
作者:[英] 伯特兰·罗素




the fact is, as Frege points out, that no number, not even 1, is applicable to physical things, but only to general terms or descriptions
……in the case of an infinite class, enumeration is impossible,so that description by a general chacacteristic common and peculiar to the members of the class is the only possible description. here, as we see, the theory of number to which Frege was led by purely logical considerations becomes of use in showing how infinite classes can be amenable to number in spite of being incapale of enumeration.


if the theory that classes are merely symbolic is accepted, it follows that numbers are not actual entities, but that propositions in which numbers verbally occur have not really any constituents corresponding to numbers, but only a certain logical form which is not a part of propositions having this form.……in short, (numbers) are not entities, the word expressing them are not names, and cannot significantly be made into logical subjects except when it is the words themselves……


"the number of terms in a given class" is defined as meaning" the class of all classes that are similar to the given class. " (p204)





《我们关于外间世界的知识》的笔记-第154页 - 积极的无限性理论




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