability inability53.disarmed unarmed54.discover invent55.discreet discrete56.distinct distinctive57.due to owing to58.during for59.each every:60.eatable edible61.eligible illegible62.emerge immerge63.empty vacant hollow64.English the English65.enmity amity66. entrance en trflflrlee67.exceptionable exceptional68.exhausting exhaustive69.far by far70.female feminine71.first firstly72.fifty dollars in notes a fifty-dollar note73.go to bed go to sleep74.hand in hand hand to hand75.hardly scarcely76.have there is77.have an eye on have an eye to have an eye for78.have been in have been tO have gone to79.He has 8 son who is an engineer He has 8 sonwho is an engirleer80.He has been ill for ten days He Was ill for ten days81.hire rent82.hope expect83.however no matter how84.human humane85.I don’t like going there Idon’t like to go there86.in favour of in favour with87.infectious contagious88.in possession of in the possession of89.in the south on thesouth to the south90.into in to91.instructive instructional92.invaluable valuelees93.join join in join to94.last latest95.later later96.laugh laughter97.lend loan98.less lesser99.listen to listen for100.1ittle small101.10aded laden102.luxuriant luxurious luxurious103.moa tary momentous104.My friend stands by me My friend stands beside me105.need(普通动词) need(情态动词)106.neither either107.new newly108.no not109.not a11 not any not both not either110.notable noted111.nothi Is but anya but112.of age of an age of the age113.older elder114.on the whole as a whole115.one after another one after the other116.onethe other the onethe other……


  在撰写本书期间。笔者常会想起一件关于“twins”的趣事,故将本书的英文副题定为“A Study 0f English Twins”。何谓“Twins"?根据一般词典解说,其基本词义有二。一为“twopeople who have the 8anle mother and were bom on the 8alne day”;二为“two identical 0r similar things’,即:“双胞胎”和“两样非常相似‘的事物”。为此,本书之中文副题译名是(相似词语辨析)。  下面先叙述“双胞胎”引起的趣事,然后再言归正传,详述英语相似词语的研究。  笔者在大学年代,有一位同窗好友。该君博学多才,胆识过人,平日待人接物总是满脸笑容。某日,他一反常态,愁眉苦脸地躲在角落里长吁短叹。在笔者一再追问下,他才吞吞吐吐地道出了下列一段令人捧腹大笑的罗曼史——不久之前,他结识了一位如花似玉的阔小姐,两人一拍即合,颇有相见恨晚之感,热烈之情与日俱增。一天晚上,他应女友之约,登门拜见未来的岳母。他老兄在客厅坐下不久,只见其心上人身穿一条粉红色的贴身裙子,笑容可掬地从楼梯上飘然而下,此君四顾无人,按捺不住心头爱火,迎上前去,搂住就吻。刹那间,女子花容变色,左右开弓,给了他两下响亮的耳光,打得他晕头转向,丈二金刚摸不着头脑。靓女转身,向楼上奔去,少顷,只见那位prospectivemother。law,睁着杏眼,气冲冲地狂奔而下,指着他的鼻尖厉声喝道:“色狼!色狼!还好我没有将小女嫁给你!”




  在英语句子里,使用不同的介词往往会使该句产生截然不同的意义,题例两句就是如此。“This building is in repair.”的意思是“这幢大楼已修理好了”,in repair等于in good repair之意。“Thislmilding is under repair。”的意思是“这幢大楼正在修理中”。它相当于“This building is undergoing repairw.”。其意为该楼在修理,但还没有修理好。In good repair相当于in repair,其对义语为in badrepair in(a state of)disrepair/fallen into disrepair。out ofrepair是“已损坏”;past repair/beyond repair是“坏得不能修理”;need putting into repair和stand in need of repair都是“需要修理”。repair是名词或动词。






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