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序AcknowledgementsAbstract内容提要Chapter I  Introduction 1.1  Objectives of the Study 1.2  Rationale for the Study 1.3  Methodology and Data for the Study  1.3.1  Methodology  1.3.2  Data collection  1.3.3  Data description  1.3.4  Limitations in data collection 1.4  Outline of the BookChapter 2  Review of Discourse Analysis 2.1  Discourse Analysis  2.1.1  Early attempts  2.1.2  Sociological approach  2.1.3  Sociolinguistic approach 2.2  Critical Discourse Analysis  2.2.1  Discourse as power/knowledge  2.2.2  Discourse as social practice  2.2.3  Discourse as (re) production of dominance  2.2.4  Critique 2.3  Classroom Discourse Analysis  2.3.1  Hierarchical rank model  2.3.2  Instructional phase  2.3.3  Language classroom research  2.3.4  Critical analysis of classroom discourse  2.3.5  Classroom question and answer research SummaryChapter 3  Pragmatic Theories for the Study 3.1  Context  3.1.1  What is context?  3.1.2  The context-bound study  3.1.3  The context-bound discourse 3.2  Speech Act Theory  3.2.1  Speech acts  3.2.2  Illocutionary acts  3.2.3  Questions and answers as illocutionary acts  3.2.4  Questions as indirect directives  3.2.5  Questions and answers as indirect speech acts 3.3  Interpersonal Rhetoric  3.3.1  Cooperative principle (CP)  3.3.2  Politeness principle (PP)  3.3.3  Questions as face-threatening acts?  3.3.4  Answers and silence as face-losing acts? SumaryChapter 4  Questions in the EFL Classroom 4.1  Forms of Questions  4.1.1  General questions  4.1.2  Special questions  4.1.3  Alternative questionsChapter 5  Answers in the EFL ClassroomChapter 6  Question-Answer Structures ing the EFL ClassroomChapter 7  ConcclusionBibliographyAppecdices


  30多年前年两位英国语言学家sinclair和COUl廿lard对课堂上的言语活动进行了分析,后来他们把自己的研究结果写成了一部著作并于1975年由牛津大学出版社出版,那是话语分析这个研究领域中早期一部颇有影响的作品——Towards an Analysis of Discourse。两位作者以收集到的课堂言语活动语料为基础,对课堂话语的构成作出了描述,并提出了一个多层的构成模式。不过他们当年对课堂话语所做的研究大体上是描述性的,是静态的。此后随着语用学这一新生领域的产生和壮大,语言研究进入了一个言必称语用的时代。自然,话语分析家也开始把语用融入自己的研究中去了。  哈尔滨工业大学傅利教授撰写的《英语作为外语的课堂问答话语语用研究》这部专著便是这个研究领域的成果之一。它的标题明白无误地告诉我们它研究的对象是什么,它研究的视角是什么。和30多年前两位英国学者的研究相比较,傅利教授的研究和他们的研究有相同之处,它们两者都以课堂话语为对象,两个研究都是描述性的;但是它们之间又有很大的不同,那就是前者是静态的,后者是动态的。后者的动态性是由它的研究视角决定的,因为它是对课堂问答话语所做的语用研究,而这一研究视角在30多年前恐怕还没有完全进入两位英国学者的视野。用语用这个视角去观察一个看似熟知的现象,我们可以看到许多我们原先所看不到的东西。这正是这部专著的意义和价值所在。作者通过实录课堂教学情景,对课堂里师生之间问答这一特定的话语活动做了描述,但作者并没有就此止步,她接着应用语用学的一系列理论对这个话语活动进行了动态的分析。除了对教师的问题和学生的回答的表面形式、类型和构成作了描述之外,她还对问题的功能、回答的内涵等语用侧面作了分析。


  1.3.4 Limitations in data collection There are some limitations in the data collection.Firstly:the present study was based on the tape-recording of two kinds of classes:with no interview and questionnaire being conducted.Secondly,the data were collected through tape-recording of the class,ignoring bodylanguage,such as facial expressions:gestures:etc.,of the subjects.Thirdly:a small amount of the recording was unintelligible and had tobe left alone.These limitations might to some extent affect the data forthe present classroom discourse analysis.  1.4 Outline of the Book This book is composed of seven chapters.Chapter One provides ageneral introduction to the current research:in which the objectives:the rationale:the methodology and data for the research are stated.Chapter Two presents a brief review of the literature regardingprevious studies of discourse analysis.This chapter introduces theachievements made in discourse analysis:critical discourse analysisand classroom discourse analysis.Chapter Three lays the pragmaticbasis for the research.The contributions of some key theories ofpragmatics:such as speech act theory:indirect speech act theory:presupposition:cooperative principle and politeness principle,areinvestigated and their application in classroom question-answerdiscourse is discussed with the collected data.Chapter Four dealswith the questions in the classroom,introducing the forms ofquestions:relating the features of teacher’S question and discussing itsfunctions:particularly its functions in teaching and learning.ChapterFive addresses the types of answers in relation to the questions.Chapter Six is devoted to the interplay of the question-answerdiscourse on the teacher-student interaction in the EFL classroom.After the demonstration of question-answer structures





精彩短评 (总计4条)

  •     英语课堂教学需要很多语言交流活动,即课堂言语互动。课堂教学的言语互动主要体现在师生言语互动上,而这种言语互动又往往通过问与答的形式来完成。本书在运用话语分析的相关理论对课堂问答话语进行静态研究的同时,重点运用语用学的主要理论,诸如言语行为、语用前提、合作原则、礼貌原则等,对英语作为外语的课堂问答话语进行了动态研究。
  •     一本学术书用于参考不错不错
  •     很好。适合小孩阅读。
  •     还好,全英文,不过确实是专著。值得尊敬。

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