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丛书序前言News Item One:Iraq,Iraq and Iraq  争论不休的伊拉克问题News Item Two:Show me the money  快快给钱News Item Three:Is it really secure in Iraq?  伊拉克真的安全吗?News Item Four:Please take me home  回家News Item Five:May it is not the time  伊拉克难民难回家News Item Six:We’ve had enough of the War  美国反战呼声高涨News Item Seven:I love New York even more  “9·11”六年后纽约人的心态News Item Eight:Today is the day to cherish  铭记与珍爱News Item Nine:What’s waiting for Bin Laden  神秘本·拉登News Item Ten:Britain strengthens laws against terrorism  英国强势反恐News Item Eleven:United we stand  欧洲联合反恐正在行动中News Item Twelve:Be careful 7 Here comes Internet  Terrorist  互联网成为恐怖分子新武器News Item Thirteen:Where is the“Peace Road Map”?  中东和平路在何方?News Item Fourteen:Jerusalem:pain foFever  耶路撒冷--心中永远的痛News Item Fifteen:It all began with Black Friday  黑色星期五News Item Sixteen:Turning sour  美国经济走向恶化News Item Seventeen:lndian car manufacture  印度汽车制造业崛起News Item Eighteen:No green all roulgh  在阿富汗打高尔夫News Item Nineteen:Foreign fighters in Afghanistan  阿富汗的海外军团News Item Twenty:Hide and seek(Ⅰ)  美伊大玩捉迷藏(一)News Item Twenty-One:Hide and seek(Ⅱ)  美伊大玩捉迷藏(二)News Item Twenty-Two:Standing is the Solution  站立减肥法News Item Twenty-Three:Boy,don’t get fat  儿童肥胖危害多News Item Twenty-Four:Exercise can do wonders  奇迹是怎样炼成的News Item Twenty-Five:Diabetes:A global epidemic  糖尿病全球蔓延News Item Twenty-Six:AI DS,go away  艾滋病,请远离我们!News Item Twenty-Seven:Smoke lives away  化成烟雾的生命News Item Twenty-Eight:Lower salt,tobacco use,more healthier  少盐戒烟保健康News Item Twenty--Nine:Risky CT scan  CT有风险News Item Thirty:Got the message!  毒品危害谁不知News Item Thirty-One:Government VS-scientists  科学家请发言News Item Thirty-Two:Bali conference  巴厘岛全球气候变化大峰会News Item Thirty-Three:A threat to world’s poorest  气候变暖穷人最遭殃News Item Thirty-Four:Warmest decade  最暖十年News Item Thirty-Five:After the cyclone  飓风过后News Item Thirty-Six:If we can learn beforehand  灾害教育离我们多远?News Item Thirty-Seven:Lesson has been learned  当灾难再次降临美国News Item Thirty-Eight:Wild fire or arson?  人为纵火引起加州大火?News Item Thirty-Nine:Modern version of praying for rain  面向苍天求甘露News Item Forty:Shooting at campus  校园枪声又起News Item Forty-One:America is in shock  最可怕的一天News Item Forty-Two:For the children  为了孩子News Item Forty-Three:Amazon in danger  亚马逊之忧News Item Forty-Four:Beyond solar system  探索太阳系之外News Item Forty-Five:Mission impossible  太空修理工News Item Forty-Six:Polarice clouds  极地冰云News Item Forty-Seven:Dark matter mystery  暗物质之谜News Item Forty-Eight:It’s the last frontier  终极石油News Item Forty-Nine:Garbage into clean energy  变废为宝News Item Fifty:Solar valley  太阳谷News Item Fifty-One:Thriving organic farm  有机农场总动员News Item Fifty-Two:Google and Yahoo  谷歌、雅虎价值观News Item Fifty-Three:Newest version of Windows  微软视窗新系统VistaNews Item Fifty-Four:From iPod to iPhoRe  iPhone:苹果公司新战将News Item Fifty-Five:Controversy over stem cell research  干细胞研究步履艰难News Item Fifty-Six:Listen to the whale’s song  鲸鱼在唱歌News Item Fifty-Seven:Cannot wait to speak  宝宝学说话News Item Fifty-Eight:Chihuahua and Great Dane  大狗和小狗News Item Fifty-Nine:Ancient honey bee sail alone  解密蜜蜂基因组News Item Sixty:Vision for Mars  火星探索


  英语学习是通过整合、加工和处理语言信息的过程来实现的。阅读和听力是人们接受语言信息的重要途径,而良好的听力水平是人们语言交际的重要前提。在实际生活中,由于语言学习者往往无法控制所听语言材料的语速、语言清晰度以及说话人的言语表达特点,因此,对于一些语言学习者来说,要做到在有限的时间内准确地理解并掌握说话人的意思是一项具有相当难度的学习任务。听的能力不仅与听的技巧及其熟练程度直接相关,而且与听者的说、读、写的语言能力、文化知识以及思维能力等都有密切的关系。提高听力的过程是-个不断掌握技巧、丰富社会文化背景知识,同时锻炼分析归纳能力、推理判断能力的综合性训练和实践过程。在各种各样的听力素材中,英语新闻因为其内容广泛、难度层次明晰、发音标准等特点,而受到广大英语学习者和爱好者的喜爱,收听英语新闻是提高听力能力的-个重要手段。  练好英语听力,其实并无捷径可走,只有经常听、反复听。《新闻英语听力大突破》正是为迎合广大英语学习者和爱好者的这种需要而特别奉献,其核心就是突破、突破、再突破。本套丛书所有听力内容素材均来自于国外著名电台、电视台的每日新闻播报和英语学习栏目,新闻内容涉及政治、经济、娱乐、体育、科技等方面,篇幅长短适中,鲜活生动、丰富有趣。丛书的语音文件均来自著名电台或电视广播的原汁原味的新闻报道,让您在锻炼听力的同时,还可以领略世界的精彩,了解国际上发生的重大事件,紧跟时代脉搏。


  House Committee on Homeland Security about how the Intemet has becomethe weapon of choice for terrorists and other radicals. Their testimony comesin the wake of the passage in the House of the Violent Radicalization andHomegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007. The centerpiece of thatlegislation is the creation of a National Commission to study violentradicalization and to determine the best way to combat it.  Bruce Hoffman, a professor at Georgetown University says the nearlimitless communications options the Intemet provides such groups is essentialto their survival. "Without an effective communications strategy, a terroristmovement would be unable to assure a continued flow of new recruits into itsranks, motivate and inspire existing members as well as expand the pool ofactive supporters and passive sympathizers from which terrorism also drawsits sustenance," he said.  Rita Katz of the private SITE Institute, which tracks terrorist websites,says the Internet enables terror groups such as al-Qaida to exist despite themoney the United States and other nations spend to fight them on the ground."Though guns, IEDs (improvised explosive devices) and other weapons arenecessary for terrorists to remain dangerous, the Interuet is what enables themto coordinate, share information, recruit new members and propagate theirideology. If we do not treat the Internet as a crucial battleground in the war onterror we will not be able to defeat the jihadist threat. The virtual jihadi networkhas replaced al-Qaida training camps," she said.  The Internet is a tool not just for Islamic radicals, but for all types ofextremists.  Parry Aftab, an attorney who specializes in Internet issues that affectchildren, says these groups are using the Web to recruit bored, middle-classyoung people with access to technology. "Kids who would have never beenexposed to this otherwise -- who are not Muslims, who are not normallyinterested in radical groups, who see it as a way to become included, a way tobecome famous, a way to become in (popular) , a way to find a place tobelong," she said.






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