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《绿野仙踪(中文导读)(英文版)》主要内容:Wizard of OZ,中文译名为《绿野仙踪》或《奥兹国的魔法师》,是20世纪世界上最伟大的童话巨著之一,它由美国儿童文学之父莱曼•弗兰克•鲍姆编著。


第一章 龙卷风Chapter 1 The Cyclone第二章 会见芒奇金人Chapter 2 The Council with the Munchkins第三章 多萝茜救出稻草人Chapter 3 How Dorothy Saved the Scarecrow第四章 穿过森林Chapter 4 The Road Through the Forest第五章 营救铁皮人Chapter 5 The Rescue of the Tin Woodman第六章 胆怯的狮子Chapter 6 The Cowardly Lion第七章 通往伟大奥兹国的旅程Chapter 7 The Journey to the Great Oz第八章 致命的罂粟园Chapter 8 The Deadly Poppy Field第九章 田鼠女王Chapter 9 The Queen of the Field Mice第十章 城门守卫Chapter 10 The Guardian of the Gate第十一章 奇妙的奥兹城Chapter 11 The Wonderful City of Oz第十二章 寻找恶女巫Chapter 12 The Search for the Wicked Witch第十三章 营救Chapter 13 The Rescue第十四章 飞猴Chapter 14 The Winged Monkey第十五章 真可怕,奥兹的秘密被发现了Chapter 15 The Discovery of Oz, the Terrible第十六章 大骗子的魔术Chapter 16 The Magic Art of the Great Humbug第十七章 气球是如何起飞的Chapter 17 How the Balloon Was Launched第十八章 去南方Chapter 18 Away to the South第十九章 被战斗树攻击Chapter 19 Attacked by the Fighting Trees第二十章 秀丽的陶器城Chapter 20 The Dainty China Country第二十一章 狮子被尊为百兽之王Chapter 21 Bowed Down to Lion as the King第二十二章 桂特林王国Chapter 22 The Country of the Quadlings第二十三章 善良女巫格林达满足了多萝茜的愿望Chapter 23 Glinda the Good Witch Grants Dorothy's Wish第二十四章 又回到家了Chapter 24 Home Again




  莱曼·弗兰克·鲍姆(Lyman Frank Baum,1856—1919),美国儿童文学之父,自称“奥兹国皇家历史学家”。1856年5月15日,生于纽约州。鲍姆的父亲是个桶匠,后因开采石油发了大财。他的童年是在田园诗般的山庄中度过的。由于他患有先天性心脏病,因而受到家人的特别关照,任由他发展自己的兴趣爱好。鲍姆从小就喜欢写作,并且在年少时就展露了写作才华。成年后的鲍姆做过编辑、记者、演员、农场主和剧院老板等,但其最大的成就还是在儿童文学创作领域。  1897年他编著出版了《鹅妈妈的故事》,该书一经出版便获得成功,并一度成为当时的最畅销图书。1900年,鲍姆出版了被认为是美国历史上的第一部童话巨著《绿野仙踪》(即《奥兹国的魔法师》),该书出版后好评如潮。这部作品在美国少年儿童中引起了轰动,其后被改编为舞台剧,在芝加哥上映。20世纪30年代末,该作品被拍成电影,轰动一时。该片在我国上映时,片名译作《绿野仙踪》,该名因此一直沿用至今。在读者的一再要求下,鲍姆又以《绿野仙踪》为基础,以他虚拟的“奥兹国”为背景,为该书写了13部续集,并同样受到青少年读者的普遍喜爱。鲍姆将自己的童话书写成为与格林、安徒生完全不同的“新童话”,力求为孩子们感到开心而写。在他的童话书中,延续了古老童话书的惊奇与欢乐,却告别了悲伤与罪恶。为此,他甚至写道:“世世代代流传的古老童话,在今天的儿童图书馆里,也许只能被归为‘历史类’,因为时代已经产生了一系列新的‘传奇故事’。其中,老一套的妖怪、侏儒和仙女消失了,连同所有恐怖的、让人血液凝固的故事,以及作者的道德说教都一起消失了。现代教育中包含着道德,因而,现代孩子从那些传奇故事中寻找的只是娱乐,讨厌看到令人心烦的事情。”  在鲍姆众多的童话小说中,《绿野仙踪》是最为著名、艺术成就最高的著作,是世界儿童文学的瑰宝,受到了全世界各国人民的喜爱。在中国,《绿野仙踪》同样是最受广大青少年读者欢迎的经典童话作品之一。作为世界童话文学宝库中的传世经典之作,它影响了一代又一代人的美丽童年、少年直至成年。目前,在国内数量众多的《绿野仙踪》书籍中,主要的出版形式有两种,一种是中文翻译版,另一种中英文对照版。而其中的中英文对照读本比较受读者的欢迎,这主要是得益于中国人热衷于学习英文的大环境。而从英文学习的角度上来看,直接使用纯英文的学习资料更有利于英语学习。考虑到对英文内容背景的了解有助于英文阅读,使用中文导读应该是一种比较好的方式,也可以说是该类型书的第三种版本形式。采用中文导读而非中英文对照的方式进行编排,这样有利于国内读者摆脱对英文阅读依赖中文注释的习惯。基于以上原因,我们决定编译《绿野仙踪》,并采用中文导读英文版的形式出版。在中文导读中,我们尽力使其贴近原作的精髓,也尽可能保留原作简洁、精练、明快的风格。我们希望能够编出为当代中国读者所喜爱的经典读本。读者在阅读英文故事之前,可以先阅读中文导读内容,这样有利于了解故事背景,从而加快阅读速度。我们相信,该经典著作的引进对加强当代中国读者,特别是青少年读者的人文修养是非常有帮助的。  本书主要内容由王勋、纪飞编译。参加本书故事素材搜集整理及编译工作的还有郑佳、赵雪、刘乃亚、熊金玉、李丽秀、熊红华、王婷婷、孟宪行、胡国平、李晓红、贡东兴、陈楠、邵舒丽、冯洁、王业伟、徐鑫、王晓旭、周丽萍、熊建国、徐平国、肖沽、王小红等。限于我们的科学、人文素养和英语水平,书中一定会有一些不当之处,我们衷心希望读者朋友批评指正。




  第一章 龙卷风  Chapter 1 The Cyclone  多萝茜是一个孤儿,她和她的叔叔亨利、婶婶爱姆一起住在堪萨斯大草原上。他们的房子很简陋,为了抵抗可怕的龙卷风,他们在地板上开了个活门,通向挖好的避风用的洞。叔叔是个不苟言笑的人,每天只是埋头干农活。但多萝茜却是个爱笑的女孩,她每天和她深爱着的小黑狗托托一起快乐地玩耍着。  但今天多萝茜没有玩,因为天色灰暗得可怕,天空中还不时传来呼啸声。叔叔婶婶告诉多萝茜这是龙卷风要来了,多萝茜抓起托托跟着婶婶向地洞奔去。她一不小心跌倒在地板上,这时奇怪的事发生了:房子像气球一样升到了空中,稳稳地飘到了好几千里之外。一开始多萝茜还很害怕,但她并没有感到任何不适,几个小时过去了,多萝茜抱着托托在摇篮般的房子中睡着了。  orothy lived in the midst of the great Kansas prairies, with Uncle Henry, who was a farmer, and Aunt Em, who was the farmer‘s wife. Their house was small, for the lumber to build it had to be carried by wagon many miles. There were four walls, a floor and a roof, which made one room; and this room contained a rusty looking cookstove, a cupboard for the dishes, a table, three or four chairs, and the beds. Uncle Henry and Aunt Em had a big bed in one corner, and Dorothy a little bed in another corner. There was no garret at all, and no cellar, except a small hole dug in the ground, called a cyclone cellar, where the family could go in case one of those great whirlwinds arose, mighty enough to crush any building in its path. It was reached by a trap door in the middle of the floor, from which a ladder led down into the small, dark hole.  When Dorothy stood in the doorway and looked around, she could see nothing but the great gray prairie on every side. Not a tree nor a house broke the broad sweep of fiat country that reached to the edge of the sky in all directions. The sun had baked the plowed land into a gray mass, with little cracks running through it. Even the grass was not green, for the sun had burned the tops of the long blades until they were the same gray color to be seen everywhere. Once the house had been painted, but the sun blistered the paint and the rains washed it away, and now the house was as dull and gray as everything else.  When Aunt Em came there to live she was a young, pretty wife. The sun and wind had changed her, too. They had taken the sparkle from her eyes and left them a sober gray; they had taken the red from her cheeks and lips, and they were gray also. She was thin and gaunt, and never smiled now. When Dorothy, who was an orphan, first came to her, Aunt Em had been so startled by the child’s laughter that she would scream and press her hand upon her heart whenever Dorothy‘s merry voice reached her ears; and she still looked at the little girl with wonder that she could find anything to laugh at.  Uncle Henry never laughed. He worked hard from morning till night and did not know what joy was. He was gray also, from his long beard to his rough boots, and he looked stem and solemn, and rarely spoke.  It was Toto that made Dorothy laugh, and saved her from growing as gray as her other surroundings. Toto was not gray; he was a little black dog, with long silky hair and small black eyes that twinkled merrily on either side of his funny, wee nose. Toto played all day long, and Dorothy played with him, and loved him dearly.  Today, however, they were not playing. Uncle Henry sat upon the doorstep and looked anxiously at the sky, which was even grayer than usual. Dorothy stood in the door with Toto in her arms, and looked at the sky too. Aunt Em was washing the dishes.  From the far north they heard a low wail of the wind, and Uncle Henry and Dorothy could see where the long grass bowed in waves before the coming storm. There now came a sharp whistling in the air from the south, and as they turned their eyes that way they saw ripples in the grass coming from that direction also.  Suddenly Uncle Henry stood up.  “There’s a cyclone coming, Em,” he called to his wife. “I‘ll go look after the stock.” Then he ran toward the sheds where the cows and horses were kept.  Aunt Em dropped her work and came to the door. One glance told her of the danger close at hand.  “Quick, Dorothy!” she screamed. “Run for the cellar!”  Toto jumped out of Dorothy’s arms and hid under the bed, and the girl started to get him. Aunt Em, badly frightened, threw open the trap door in the floor and climbed down the ladder into the small, dark hole. Dorothy caught Toto at last and started to follow her aunt. When she was halfway across the room there came a great shriek from the wind, and the house shook so hard that she lost her footing and sat down suddenly upon the floor.  Then a strange thing happened.  The house whirled around two or three times and rose slowly through the air. Dorothy felt as if she were going up in a balloon.  The north and south winds met where the house stood, and made it the exact center of the cyclone. In the middle of a cyclone the air is generally still, but the great pressure of the wind on every side of the house raised it up higher and higher, until it was at the very top of the cyclone; and there it remained and was carried miles and miles away as easily as you could carry a feather.  It was very dark, and the wind howled horribly around her, but Dorothy found she was riding quite easily. After the first few whirls around, and one other time when the house tipped badly, she felt as if she were being rocked gently, like a baby in a cradle.  Toto did not like it. He ran about the room, now here, now there, barking loudly; but Dorothy sat quite still on the floor and waited to see what would happen.  Once Toto got too near the open trap door, and fell in; and at first the little girl thought she had lost him. But soon she saw one of his ears sticking up through the hole, for the strong pressure of the air was keeping him up so that he could not fall. She crept to the hole, caught Toto by the ear, and dragged him into the room again, afterward closing the trap door so that no more accidents could happen.  Hour after hour passed away, and slowly Dorothy got over her fright; but she felt quite lonely, and the wind shrieked so loudly all about her that she nearly became deaf. At first she had wondered if she would be dashed to pieces when the house fell again; but as the hours passed and nothing terrible happened, she stopped worrying and resolved to wait calmly and see what the future would bring. At last she crawled over the swaying floor to her bed, and lay down upon it; and Toto followed and lay down beside her.  In spite of the swaying of the house and the wailing of the wind, Dorothy soon closed her eyes and fell fast asleep.  Wizard of OZ  The Cyclone


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精彩书评 (总计1条)

  •     第一次读英文版的童话书,比起看论文轻松太多。人物有爱,故事明亮,同时不得不佩服作者丰富的想象力,陶瓷城里面各种各样能动的陶瓷生物,传说中的Oz居然是Dorothy的老乡,不知道Dorothy回到家乡之后能不能有机会见到他呢。还有那些cute的小田鼠,会飞的阿拉丁猴子……最后善良的女巫太给力了,幸福感暴增,儿童的世界就是这么美好~

精彩短评 (总计4条)

  •     A good story lead me to the childhood and made me like a child again. It also allowed me standed at a view of psychology to look deep inside and found something useful. It's a great book!
  •     还可以,对英文学习有点帮助
  •     这是一本童话故事,很适合孩子阅读的。她能激发孩子的想象力,也能潜移默化地对还子进行情感和美德教育,让他们从故事中很自然地懂得什么是对的,什么是善的,什么是美的。。。故事对人物的刻画尤其生动、形象。西化童话和英语的“大孩子”和小孩子都不妨读一读。读不懂,就先看汉语导读,等到你的英语进阶之后,再读英文,实乃一举多得。
  •     昨天,不,准确地说是前天,已经收到了,这是当当赠送给我的一本书,因为我买了全套的格林童话。还坐了回“沙发”,呵呵,感觉不错!这书跟格林童话是一个系列,所以从内到外的质量都是一样的,我很满意,还是同样的问题,我还没来得及仔细看看内容,暂不作评论。希望它是一本充满快乐的童话。

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