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《高级英语2同步测试(第三版)》,本书简介: 《高级英语2(第三版)同步测试》是根据《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》(2000年5月版)和《高校英语专业八级考试大纲》的标准和要求编写的,与我国高校英语专业高年级精读课程的主干教材《高级英语》(第三版)配套使用,目的是为了帮助广大师生更为合理有效地使用这套经典教材,将语言文化知识的拓展与语言运用有机结合起来,帮助学生加深对原课文的理解,强化对内容要点的掌握,巩固重要语言点的使用,兼顾英语专业八级考前准备,实现教学与测试的相互促进,达到事半功倍的效果。


Test 1 Pub Talk and the King's English
Test 2 Marrakech
Test 3 Inaugural Address
Test 4 Love Is a Fallacy
Test 5 The Sad Young Men
Test 6 Loving and Hating New York
Test 7 The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas (Excerpts)
Test 8 The Future of the English
Test 9 The Loons
Test 10 The Discovery of What It Means to Be an American
Test 11 Four Laws of Ecology (Part Ⅰ )
Test 12 Four Laws of Ecology (Part Ⅱ)
Test 13 The Mansion: A Subprime Parable (Excerpts)
Test 14 Faustian Economics
Test 15 Disappearing Through the Skylight


  4. Fortunately, some simple steps can be taken immediately to make America's waste less hazardous, as the Blue Ribbon Commission notes. Spent fuel can be moved after a period of cooling from pools to dry storage in casks that are disaster-and sabotage-resistant and durable enough to store waste safely for many decades. The commission suggests that some of these casks be consolidated in regional, well-guarded interim storage facilities away from disaster-prone zones until geological repositories open up. Meanwhile, the commission also recommends that the U.S. government start a consensus-based process of finding new sites for such underground disposal facilities, though the commission stops short of suggesting just where they should be. Transparency is key: Sweden and Finland recently succeeded in this task in large part because they made the (honest) case that nuclear waste that remains above ground poses a much greater threat than buried waste, even to nearby communities.  5. Most of the attention on the commission's work has rightly focused on its efforts to create a process that will lead to the opening of a new Yucca Mountain-like facility But there's another, often overlooked aspect of its analysis that is equally critical: how U.S. policy toward nuclear waste can affect the spread of nuclear weapons around the globe.  6. Nonproliferation campaigners have long warned about a method of handling nuclear waste called reprocessing, in which waste from reactors is chemically treated to isolate and remove fissionable plutonium, which can then be turned into a new fuel, called mixed oxide. That fuel can then be reused in reactors. In theory, reprocessing is designed to reduce the amount of waste at large and increase the efficiency of uranium-reactor fuel; in practice, it is prohibitively expensive, requiring subsidies to make viable, and does not obviate the need for the disposal of the massive quantities of radioactive waste that remain. More importantly, plutonium separated from nuclear waste during reprocessing can also be used to create nuclear bombs. Less than 20 Ib. (9 kg) of the stuff could turn downtown Manhattan into a broiling wasteland of irradiated rubble.  7. The Blue Ribbon Commission doesn't reach a conclusion on whether the U.S. should pursue reprocessing, arguing that consensus on the issue would be "premature." That is a mistake. Reprocessing is a manifestly dangerous technology. In the 1970s, the U.S. renounced commercial reprocessing at home and the spread of the technology abroad because of concerns that it would lead to weapons proliferation. It should not reverse this policy. The spread of reprocessing to countries in unstable or nuclear-armed regions gives them the infrastructure and expertise needed to quickly develop a bomb should they choose to do so. (And don't think safeguards imposed by the International Atomic Energy Agency can stop them. Commercial-scale reprocessing facilities handle so much plutonium that it is almost impossible for inspectors to keep track of it all.) The U.S. must send a message: if the country with the world's largest number of nuclear reactors renounces reprocessing, it delivers a clear signal to countries newly interested in nuclear power that the process is not necessary for the future of the nuclear industry.  ……





精彩短评 (总计11条)

  •     文章很经典,比较难,需要了解背景。
  •     急需,好书
  •     考试必备!!!!
  •     配合高英用的,感觉内容很好,只是没有汉语解释。
  •     高级英语学习入门书,是深入之道!
  •     下学期才用,提前买的,内容很实用的
  •     个人觉得,只要用好了,对于专八还是有好处的
  •     内容很丰富,对专八考试有很大帮助!
  •     很有用。要是能再便宜点就好了
  •     考试必备!!!
  •     价格太高啦,其他还可以。

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